SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Anyone play the Omen of Sorrow demo? Game is pretty fun. It only has two characters (pretty much the Ryu and Ken of the game) but I was playing on maining the Ken girl anyways so it worked out nicely.
Comes out early November but I think imma buy it, at least to support a new fighter. I don’t think anyone at my local is gonna play it so I hope the online is solid.


SCVI has some easily avoided issues that ruin an otherwise really fun experience.

If you’ve been on the fence about buying it, I’ll write up some points from a nonbias viewpoint.

Pros -
Colourful characters, interesting roster overall.
Weapon based combat gives way to some really unique ranges played in neutral. Match-ups feel unique.
Games revolves predominantly around neutral.
Easy to pick up and play.
Easy execution floor, but characters have harder to execute just-frame attacks for optimal damage. Best of both worlds for old men and youngsters.
Lots of single player stuff to do.
Good in-game tutorials.

Cons -
High price point for game & season pass.
Online structure is poor - custom characters allowed in ranked play, no infinite rematches in lobbies.
Netcode is very hit and miss.
Training mode is pretty wack.
Namco are still refusing to allow any form of media with frame data values, or an ingame tools to help figure out frame data.


ur cons suck

game is the price of literally every game ever made its not higher than ususal
customs allowed in ranked is good
netcode actually good
training mode is better than t7’s anyways
only nerds want to know frame data


Namco is secretly wack as fuck. They fucked over the franchise with extremely questionable gameplay decisions, as well as patenting the ability to have moves played out for you by the computer in the moveslist.

It wouldnt be so bad if SC was like the greatest FG ever and everyone played it… but its not and everyone doesnt.

It would be like if capcom patented training mode on alpha 2 and only used it in that series.

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Tekken and SC were 80 quid for game and season pass

Most are 60.

Also LOL at calling the training mode better than Tekken.


SCVIs biggest issue for me is reversal edge completely breaking the match flow, and super animations that feel waaay too long. Game feels fast and fluid outside of those things, which makes it even more noticeable.

Gonna play some more to get a more solid opinion of it though. For all I know the things above might not be dealbreakers.

Also, lethal hits are an ingenious mechanic.

Whenever SF5 gets a facelift, they better spice up those existing CAs. Makes more sense than to introduce brand new ones.

Yes, they are. If you see your opponent holding a RE, just side step it or use a break attack.


I know how to deal with it RE, the issue is the slow-ass cutscene. Not a fan.


Hey Namco.

Groh’s 5A is -6 on block.

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Lol Chun needs it in SFV to even get a throw 95% of the time. With the large pushback and lack of a real tick > grab/frametrap threat, the knockdown is the only legit way I can force the opponent to choose to either block or throw escape and even then it’s only once before resetting.

Give me a real tick grab and then we’ll talk about removing meaty grabs from SFV.


Marvel players would apologize for Rashid.

c.HP is fine.

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I haven’t posted one of these in a while.

The stuff you find on steam while searching for games…


Yeah, Steam is a gold mine.


Yeah I’m out. I like DOA more any way so that’s a game I’d at least deal with the day one BS for. This is pretty much exact same day 1 BS as T7’s. Heard some other people say they have less than perfect netcode dealings as well. Not a deal breaker on its own, but with the other typical Namco stuff I’ll play for 3 days and be done.

Am I missing something about custom characters? They don’t have unique movesets. They are essentially custom skins.

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Idk about anyone else, but for me, ESPECIALLY in a 3d game, I need to be able to see the moves animate and know what they are or might be before they hit me so I can tell how to block.

Custom outfits, outside of just being garish and ugly because lots of people are wack… make it near impossible to play against them sometimes depending on what they are wearing.

There are other reason as well but those are the ones that piss me off.


Plus 90% of people make really ugly and uninspired custom characters. I don’t want to see your Guts Nightmare and I don’t care about your Bowsette Sophitia.


I would like a custom costume for SF as well, but not as crazy as SC 6.

Basically mix and match some costume parts of a certain character with a certain type of hair style as well.

Again, nothing crazy, just allow customization of a character with it’s own costume parts,not others.

Premium costume hairstyle for Juri on her default costume. I want the option to use this.