SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Shoes on Juri

Would you respect that ?

My local died shortly after SFV launched so yes itā€™s SFVā€™s fault


I sense a bit of sarcasm but anyway. Iā€™m ok with a controlled redardiness like Rolento poking you with a plunger. I can even find it funny. When it comes to full customisation some peolple will use it to express themselves, but en mass I see deerdickheads trying to insult you with their looks. Even if i beat them i feel like iā€™ve been punching a bag of shit. Thatā€™s not what i came for launching the game after work.


People couldnā€™t even use the color editor correctly. Color editor was handing out neon colors like Oprah hands out cars.



Crack hype is intensifying so hard that people are reminiscing over past patches.

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I have a feeling Wongā€™s tweet actually means something, might just be wishful thinking.

**Edit- yea itā€™s just wishful thinking on my part.

SoulCalibur is pretty fun.

But I had to turn SFV back on :tired_face:

I have sunglasses on and Iā€™m in a basement with no windows but the sun is in my eyes so I got dashed on and thrown


SC6 looking great so far. Namco certainly does a great job with characters and animations. The weight behind Nightmareā€™s moves. The camera work when you get a lethal hit. The effects on Ivyā€™s sword when it becomes a magical whip.

So i see that 10 wins on casual nonsense, and i think " Hey, i wanna try Laura, her VT nonsense is fun, right ? "

ā€¦ at some point you really start to laugh at it.

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My character creation skills suck. I make the most basic shit.

I actually want to get better at it this time around.

It can be a little daunting at first, but watch some videos online to help you get the gist of all the features quicker.

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Guys how can the game change if the input lag is in fact decreased by a couple of frames? Iā€™m pretty sure it wonā€™t affect me cuz Iā€™m not good.

Character creation is cool in theory but I always hate it in practice

People always make stupid shit that makes me wish for the ability to disable customization entirely, and any of the stuff I want to make either doesnā€™t have the right parts (why the hell is there no samurai plate armor) or thereā€™s stupid clipping issues that just make me not bother after trying it once.

Like I tried to do something like that one outfit Ivy had in Soul Calibur II but it clips with everything and just looks bad

The best boots I could get have feathers that clip through the coat, Ivy constantly clips the sword through the coat and even the boots, the coat clips with itself and Ivyā€™s face constantly clips through the damn collar.

And thereā€™s always parts I want to put together that clip even worse than that.

Just give me more pre-made outfits designed for the characters.

ā€¦yeah Soul Calibur got me talking again what about it




but ur ivy is kewl

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Is that a BIC lighter as his dick?

Always love Kingā€™s tail clipping out of his capes in Tekken.

I forgot about this character customization crap. Definitely will be spending less time with the game if I have to see Speedo duck floaty Cervantes on the regular. DOA6, Sam Sho and the next Crack works for me. Guess Iā€™ll just have to deal with this small Soul Cali stint thing until then or S4. Whichever comes first.


HER dick thank you

and no its a 4 foot long pistol in a holster, that is zebra coloured.