SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I feel like Cpacom putting out an input patch around SC6 launching is sus. I wanna know how it feels!

Been seeing a lot of talk about locals being dried up. Not surprising that the majority of the blame was going to be put on SFV. That was so so surprising :open_mouth: There’s a plethora of reasons why locals aren’t what they once were. I don’t see why a single game should take the blame for this.


For the last 5 years or so my local scene has basically been people only going to the monthly. Weekly stuff basically not gonna get any real turnout. WNF has had a lot of drama specifically before even talking about games.

Trade off is that there’s more majors and pro tours than ever before. Which makes giving games strong online a solid priority as that helps bridge the training gap before majors. Especially for people who may live an hour or more from the local venue


SamSho 2 Ukyo mirrors. :heart::heart: :heart:


Yeeeeah boring poke mirrors. Just poke


Street Fighter V is truly out fucking dated. Get your shit together Capcom.

It’s been a while since i made any progress in ranked. Look’s like the meds i’ve been taking while fixing my back fucked my game up realy hard. Interestingly enough my execution was much better when my reaction time was gone. Now when it’s back, back are the old mistakes. I crossed 7k mark for the first time in a while , so my skillz are seemingy comming back. Sadly getting volleyball skills back is not that easy, i’m still fixing my movement.

My new springs are finally here along with an 8-way gate. We’ll see if they’ll help me. 2lb spring seems fine, makes me fuck up my dashes a bit less. Less accidental jumping is good too. I’m not sure if it makes me drop my reaction DP’s more as i was fucking them up a lot lately. 4lb will probabbly be too much. I’m no former Zangi player. I may try it just for funsies.
I’m gonna install the gate tomorrow and see if it’ll help me to react to overheads. Right now it always feel like i’m seeing it in time but do not really release down or my motion is too slow. Feedback from the switch release is to subtle for me in the heat of a match. I hope the octagon will help me with that.

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4 lbs is the bare minimum to make an optical lever to be useable. 6 lbs is being a bit better on my end.
But I think I will go back to 4 when I replace the lever with a microswitches one.

Octogate helps me a lot. I find it easier on my wrist and helps with my inputs whereas the optical lever fucks them up.


Niggas is old as fuck now. If you decided you put your wang inside a woman and produce hell spawn than that’s a rap. 9/5’s that are more like 7/10’s, kids and real life shit are to blame for this. Unless you’re trying to make a real career outa FG’s what’s the point of huffing it to a metropolitan area to play games at 7:00pm when that’s usually cold beer and rest time after the real life grind. Resting for the next day is plus 50 on block and I don’t have enough frame advantage to go to my locals.

You’re lucky if you can have something as well put together as WFN or NLBC.


Team Nordavind wanted to organize something FG-related at a Norwegian game expo tomorrow, but their players have a clause in their contracts which says that they can’t compete in tournaments of their main game if they’re the ones organizing.

So the tournament tomorrow is Tekken 7.
Apparently the price is paid out from Phenom’s previous winnings.

I’m gonna kill some fools and take their fight money tomorrow.


Edit: Nevermind. Justin retweeted a tweet from 2017. =_=

Datamine revealed the next guest character for S6



Hahahahaha baited

I got excited for a minute, yes. :frowning:
I don’t play crack, but I enjoy watching it.
Fake DBZ based crack doesn’t cut it.


I laughed at that WAY more than I should have.


Even on PS4 Yuriko won’t stop trying to tempt me!

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I appreciate the levels of character customization SC 6 has, but there really should be a bigger limit on some stuff imo.

I can live with lizard dicks online but…


Putting limitations on fighting games. This is why SFV is shit.

When it comes to customization it goes like choosing between multipple supers. Everyone picks the most retarded stuff. Thats why i don’t enjoy playing Tekken. More then half of your matches are aganst deerheads having rubber duck with a pulley in the middle around the waist. In SF the retardiness is at least confined to specific charachters/costumes.

You guys should stop discriminating against players who want to empress themselves by putting metaphorical dicks on their champions. If an Abigail player wants to slap some tits on Abigail then so be it. I will fight him the same way I would fight anyone else. As long as tits, dicks and 3rd nipples do not give characters extra hitboxes I’m ok with it.

We can still be E-sports, they’ll just have to blur out the tit dicks frame by frame. It’s 2018 we got the technology.