SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Hey Alex players would this be too much?



St.,HK - Startup Reduced from 17F to 15F, Disadvantage on hit decreased from -4 to -2
Cr. MP - Startup Reduced from 8F to 6F
Cr. HP - Startup Reduced from 10F to 8F
Cr. MK - Startup Reduced from 9F to 8F, Special Cancellable
Cr. HK - Startup Reduced from 11F to 10F

Alex is a neutral based grappler with slow long range pokes. Speed up the start up to make his pokes more effective. Cr. MK is special cancellable as well. There would be no point to use it over Cr. MP otherwise.

Unique Attacks

F+MP (Overhead)- Advantage on hit increased from +1 to +4

This move has starts up in 22F, it should grant more advantage on hit.


Face Crush Chop (Forward Throw)

  • Damage increased from 120 to 150
  • Stun increased from 120 to 150

To be blunt, itā€™s absurd for a grapplers throw to do such power damage and stun.


LP, MP, HP Power Bomb

  • Startup decreased from 6F to 5F
  • Throw range increased (one square on training stage)

EX Power Bomb

  • Throw Invincible

Alex gains no oki on hit. 6F is too slow. Even with the modest range increase the range is still poor. Especially HP Powerbomb.

LP Head Crush

  • Startup decreased from 36F to 33F
  • Lands closer to opponent on hit (one square on training stage)

MP Head Crush

  • Startup decreased from 40F to 36F
  • Lands closer to opponent on hit (one square on training stage)

HP Head Crush

  • Startup decreased from 44F to 40F
  • Lands closer to opponent on hit (one square on training stage)

EX Head Crush

  • Lands closer to opponent on hit (one square on training stage)

This move is similar to Birdies Bull Revenger (Dolphin Dive). However it requires a charge and was slower. Lowered the startup.

LK Slash Elbow

  • Forward travel distance increased (two squares on training stage)
  • Lower hurtbox decreased (one square on training stage)
  • Disadvantage on Block decreased from -4 to -2

MK, HK Slash Elbow

  • Lower hurtbox decreased (one square on training stage

LK Slash Elbow has basically been restored to Season 1.

LK Air Knee Smash

  • Startup decreased from 6F to 5F
  • Invincible to Airborne Attacks 5F to 13F

MK Air Knee Smash

  • Startup decreased from 9F to 7F
  • Invincible to Airborne Attacks 7F to 17F

HK Air Knee Smash

  • Startup decreased from 11F to 9F
  • Invincible to Airborne Attacks 9F to 19F

EX Air Knee Smash

  • Startup decreased from 6F to 5F
  • Invincible to Airborne Attacks 1F to 13F
  • Lands closer to opponent on hit (two squares on training stage)

An anti air that only hits airborne opponents should be more effective. It starts up faster and is invincible to airborne attacks after startup.


V-Trigger 2

  • Flying DDT hits standing and airborne opponents

  • Choke Sleeper V-Gauge usage decreased from 1000F to 500F

  • Minor buffs to make this V-Trigger a more viable option. Flying DDT now hits airborne opponents and Choke Sleeperā€™s gauge usage has been halved.

Critical Art

Heavy Hammer - Damage increased from 340 to 350

Side note: Iā€™m no expert at this game by any means. When it comes to Alex, Capcom clearly wants him to be a neutral based grappler. Every other grapplerā€™s gains advantange after landing their command grab. Alex does not. Landing a Power Bomb resets Alex neutral. The problem is that Capcom slowed down his best long range pokes and saddled him with poor anti airs. Alex players have to rely on hail mary gimmicks to get in for little reward. I think these changes would address that issue and allow the character to be played the way he was designed to be.

Hopefully Capcom continues shitting on Alex. I donā€™t want to deal with none of that shit.


What you all want to see

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Is he actually aware of how stupid and puerile he sounds? His concerns are so out of touch, distorted, and trivial.


If you are hating on a bottom 5 character, I donā€™t even know what to say. This is the mentality that robbed us of Gief. I want everyone viable. If I get bodied itā€™s on me.

I have the worst winquote against low tier characters. Alex is a 50:50 probably because either the YOLO stuff hits me or not but I lose way too much against FANG, I absolutely hate facing Vega and Iā€™m not even sure if Iā€™ve ever beaten an Ed player.

My already very shaky SFV life will be in ruins if Capcom ever significantly buffs these dudes.

I get wrecked by Sim and F.A.N.G. all the time. I rarely see them and Iā€™m not that good to begin with. I like running into them though. Only way Iā€™m going to get better against them is to play them.


I got bodied so hard by a F.A.N.G. the other day to the point where I started feeling like I was actually poisoned.

Got his ass back some hrs laterā€¦:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Gief can stay trash too. Some characters arenā€™t allowed to be good.

Gief, Fang, Alex and Vega gotta hold that.



Itā€™s funny how Iā€™ll keep telling myself ā€œLast setā€ and hrs later, Iā€™m still uttering the same thing.

Damn game.


I hate Gief more than Akuma despite him being a favorable mu for Juri contrary to the demon, sometimes itā€™s the playstyle rather than the strenght.


I donā€™t dispute that notion. Still doesnā€™t affect my view on things. I want all characters to be viable. Iā€™m tired of all the cries for nerfs. It does no one any good. No matter which character you play, there is a group of the player base that hates them. Iā€™d rather everyone be broken than deal with this nerf mentality.

I agree with the sentiment though Iā€™d rather see charcater like Gief and Alex reworked rather than merely buffed in their current condition

Alpha Gief in SFV. I would be so down for that.
Not a big fan of low range SPDs that lead to SPD loops. I prefer big range ones that deal big damage! And good buttons to go with it.

Ah i see nothing has changed

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Firstly youā€™re saying this as if there are Alex players here. @gabri3l_whoa and @jokeeboi stopped posting here a long time ago (gabriel made one return post a couple months ago). I think @Heat_Sleep had some small stint with him cuz he likes grapplers or whatever, but yeah. Frost might still play him casually once in a blue moon, but compared to Cody or Juri he basically doesnā€™t play him anymore.

@mowr moved to Abigains also. He was my side character in 3S and havenā€™t touched him since.

Past that your list is the typical frame shavings that people have asked for but arenā€™t going to get. Alex is never going to get a cancelable c.MK unless they make it half the size and it stays at 10 frames. Right now LP and EX grab have way too much range and do too much damage for him to also have access to a low that always goes into damage (that wonā€™t get taken away the next season if they even bothered to implement). At least with the way the current game plays. They wonā€™t give Urien a cancelable c.MK (partly because the range is OD) so most everyone else with a long ranged c.MK also doesnā€™t get one.

I think everyone has realized that Alex is just supposed to be a mediocre character. Plus even when he has a shot of being OK they keep adding characters that do what he does better like G. Heā€™s never really moved past mid tier in anything except for TvC and itā€™s rare for his archetype to be good in marvel style vs as it is.


in short yes

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Everyoneā€™s tired about the cries of nerfs only after they finished slaughtering R. Mika, Chun-li, Ryu and Alex :^)