SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I haven’t seen it but I want to shitpost about it while I make tea. Anyway to post the video?

Betting there is some yomi in that equation. Someone should make a top 10 list of things that classify as gdlk in SFV. I’ll add grabbing Urien’s Fuck You Shoulder move.

I know at my peak I’m able to whiff punish Bison’s heavies but I’ve condition myself to just hold that shit because of online+CC.

Wow, they really were cheap on their translators back then.

Those translations were a source of much discord and suffering in canon debate for decades. The translators behind them will never know the extent of the damage they had caused.


Does this work

I think it’s a joke, it’s actually hard to decipher satire and serious posts on twitter lol maybe the laugh face means it’s a joke.

*Highlandfireball - Oldman doesn’t get it

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Lmfao. I’ve played some of the best players in the world. That is quite impossible for any of them.

Idk but I’d hazard a guess that that scissor is punishable on block by ibukis st.lk, OR Xian was timing his st.lk to hit bisons move on startup and cancel it into… something. Can’t remember ibukis CA buttons but if they are kick then I think he flubbed a dp cancel. If they are punches then I think he was trying to walk forward a microstep into st.lk xx ex kunai. But him calling “reaction” on that is like when basketball players shoot the basket and see that they fucked up and call (board) to signify calling a bank shot off the backboard… like they meant to do it. You can always tell these people because they never use the backboard normally.

If Xian could honestly do that on reaction then we would be seeing it way more consistently.

TLDR, yeah, Xian is trolling.


LOL…watching it a second time Xian totally gives it away. When he flubbed the input he goes “oh”… then looks at the screen, sees the move hit, then waaay after its hitting he goes REACTION! While smiling.

Hi fight even uses the teary eyed smiley to denote that Xian is full of it.

I would consider the super on reaction to startup of bisons cr.mp to be myth busted. Just look at Xian expression as it happens. It says it all.

-edit 2.

After watching even more it’s obvious what happened. Xian wanted to walk forward st.lk xx ex kunai on block, but he flubbed the motion and rolled to forward, whiffed the st.lk on accident, then completed the ex kunai motion and because of the fact that he rolled forward, a super came out instead after the st.lk recovered.


I was thinking Bison is negative there but there’s a small gap, so he took a pause and did QCF lk x 2 buffer, missed the lk but the super activated anyway , but what you said is probably right.

Either way it looks like Bison did cr.mp (6 frame startup) and in 6 frame lag… he reacted in about 1 frame lol.

Twitter is weird like that though, sometimes it’s the opposite, I think it’s a joke and dudes are being serious lol.

You can’t whiff punish something just as it gets to its active frames any way. That’s effectively counter attacking with a super. The super just hit late enough that it didn’t cause a counter hit message to appear.

Yeah I took it that he meant he saw Bison do something then reacted, which is still ridiculous.

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lmao yeah Xian is playing it off by saying “reaction” I think we’ve all been in situations like this clip

I bet he sniffed Bison cr.mp from a mile, we haven’t seen the entire set and probably Xian knows what his opponent was trying to do. Something similar happen to me just yesterday offline against a friend of mine who used G, I was able to punish a VT G dash low punch with CA from close distance. I knew what he was trying to do and that’s why I think Xian trained his opponent to hit something in that blocked Scissor Kick situation.

I played all the Shotos in truth, but I didn’t main anyone.

In truth, I just didn’t lab against him or anybody in SF4. I just played by instinct as I didn’t really enjoy the game. X Tekken definitely is my favourite SF and I invested so much time into that, rather than SF4.

Doing stuff like that isn’t that uncommon against Bison. They’re plus on almost everything so why not throw out a Super somewhere in between. It’s pretty easy for them to fall into a flowchart pattern, particularly against characters without invincible reversals.

if there is something you want to replace, update/improve or remove in SF4’s unique core mechanics which are FADC, Focus, Ultra and Red Focus, What would it be?

I don’t have a problem with any of those mechanics. I don’t really love most of them, but they’re fine. If I’d change stuff about SFIV it’d be entirely different things.


I would change sfiv into sfxt


Here’s how to not have a low tier sagat

play him in soul calibur instead

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Less than four hours before I too can help saving Humanity with this sexy beast:

(Assuming I can figure out how to use him decently, that is)

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This is DBFZ but here’s the most pop-off’ed pop off of 2018

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Capcom we need more news, SCVI is spankin’ our asses

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