SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

we need some sfv newz
maybe some more bikinis

Lol, damn. Don’t think I’ve seen Makoto Vs Dee-Jay too often.

I mained Rose, so I spent most of my time reflecting/absorbing his projectiles until they’d decide to try and get in. That match-up really sucks for Dee-Jay. Rose can just neutralize his gameplan entirely. Sakura is another who prevents him from doing anything. Sometimes I’d have an issue with his knee shot, but that’s about it. Once you get the timing down, he can’t even use that.

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Doesn’t matter how bad he was, he was always happy. A true champ.


I unironically love Sci’s SF4 Deejay.

Bloothy had a great Makoto and had some informative guides, but he plays Hearthstone now so fuck him.


With Makoto was just a matter of time to get in and punish Deejay for his sins. Just absorb his fireballs until he get relaxed,then push him into the corner. His horizontal kicks special was super slow even EX and the EX upkicks were very easy to make it whiff with Axe Kick setups or EX Oroshi iirc. Jumping wasn’t an option, Fukiage means 300+ damage with meter stocked. They all know the pain Makoto was able to inflict,so Deejay players goal was running away and hope for the best. The character was pure shit and Capcom kept nerfing him for no reason. Whatever.

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that might have been the case in your region but when game sales are the same or even better then now its hard to say that this genre was dead when countless of games existed during that time and apparently people around the world bought em and for sure played em. i mean just look at the tekken 7 section here on the board. barely anyone there, does that mean the game is dead or that not many people are playing it? no…

I remember when I first saw the Ultra changes for Dee-Jay and was wondering if they were fake.

Back then, Capcom was taking feedback from the community on Capcom-Unity. The dudes in the Dee-Jay thread were writing well-detailed posts on what he needed and why. It almost seems like Capcom just ignored the feedback for him. The buffs he got were useless and the nerfs were really pointless.


You and Dime are talking about two different things. NRS games sell a shit ton of copies but community is nonexistent after a year. There games that sold well in between SF3 and SFIV. The community wasn’t there. Now even ArcSys is rolling out a tournament series.


Guys I can tell you what happened to Dee Jay. He asked “Capcom y’d ya do my mon Sean dirty en thurd strike?” Suffice it to say, they gave him first hand knowledge of the Sean treatment.


My USFIV DeeJay was fucking sick

It is weird eh. Back in the arcade days you’d always pick the best characters.

I think though in 2018 I really hate the line “it was always like that”. They have the power to not just make the top 8 full of Cammy, Guile and Akuma. They just won’t.

Sometimes though I wonder if that’s what defines FGs or even gaming in general. The imbalance is deliberately part of the experience.

Another game I can think of like that is Mario Kart, although I think Mario Kart now has enough variables to make multiple characters competitive.

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The most immediate evidence of forced strength tiers is specific archetypes. Like big hard grapplers and zoners traditionally either have very polarizing matchups or are just generally lower tier. Your only exceptions are characters like ST Sim, Zato or SFV Guile that have offense to back up their hard archetype or characters like S1 Mika or KOF grapplers that mix archetypes to get over traditional grappler issues.

Cooky/gimmicky characters like Fuerte and Fang are also purposely balanced to never be too good.

Am I crazy (yes) but…when I look back and remember Elf…i can honestly say he wasn’t that bad ONLINE…I never got triggered to the point of pure hate when fighting him…but when I play SFV now I could name at least 3 characters that I would set fire to in a heart beat…and they’re all grapplers

I don’t even know WTF Elf was

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He was feeling himself too much in Alpha 3. It came back to bite him in the ass.


deal w/ it



I never could beat any DeeJay at any level. Slide AA, Slow Boom and his Sobat Kick ALWAYS troubled me. And the hop divekick made him a real nuisance to AA.


Hi fight put a twitter up of Xian “reacting” to a bison cr.mp ( before it’s even active) but it looks to me like he’s trying to buffer the st.lk into super and it comes out anyway.

Anyone seen it? There’s no way it can be a reaction. Thats like reacting sub 5 frame. Unless that’s the joke. Sometimes I find it hard to seperate jokes from real information on twitter lol

Yeah, admittedly, some of Dee Jay’s stuff can be annoying if you don’t find a way around it. The good thing about fighting Dee Jay with Sakura is that she can punish his Light Sobat pretty consistently. Cammy can nullify his slide with EX divekick. You played Evil Ryu in SF4, right?