SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

The game that brought me to SRK was SFII Hyper Fighting. When it was released on Xbox Live Arcade. I never signed up because all I did was read the tons of info available. I didn’t become active in the forums until SFIV.

I don’t miss SFIV though. Never really enjoyed that game.


You don’t lose money online - hence the scrub was born.

Imagine going down to the local arcade with 2 pound and it’s 40p a game. You better get good!


I’ll be the first to admit that if this were arcade days I would have switched to top tier waaaay sooner. Losing money to play what you like is a fools errand.


Man if they cleaned up everything you mentioned in that 1st paragraph…game would be amazing

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He’s already secret best character so the “fun” in playing necalli is you winning your game. Cause he’s stupid strong, and everyone just forgets or doesn’t care about this fact.


That’s why it’s fun to watch Japanese arcade matches. Those guys will stay loyal to low tiers even with money involved.

Which also explains the only way to survive if you’re playing bad characters at the arcade. You have to be a true threat with that character and knock good players of top tiers off the cab occasionally.


Velociraptor is a Necalli player, so here’s the article.

The meta changed enough to make it Necalli less effective, he still has one of the best VT out there, but isn’t scummy enough like the top ones. He’s a scrub- friendly character, scrubs leaves him when AA jabs were gone and others players started learning how to stop his nonsense. His nerfs are comparable to Cammy through, if we don’t want to live another witch Hunt season then Necalli is the last character who deserves buffs. Really, people don’t really know what they’re asking for.


What’s up with FANG players and their YOLO sweeps and wakeup Supers? I’ve never played one who didn’t do any of these things.

I had no idea how fun Hyper Fighting really was prior to 30th Anniversary. I played that way more than Super Turbo. I don’t think I ever played it back in the day, though.

What actually brought me to SRK was the lore of Street Fighter. I was following a guide and the trail ended up leading me here. When I decided to venture outside of the story discussions, I saw a ton of Street Fighter 4 Vs Third Strike threads :face_with_head_bandage: Usually consisting of the usual “09’ers suck” and “Turd Strike players are washed up” :rofl: Fun times. The amount of in-depth information was pretty golden, and contrary to popular belief from back then, I never got the “elitist” feeling from the forum. People were always down to help. The only feeling I ever got was that the people on SRK simply love fighting games.

Those various guides really helped me become a much better player in general than I could’ve ever hoped to become. SRK will forever be considered the “Fighting Game Shrine” for me.


And here i thought that people stopped Necalli cause he is boring as shit.


If you play fang you gotta ride the lightning and be a nut or why are you even playing such a garbo char.

This is as true today as it was back then. A universal truth.


That Japanese player who mained DeeJay is my hero.

Sagat players WHO existed after Vanilla were fun too.


eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww SF4

Dee Jay would be broken in SFV

Put any SFIV character in SFV and they’d be broken.

Hell, s1 Ryu had frame data roughly equal to SFIV Dan and he was top tier back then iirc


yeah he would have a great command grab


I always felt bad whenever I went against Dee-Jay in SF4.

That character was ass.



No one picked Necalli to win through fine footsies or damage, but because he’s easy to use and you put the opponents in jeopardy just standing in front of them. The AA jab makes him look like the Great Wall of China coming from air and good luck sustaining his pressure in a game with fluctuating lag, miss an AA or a dash and you have to deal with his shit. The AA jab nerf only makes half of Necalli users Usain boltin the fuck out of him, then the robbery VT meta we living makes him less threatening than S1/ half S2. When Blanka get revealed most of these players first thought was ‘we have a new lord of madness’ , but they run out again since even the green beast isn’t scummy enough.

Having EVERYTHING at good level is enough to compete against characters who can do something amazing and something is barely average, Necalli is super-versatile still. Y’all don’t want him taking Cammy or any actual top 5 spot, there’s a reason why Necalli is still Daigo kryptonite. And don’t believe his worshippers, they’re pathological liars like Alex players, having good buffs doesn’t force them to play using their brains. Adults don’t give guns to kids.

Asking for top tiers nerfs while giving this muhfucker something else? Giving Smoothies for free to diabetics is less risky.

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Every time I’ve faced one the real challenge was killing him in less than 10 seconds, no joke.

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