SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

And gold on the PS4 account. Took 163 matches.
Next try to get to super gold on PS4 and PC.


I don’t think the frames are going to make much difference personally. It’ll just make the game more consistent, which is still a plus. AA should be stronger, possibly hit confirming.

In other words I think the things that define the game already ( meaty, then after negative etc) will get a small bump, but you won’t see any developments elsewhere that opens anything up.

The whole whiff punishing thing is a pipedream.Birdie players still gona be hamming out 17 buttons in neutral with no punishment.

Looks like a filthy Urien player.

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Anime players play Urien so he is filthy.

I wish urien VT2 was better cause the boy has an aura of honesty around him without aegis, but he succumbs to its siren song power :frowning:

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SF4 did single handedly resuscitate the entire genre and revive the franchise from a long sleep, for that I would give it the number 1 spot too.

But it is not better than SF5, let alone SF5 as it is today compared to Year 3 SF4.


Only thing I liked about IV was that it brought a lot of people from different games to play it. Other than that not a fan of mash jab/backdash fighter getting number 1. Marvel 3 should have been number 1.

If it wasn’t for SF4 I don’t think anybody would even be here. I was done and dusted with FGs til that came along.


I wouldn’t have posted on srk but i’d be around cause I ain’t no chump bitch!!!
While everyone was scurred and not playing fighting games before sf4 in hibernation i was still playing soul calibur and the shitty 3d MK games.

ALso i can kick anyones ass here at mk deception!!!


The question is if you were in the Bo Rai Cho train? The staff’s single button 2-hit attack (st.3?) was insanely good since it gives a freebie tick throw.

(Kabal train was where it’s at :wink: U2 was too good)

I thought I was cool baiting F.A.N.G.'s wakeup super…only for me to still get crossed up by the poison droppings…:tired_face::rage::rage:


pft screw that you could sidestep cancel the 2nd hit and do it again and it was an honest to god infinite. You could block parts of it but theres no move you could do that could beat it out so you basically died on the first hit, even if you blocked.

And that said, Bo rai cho wasn’t even the best character to boot. (dairou was)

Yep same situation. It was either doing that or doing freebie throws into a meaty staff-hit into more infinites. Literally unescapable. It’s funny though because even in the online times during that time, Dairou wasn’t someone I saw that took advantage for it. Did get to face a Bo Rai Cho online though that knew about it… good times.

why do so many sf players believe that? there where plenty of games around inbetween sf3 and sf4 and they did fine, some even better then sfv now. fighting game genre and the fgc is more than sf…

I lived in SoCal which is one of the biggest Fgc out there, there wasn’t much going on between sf3 and sf4.

There was some CVS2 and some 3s but man, when I went to evo west in 2006… it felt like a local. Shit was mad dead compared to now.


Streaming and esports helps a lot. Not so much the game as it is the interest in video games and having twitch now.

Having a new street fighter after 10 years will also peak people’s interest

I have some questions, I was arguing with a friend that reacting to things online is harder and he argued that in optimal conditions a rollback netcode shouldn’t feel too different from an offline experience since the input are registered locally.
So if this is true aren’t all the talks about online dumbfuckery a bit exaggerated?

Eventhubs actually made an article about how Capcom should change Necalli so people would play him more.

…just lol


I think there are two facets to the online dumbfuckery:

  1. Optimally, your friend is right. However in my experience most matches of SFV aren’t in optimal conditions and as a result sometimes things happen that you either have a hard time reacting to (minor rollback fucking up a hit confirm or something like that) or that you physically couldn’t have reacted to (due to more significant rollback/teleporting/etc.)

  2. The actual environment of online play leads to players just straight up doing dumber shit more often because there aren’t any significant short term consequences. It doesn’t matter if they lose the set right now if they win the next few using the same shenanigans, and if worse comes to worse they can cultivate your online experience by quitting against anyone they don’t want to play against (most of the time because they lose). Shenanigans also enhanced by rollback.

Theoretically, tuning up the online performance would help #1, but nothing is ever going to fix #2. Its just kind of the nature of playing games online. But at least if #1 was less of an issue you can more consistently dunk players in the #2 category.