SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Don’t bother just wait another 10 years so his 09er phase becomes super irrelevant instead of just regular irrelevant.

Lot of things I didn’t like about focus, but main thing is there’s certain characters that the mechanic is useless against even if you have the best one. Once you fighting a Viper or Adon the game basically no longer has focus anymore, but I guess that works if you didn’t like it any way. It’s hard to like a system where if a certain character is on the screen you can’t even use it anymore. Top tier Ultra IV Red Focus in combos is about most of the actual focus use.

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To be fair, before they dropped Sagat, I thought low tiger shot was gonna be locked behind a V trigger so it worked out for me.


Sagat got the honest zoning and spacing that Sagat players wanted, he just had to sacrifice dishonesty to get it.


Serious question. Has Sagat ever been dishonest?

O. Sagat at ST would want to have a word with you.

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vanilla sf4 sagat as well


ST O.Sagat and Vanilla Sagat were probably the closest as far as relevant Sagats go. You could play Sagat really scrubby back when uppercuts and uppercut trades did all of your life. O.Sagat shots require work but once you get them down you basically delete half the cast off the screen.

A3 Sagat is probably the most dishonest Sagat, but it’s still Sagat dishonesty. CVS2 Sagat is top tier mainly because his buttons are just better than everyone elses.


O.Gat is such a lovely bag of bullshit. Super-fast, no recovery tiger shots that do huge damage and stun, and a uppercut that does 25% health and forces the other guy to eat two meaty tigershots (and thus be put fullscreen) again. Aah, I love that character.

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I’m going to play Geralt

Geralt will be good for a Scorpion create a character cause he has 2 swords and can shooted the fire

Well, i never played a SC game and i have no clue about other characters.

I really loved The Witcher though and i’m glad Geralt is a guest character.I also like that Zasalamel dude,he looks cool.

Cvs2 sagat was and still is the best and most bullshit sagat. He was on damn near every team and did everything… not much honesty to the character… and I say that as both a cvs2 sagat (and vega) main.


Could still absorb fireballs…

Capcom Vs SNK 2 is one of those games I’d like to see get a re-release with online play down the line. I never had a chance to really explore the game as much as I would’ve liked. From the little of it that I played, Sak’s dive kick pressure was fun to mess around with.

I know a lot of people say the game was a snoozefest tournament wise, but I actually enjoy watching it. I also wouldn’t mind seeing Capcom Vs SNK 1 again…just to see bullshit ass Nakoruru run a bird train on people :exploding_head:


Trade uppercut in SF4 was fine ( just not the vanilla damage), it wasn’t the Sagat players fault they wanted to jump when he had a fully stocked ultra.

I actually miss the high step kick juggle, it’s kinda crap in SF5.

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SFV Sagat is amazing

If you could crouch tech in sf5 how much of a difference would that make

I think it would have an effect on opponents who like to neutral jump on your wake up a lot. But then again, that’s probably more about the actual throws in SFV than going for a grab.

I don’t know, I just hit buttons and tea bag.

A flag just joined my lobby I’ve never seen in my life so I google.

Come to find out I was playing a Ultra Diamond player that looks like this


I think it would be quite hard to score damage which means the tiers would seperate even further. Shimmy would probably die off. Online would melt.

I think the current throw or button not both idea is pretty good.


The current idea would be great if “walk backwards for 2 frames to “tech” throws” weren’t so strong.

There are lots of fundamental problems with the game though. There’s no reason for fireballs and similar specials to be so bad on block. There’s no reason for lows in general to be as bad as they are, there’s no reason for throws to be walkable the way they are, there’s no reason for AA normals to be so slow and hit so high in the air (this is doubly bad) there’s no reason why backrise shouldn’t cost some form of meter, as it is it’s too powerful because it exempts the backriser from most +frame pressure… some characters not withstanding.

So the game has issues but we all know that. Fixing the lag will hopefully help some. Though I’d love to see throws have 2 different ranges. One with lesser range from any back input and one with more range from neutral or forward. Meaning that if you downback plus tech you are easier to shimmy, but if you go for an offensive throw it’s harder if not impossible for the opponent to walk out. This is a change I’d personally beta test and more than likely implement if no glaring issues surfaced.