SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

With Makoto I’ve used FA exclusively for defense like a parry or LV3 stun combos, without a dp FADCing was useless.

Makoto had such a strong arsenal of EX moves that it’s actually a good thing you didn’t feel the urge to use FADC with her.

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Makoto lv1 focus jumping over everything and still giving a full combo if she got a CH and backdash canceled is still giving me nightmares.

Though I played Fei Long, I suppose I’m not allowed to say anything in regards to focus attacks. :V


The best FA in SFIV was Hakan’s when oiled. Nobody knew that though which limited the amount of hatemail I got for using him to zero.


Hakkan was one of the best things in SFIV.
He needs to be back in S4 so he can oil things up again.


So i have some money to spare for a game and i’m not sure between these two…

Mega Man 11 or Soul Calibur 6 !

soulcalibur of course!

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Omg you’re from Singapore??

We gotta play some day!!

I organise offline sessions at my house every month.

And it’s really fun! Just games and good food! Even though some of us don’t exactly love sfv, we just gather to play for the friendship and just to have fun. And we’re all on whatsapp and watch capcom pro tour tournaments together.

We’re all real life friends for many years.
With 2 guys who are friends of friends who joined in. We’re all super nice and welcoming and hope u can join us. And guess what. The nicest guys among us are the 09ers!!! LOL!!!

And yeah it’s a pity that Singapore isn’t as strong in sfv. A lot of good players have stopped street fighter altogether or are still sticking to sf4. We used to have Xian, Gackt and Leslie and many high level players who don’t play competitively but are still really solid players.


You could still focus dash a charge move - like Guiles Flash kick into sonic hurricane.

I mean you could also hide charges inside the focus animation.

The thing I liked the most about focus ( and why I don’t like SF5 as much) is that it had a bunch of uses , but it had a bunch of counters.

So you could - crumple, absorb and gaurd break.

But you could - Armour break, throw or double hit.

Thats how game mechanics should work. CCbuttons need some kinda draw back for example.


I think he refers to how charging a focus in neutral and dash canceling it loses you charge.
It wasn’t relevant all that often since you could usually get your charge back during a blockstring if you forward dashed, and you’d usually not be immediately vulnerable to jump-ins if you backdashed, but it was a thing. Focus crumple into forward dash ultra was kinda difficult to do with charge too iirc. Outside of that most charge characters could make good use of their focus attacks and get good damage from them. Hell, PR Balrog successfully made Balrog’s crappy focus attack seem scary at EVO top 8 ffs.

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Hakan’s wife with oil. Just imagine.


There are enough big boobed women in SFV.
Give us oiled up manly man of manliness instead!

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Soulcalibur! Get on that Ivy’s ass!

Her name is Melike. She would be fun!

You could still dash cancel charge moves though that’s what I’m saying, just that you had to commit to the charge.

No doubt motion was far better for that mechanic though.


Hakan has a lot of children for a reason.


Patch drops next tuesday… I’m expecting a blog post today from capcom unity or else!

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When you’re so eager that you mash during Fight Request and end up going against a Bison somewhere in Africa with 0 bars.


Me like too.

looks like someone didn’t play T.hawk

pls add weird dogs to sfv