SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Are Sagat or G good?

Okay you know more about him than I do. Windalfr doesnā€™t post anymore and I dont think Hawkingbird plays Alex anymore.

in short yes, G seems to be the best among the two, mainly for his insane VT1

Alex is a grappler with some of the best neutral bypass and pokes in the entire game. Itā€™s for those reasons plus his fhp that he will stay low tier and not get what he needs:

An actual reversalā€¦ never gonna happen while his fhp stays the way it is.
Actually good AAā€¦ never gonna happen while he has moves like cr.np that just Bork other characters poke game.

Thatā€™s not saying Alex is goodā€¦ he isnā€™t. But he has some ridiculous tools and to combat those ridiculous tools he got saddled with some huge weaknesses.

And as far as cancelable cr.mk. Nope never gonna happen as long as ryu keeps his stubby shit cr.m that doesnā€™t even combo into fireball from anywhere near max range.

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Why is it that people are making it seem like season 1 Alex is better than this Alex? Like heā€™s not that much different besides the Oki removal

Nobody likes playing SFV Gief.
Please understand this.

It doesnā€™t matter if heā€™s strong, weak, if the other person made a godlike read or whatever.
Thereā€™s nothing to be gained from fighting a Gief, no mu knowledge, no knowledge of the person playing gief, no deep insights to shine a light on any facet of the game we play. You win or you lose, and then the experience slips into the void.

It is a moment in time that should not be remembered, it is less than a minutia, a frivolous detail, which leads to a decrease or increase of LP.




I am in love with this guy chibi sketches. I wonder which ones I should commission next.


Iā€™ve started playing 3s years ago with Alex and whoever did that canā€™t love his SFV version. The latter looks clunky and dumb to me, to every time I fought one Iā€™m ready madness and random shit all over the place. Alex destiny is being placed in the same club with Fang, the club of characters Capcom regrets to have created, thatā€™s it. The only thing Iā€™m expecting from these two for S4 itā€™s just more madness, nothing to make them relevant.

Talking about S4 rebalance, whatā€™s everyone thoughts about G?

G is fine. Like Hakan he has to fight for a good day or have a bad day. Theyā€™ll probably nerf his vt1 a bit but having 0 close defensive options other than 4 frame jab, back dash or super keeps him in check.


I donā€™t think anyone was saying Alex was good. His Cr. MP and Cr. MK were much better though. Especially his Cr. MP. It had long reach was pretty fast for a medium button. Plus his anti air jab was really good. It was harder to get in on Season 1 Alex.

Heh, imagine G with a 3 framer.

Yeah, S1 Alex at least had the AA jab and that shored up his bad defense outside of having a reversal.

But now he has no real AA outside of metered ones or slow ones and relying on either of thesekinda hurts him from what I see so Alex players play like spastics so they arenā€™t easy to jump in on and force some offensive opportunities through the inherent randomness.

Itā€™s too bad, I really liked him as a character in sf5, but I dropped him despite having a good record playing him, because I could tell his fundamentals were just going to get him owned without a super solid damaging AA.

Anyone know the stream schedule for ect 2018? I know SFV has the most entrants so itā€™ll probably be last but canā€™t find the stream schedule.

Not really that good if he lacks a way to convert from it. Sure, he eats less frame traps for good, but lack of reversal still hurts.

Anyway, G is deceptively weak once heā€™s analized outside VT1. Has zero legit tools to get in and not really long range tools to harass like Sagat has unless he has charge 3 which is way too much work to build. While using him Iā€™ve noted heā€™s surprisingly easy to turtle against once you get the gist of guarding against the flying kick. Once the opponent knows what heā€™s doing against him, the lack of options strikes really hard and all youā€™re hoping is to get carried by VT1 to victory.

The running punches should be -2 or -1 on block at close range so doing them isnā€™t such a gamble and a single charge should propel him to level 3. Even with those changes he would be merely high mid.

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Also why is there no onsite registration for SFV??

I get what youā€™re saying. G has some issues byond a 3 framer but the ability to ā€œeat less frame trapsā€ is a really good tool to have, especially in SFV. Mashing that 3 framer saved me against those goddamn Mikaā€™s. Plus, G can confirm jab into G Smash Under/EX G Smash Over, canā€™t he? Once you get to that point itā€™s one good Smash into VTC to get Gā€™s train rolling.
Also Iā€™m scared about him having -2 Smashā€™s.

I donā€™t see them making the dash punches too much better as the dash low is near unreactable at certain ranges/levels for what it can go into on hit. Like a slightly weaker version of Rogā€™s EX low BS.

G is one of those characters that proves that giving Bipson a 3 frame light did almost everything for him on its own. Itā€™s just that since G has a command grab and strong neutral heā€™ll likely never get a 3 frame. Heā€™s basically a win more character where you just have to ride his power up momentum into victory and hope it works out. Heā€™s built around it.

The only top 5 character that doesnā€™t have a 3 frame is Guile. Which is not really an issue for him since he has arguably the best neutral defense in the game and a 4 frame EX reversal that knocks you into the moon. If you donā€™t have an EX DP, a 3 frame helps give you a bit of room, but if you are a 4 framer with no EX DP or frame one armor that pretty much puts you out of top tier alone.


What happened? SFV happened.


Maybe weā€™re entering a state of burn out and cannibalisation, which was very similar to what happened before the start the last Dark Age of fighters.