SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Juri is mid in my opinion. She has a lot of good basic tools on paper, but in practice her store system castrate her gameplan and it takes too much effort to be consistently good with her. If you pick Cammy you can get similar results with one tenth of the effort compared to Juri.

It’s amazing how I can play Destroyer (Grand Master Nash from Brazil) in countless sets and feel little to no lag. Easily one of the best Nash’s I’ve ever played.

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He lives in the northern part of the country, so there is less distance to cover to the US, which ends up resulting in less lag than against an opponent from Sao Paulo or Rio.
And the bloody kid is 14 years old.


Juri was always stronger doing rushdown than zoning, even in SFIV. Online Juris might have been spamming different fireballs all round long but unless you were fighting Gief or Hugo that wasn’t really the best way to play her. Her corner carry and corner pressure were top 5 material and if someone deliberately missed out on that by using her as a zoner they completely missed the point of the character.

And all that is before she got U1.

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I agree with that, but sadly I’ve encountered runaway Juris only during SF4 lifespan, online and offline. I like SFV Juri as a viewer, but his disciples miss her zoning hit & run traits the most for what I’ve heard.

I miss her corner fireball combos & pressure, that was fun.

+8 on hit, only slow-ass heavys like Falke’s stomp get that treatment these days.

In SF4, Juri felt like a rare Pokemon I’d encounter every now and then. They were usually pretty good. Her corner unblockable would have me whining like a bitch.

Dunno, maybe my Makoto was the problem, anyway…


what I want from V’s Makoto:
-1000 stamina, girl’s sturdy
-11 frames dash ( I could settle for 15)
-Tanden Renki to be a 3 bar V Trigger
-her taunt is now her v skill
-a plethora of huge command normals

what Capcom would give us:
-construction worker Makoto, Makoto needs money to rebuild her fater’s dojo
-the classic gi with the yellow scarf is now her nostalgia costume
-950 health
-stubby normals
-19 frames dash
-karakusa locked behind a 3 bar V Trigger

11F Dash? Isn’t the fastest dash in the game 15F?

it’s her old third strike dash


I hope they give Cammy TKCS, then I’ll buy her Doll outfit and main her

If you do that and betray Juri…

I have secret leaked information about Chapter 2: Story Mode. Juri and the Dolls are a “thing” now. They all live in one big house and this house is next to Chun-li and her lil adopted child…the tension between Juri and Chun intensifies since they’re always partying n stuff…Chun-li snaps when she finds Juri’s bike parked outside her door…I can’t post anymore leaks though

Edit: Yes this is a good enough reason to use Juri/Cammy :^)

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Ofc @Phantom_Miria would +1 your post @Trife88

He all into this kind of stuff when it comes to Cammy and Juri. How was it again ,is it canon already ?



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Sagats damage is kinda high. I mean he gets near 400 meterless in the corner. 200 plus AAs, anything with critical art is prolly costing you 500.

Damage is definitely not his problem.


Yeah, sagat has problems but damage doesn’t seem to be one of them. He’s slow as balls, that seems to be his biggest overall weakness for me.

His buttons are pretty solid with st.mk and st.hk and cr.hp. His fireball game is of course good. His vt2 GB is good and the conversions he gets from it are good. His buttons though pretty good, are pretty slow, which is a problem.

His cr.mk is super slow which seems to make him pretty weak to other players walking out of his mixups with fuzzy walks ( like me)

He doesn’t have a robbery jumpin sf5 move (though maybe one of his knees makes up for that?)

Seems like a fun fundamental character.

If they made knee better he’d be good. And crmk. There’s no need for it to be that slow

Sagat if he hits you it hurts, but his jump is floaty and predictable to AA with no air trajectory changes meaning he doesn’t have basically the best mix up in the game in a pinch. If you can’t make people afraid of you jumping then you’re already down the tier list. Luckily despite not having much better ground mix up than Sagat, Falke has a clearly much better jump mix up game and can force opponents to open up from the air. I guess relatively safe fireballs and strong coverage for AA already takes up a lot of points in the “what you get to be good at” bar for a SFV character. He’ll get a command grab in S4.

I like outzoning Menat players with Falke. Now that I actually understand that match a little better it’s not too bad at all. Menat can’t just spam s.HP to win vs Falke and she can EX PP/V Reversal most of her BS (the fact that her EX PP OSs as her V Reversal helps a ton in that match). Falke has extremely good angles vs her shit overall, she just isn’t as cheap as her. The fact that Falke is so long ranged it forces Menat to have to lose a lot of life before she can get into range to safely s.MP VTC and if she activates from too far you won’t get comboed any way.