SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I am so glad that I don’t hate almost all characters like you guys…
Maybe you are playing the wrong game?

Ryu was strong as his throw game was excellent and he had SRK into CA. That was so good.

Juri can be yolo if she wants when someone block her LP dp in standing position, her storing allows her to utilize useful moves and with them the damage isn’t exactly that low, she has punishable CC buttons like 95% of the cast, jab AA is still there, just not that good anymore, no robbery factor like, again, big part of the cast, she doesn’t need a full screen ex move,but her VS almost does and yes, it’s good to bypass neutral if used with a bit brain and her fireball is amazing to control the ground.

So yeah, you’re downplaying her.

We’ll see who’s laughing at the end of this.


Well, all depends who you’re using. I think hating some characters when you’re playing a mid low character is understandable, I don’t remember an Akuma player complaining about another character, not even fellow top tiers.

I like how you ignore the fact that in order to get her v-skill off as well as stores,you pretty much sacrifice either your damage or positioning as well as the small pressure she gets to put on the opponent.

Blocked LP DP is still minus even if blocked standing,her stores are combo extenders only good one is light,and again it requires storing.Try AA jab i dare you,sure works at times, but the risk factor is insane.

Juri works,but to say she is SFV material and we are downplaying her is pushing it quite far i would say.

You are ignoring facts.

ono for sure :coffee:

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She’s got dash up low xx safe special which is practically unreactable and if you get hit it’s SF5 almost near the corner from one combo time.

Her Trigger is most definitely not shit, wouldn’t call it robbery but it’s damn good.

CC is punishable, yet still spammable since most characters are only Gona punish it with jab xx weak sauce. She can also space it so that if you try to punish it , it’s st.mk xx go for a ride time.

She’s definitely got SF5 stuff. I mean Alex has SF5 stuff. Doesn’t make her a great character, bit she’s not shit, not by a long shot. She’s also got pretty decent buttons imo , quick, a lot quicker than a lot of characters.

Basically if you play her like infiltration style, she’s not that easy to handle for us mere mortals that don’t have comeback mechanics.


Yea, I’d love to see the people that saying juri is underrated, to try her out and do work with her. Granted I haven’t played since season 1 but she sounds really good on paper but doesn’t quite work as well as expected.

I know the game has been toned down a lot since season 1, so overall she could be much better than before but her vtriggers will probably always hold her back as well.

I don’t ignore anything since charging her stores is like something 99% of Juris does at the start of a match, BUT right after that Juri can use her fireball and the opponent can’t do anything outside backing off or jump,at that point Juri gains some ground. Jumping over her while her fireball is still active means being AAed for free,blocking or walking back means let her getting closer. Her V-Skill is good if the opponent has long range moves and isn’t hard hitting someone who tried to hit her from distance. During that move she’s full invincible until she reappears and she can take her VS too. Blocked LP dp is -3 on standing opponents and good luck if she has meter since her EX do is full invincible from frame 1. Isn’t this yolo? AA jab wasn’t intended to exist from the beginning, she has a dp, A2A and normals AA, where’s the problem here? Storing is her primary trait in SFV, I’ve thought that was a problem for her at first, but it doesn’t seems like this after seeing good Juris at work.

Juri is top 10 material? I don’t think so. She’s better than at least 15/20 characters? I do.

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C’mon man, Juri is definetely a “decent” character but nowhere near SFV dudes like Bison and Urien, lp tenserin is always minus, I know it’s a bit tricky to punish but it doesn’t take too much practice.
Stores are one use only moves that require her to whiff a special move or getting them between blockstrings and apart for the lk one they are mediocre at best, mk allow her to do the same damage than the likes of Akuma and Ken get for free, hk is literally “let’s lock her decent oki behind a resource”.
The v skill needs to be charged for 42 frames before being useful, is -10 ob and gives no oki.
Of all the good stuff she has (like her amazing st.mk or one of the fastest f.walk)
you choose some of her mediocre things to complain about

I didn’t say she’s braindead and strong like Bison or Urien, but y’all talking like she is in Fang/Ryu/Alex club.

LP Tensenrin into EX Tensenrin is a yolo online stuff, not threatening if you stay crouch and know that, but still turn steal yolo, I can’t go yolo myself without using CA as Zeku. Her mk and hi stores are there for combo reasons, they don’t have to be safe or +oB to justify the ‘burden’ of storing them. Juri can store her VS also and not everyone has the ability to stop her from charging VS from full screen. Her buttons are good, jumping at her not only can leave open for AAs, but she can go full trip guard with cr.mk into mk/hk fuhajin combos for a good punish with corner carry.

All depends on who you are comparing Juri to, Juri players often complaining about not having enough stuff to compete with top tiers without realizing there are more characters in a worse situation than her, that’s my point.

Well yeah, she isn’t as bad as the absolute worst characters in the game (nor it’s Fang imo), but it’s not like the bottom 5 are the only characters who feel lackluster, especially compared to the top 5.
P.s. her v skill is only fireball invincible you can hit her out of it and if she stores at the beginning of the match she is either whiffing that shit in your face or backdashing, take advantage of that, some characters can literally hit her without even walking or jumping just by using some forward moving normals like Akuma st.hp, st.hp target combo.
I don’t think her triggers hold her back, VT1 might not be “let me whiff a fireball and gain huge momentum form fullscreen” or “I connected my longass poke now eat fat damage and get into and ambiguos mixup” but it’s definetly a good VT

Arguing over Juri viability is on the Bingo card right???



I agree , I mean if you’re calling Juri bad, then the game literally only has maybe 10 playable characters and everybody else is shit.

She’s pretty much the definition of mid tier - which is still solid.


No one called Juri bad tho, and honestly I don’t know if being better than the likes of Gief, Vega, Falke, Ed , Ryu, Sakura, Alex and arguably Sagat can be considered a great achievement. Those characters suck

Sagat is the type of character were everybody should be complaining about his damage output… This version of Sagat is meh. We got 5’6 blonde hoes that do more damage…

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I can see why Ibuki is using a mask now.


Any updates on the best Menat player in the world named Infiltration?

I gave it some thought and this is actually spot on, V’s overall powerl level is pretty tame for FGs standards, even between the “strong” characters you can recognize the top 5 quite easily due to them being particularly better than everyone else