SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

That’s what you want, but arcade cab (which is a hard investment to go into) is coming in 2019 so expect S4, 5 and probably even a 6 at this point. Way things are going the game will likely be like Ultra IV where the next gen systems will launch and it’ll get a port over on next gen before 6 hits.

Everybody being cheap is nice, but NRS games prove that if a big game has a bunch of cheap characters everyone whines until they’re less cheap (worst case scenario with reason because they flood top 8s a week after release). eSports it’s near impossible for that anymore unless you play anime and even certain anime games don’t work like that ATM.

This is about the closest thing Capcom could do to suiciding the game interestingly. Mainly because Makoto is number one waifu and there would be a shitstorm of historic proportions if mid life crisis laundromat SF favorite Honda got in over tomboy shotokan waifu.

If the game were to just suddenly fall under like Marvel, that’s probably the way I’d like to see it happen just for a laugh LOL.


Honda will be in. As a NPC.


Only won 1 premiere event :cry:


The game should have 32 top tier characters.

It’s not the only reason im glad I picked up Falke as an alt character, but it definitely is one of the reasons…



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Thing is it’s not hard is it. Why does Menat have her 2 bar nuke and Falke has nothing? Makes no sense. It’s literally the difference between - this character is scary and this character sucks.

Menat’s trigger is more like Guile’s S2 VT1 where the only issue with it was it costed too little for what it did (Laura became honest once she got bumped up to 3 bars also). If Menat’s trigger goes down to 3 bars that mostly fixes the issue and you could argue makes it more of a liability to use than Urien’s Aegis. In general though I think Menat’s trigger while really good is a bit overrated especially considering against the best offensive characters she’ll have to burn v reversal in order to escape. If they don’t land the first VTC hit it’s arguably easier to escape than Aegis (still bad, but not quite as fucked).

Like Cammy doesn’t have an amazing trigger, it’s just solid. It’s just the rest of her toolkit is solid enough to make up for it and 2 bars makes it pretty reliable to get to. Falke is similar in that her trigger requires more thought to use than other characters, but when used well it sets up frame traps pretty well and augments her neutral pretty decently. Plus raises stun pretty heavily if you land a confirm into a couple shots. If Falke got a 4 shot VT1 that would make it easily pretty complained about especially considering how cheap of an angle the air trigger shot takes up.

Ken specifically is a good example of a character that has a good/scummy trigger, but he’s just not amazing. Cody fits that example also. It’s not really as clean cut as cheese trigger = good/top character. Laura is an example of what can and probably will happen with Menat if they cut her too far down.

Overall though they’re not going to do more making people ridiculous stuff so that leads to S4 with the idea that Menat likely gets a weaker trigger and some shavings and characters like Falke and Sakura get more slight buffs. The only wild card being the supposed rumors about the game getting custom combo shit.

People been saying that same shit since S1. Buff low - nerf Top. The game doesn’t work like that it’s pretty clear now. Rashid - perfect example, get’s nerfed to all hell - still one of the best characters in the game.

If your base recipe is fucked - that’s it game over, it’s not getting better for you. Unless you get a TT trigger. Guile, Balrog, Karin, Cammy, Necalli - they were always made well. It doesn’t really matter what you do to them.

Here’s another way of putting it - Which low tier character went from not that great to top tier through the buffing system. You were either always top or always crap. Or you were good and got shafted.

Funny enough in S1 people thought Rashid was bad, so I guess he’s at least one character that people didn’t know was good until he was good.

Laura is most obvious case of lower mid/irrelevant S1 character that got buffs and changes to the meta that put her up to the top (or near top even though it somehow flew over Japanese heads). Buffs to her already solid tools, remove frame 1 meterless DPs and she goes up to the top all of a sudden. She’s probably near the only real case of zero to hero, but it has happened. She of course got knocked back down, but still clearly a problem. You could argue Ibuki also but I think she was pretty cheap in S1 also and just needed time. S2 made her fundamentally better, but she was already a problem.

The way things are going Zeku will probably the next character that people think isn’t that great, that gets pretty scary. Cody is around there too. They’re a few things away from having people stop cheering for them and start blasting them.

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Laura was good IMO, I mean dudes where killing it with her. Zeku and Cody are ok characters, Zeku I think is a dark horse since hes got two sets of data and also not that common. Cody is overated IMO, but he kinda proves my point, he’s living off the back of HP + HK. Frosty will blaze in here and tell me he’s good I suppose.

I just think, if your base character is not good off the bat, you’re never getting there. They have shown they don’t know how to make changes ( I don’t actually like the term balance, its not about that). Ryu must have had more changes than anybody in the roster. Literally did nothing. Sakura got tons of buffs - did nothing etc.

Ehhh…I guess Laura won the first CPT event in S1 so that was something, but other than that you could argue she basically wasn’t in the game and wasn’t worth playing. Other than scary momentum if she got started she was a completely worse version of Mika and most of the top/higher tier could meterless dp her shit or just outzone/poke her. I personally wouldn’t have considered her anything close to good in S1’s environment. Rashid maybe, but Laura not so much.

I think Zeku is past the point of dark horse. He’s like a good version of Vega where you get a character with an honest trigger, but has good enough momentum and neutral to make up for it. He also proves that you don’t have to scum people with triggers to be a problem.

Ryu is just too far out of the meta since they want him to not get oki off much while removing the meterless dp he needs to keep his fireball game strong. Without meterless DP he can’t threaten fireballs like he could in S1 and force people to think about pressing buttons. Guile’s flash kick even meterlessly still functions as that base vertical option to stop people’s attacks and jumps when they try to get over booms.

Sakura I feel is another case of just a few things away from being stupid. Her buttons aren’t amazing, but she only needs to hit you like 2 or 3 times to kill you. She’s basically a bad Ken, but that’s still pretty scary considering anytime she touches you with a medium or heavy you get ran into the corner. She almost doesn’t need trigger to kill you. Like Chun Li because her walk speed is so fast zoners are always one slip up in neutral away from her ramming a jump HK or medium frame trap on them and push them into the corner.

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Sakura doesnt have enough SF5. Even Juri has that, criminally underrated character.

Laura players started this shit.

“I cant do mix ups because of Dps”


S1 Laura might have been worse Mika, but that’s still a strong character by SFV standards. Like you said, she did win the first CPT event. Granted, the brackets for that tournament were horribly uneven (Luffy didn’t make it out of pools due to Phenom and Kindevu, while Gootecks makes top 8, lol. At least the french didn’t rig the brackets for once), but that was still a big tournament with several big names present.

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SF5 will last 8 seasons. Support for it won’t end until at least the end of 2021. Expect a graphical update to keep it fresh before then.

I should also state that Capcom will go for 10 seasons if they can. At which point, SF5 will be the longest running supported SF game and most successful fighting game for its outreach, viewership, and repositioning of the franchise as the first true e-sport SF game.


oh c’mon, most Ryu’s and Sakura’s buffs are either insignificant or qol things that they should have had from the beginning, you can make them strong again, heck Ryu WAS strong in S1.
We even have characters like Juri or Fang that need very little to finally get “strong” (a la M.Bison strong) but get nerfed just as much as they get buffed every single time because god forbid we have some atypical characters being good, Capcom doesn’t want their target playerbase to think too hard about MUs

^This 100%

We need to thank the Capgods Sakura isn’t full SFV material still. Juri is the biggest case of downplaying in this game history. Laura players ABSOLUTELY started the meterless dp’s complaints, they were vocal about it because they’re soft as shit.

I was there (iirc you was there too), the atmosphere in the building was a bit unreal. The game was 10 days old, nobody really had a clue about the meta back then. In fact Laura wasn’t relevant until S2 where the dp’s nerf completely unchained her mix-ups potential.

I don’t think SFV will be the best SF to date, but I don’t feel the urge to play SF6 anytime soon. Despite all his issues I think SFV has still a lot to say, the next SF deserve to be developed patiently, the urge of releasing SFV hurts the game itself than anything.

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good boy


I would like to know what exactly Juri has to make her SFV material ?

She is not a yolo character,low damage, reliant of another resource ( store ), punishable crush counter buttons,no anti air jab anymore,no robbery v-trigger,no full screen ex moves to bypass neutral and leaving her plus on block.

But sure,keep saying we are downplaying her.

Ryu was strong in S1 because of wrong things like his j.lk or the ability to AA with jab, Ryu players want to play him like Guile, let’s be honest here. I think whoever ask for Fang buffs doesn’t really understand what they’re asking or they’re Fang players (which is understandable), Juri isn’t bad at all, but her SF4 days as a female version of Guile are over and the character is surprisingly good used as a rushdown.

I always enjoyed watching Tokido’s S1 Ryu…