SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Makoto is all I really want, aside from that Viper, Dudley and Gen.

Hakan would be cool too.


I want Rose and Hakan back. Hakan might be impossible, sadly.
Rose has a good chance of being in the S4 cast.


Haggar is the character I want to see the most. Second would be Oro. Then I would like some Rival School characters.

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I want necro. Then life will be complete.



Not excited about characters for Season 4 since my main ting Sagat is in the game. G is also taking up some of my time.

Viper maybeā€¦ depends how good she looks in SFV.

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Just gimme Rose, Makoto, Viper and Oro. Thatā€™s all I need.


I wanna choke all niggas again, give them a good reason to run away from me.
A good reason to teach them jump isnā€™t the solution.
A good reason to send me hatemails full of salty tears.
I want Makoto, you can have whoever you want. Papa Capcom knows how a good boy I will be then.


Asking for any character before E.Honda shows both a lack of respect for the game, but for the FGC as a whole.



Honda is paying for his crimes against Gief in SF2:CE to Super Turbo.
Which is why he isnā€™t in the game.

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That explains why Gief isnā€™t in the game either.


ā€¦ lol. Crimes against gief. Well Honda did take him out back and ravage that booty on the daily.

I said ravageā€¦ lol. But ryu and gat got all up in Hondaā€™s booty in ST and they in the game.

Might as well just add him and with that another 3-7 matchup for Gief, not as if it matters at this point.

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Characters like Sakura , Ryu, Sagat only really work if youā€™ve played other games imo. I was thinking about it last night. Pretty much all of the Sagats that are good played him before. Thereā€™s no new epic players of these characters that just spring up.

Thereā€™s a lot of stuff you need to learn about movement and situations thatā€™s not intuitive to this game.

Honestly if youā€™re a new player Cammy, Akuma are perfect characters. Strong, easy, have SF5 stuff.


honestly, when I think of SFV stuff I think of M.Bison


I want Poison and Viper back. If Poison comes back and isnā€™t terrible out the gate Iā€™d drop Laura in a heartbeat for her. Viper I think is rad and would like to see her get another appearance in the franchise.

I feel like Makoto and Oro are likely for S4. No great reason, just guts. I also think it seems super likely that Honda will come back just to fill out the OGā€™est crew.

Random awesome bullshit pick goes to Sodom. That weeb has to come back.

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I want someone new. And thatā€™s why i want Vivian Nishiki. Would be cool to have someone else from Mikaā€™s professional circle. And she seems very crazy and unorthodox (apparently, she fights with objects and tools)


If Honda gets in and denies Makoto a spot then I am buying two season passes. And some costumes on top of that if they design Honda to be more like Mak than OG Honda.The sea of salty tears would be priceless.

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M Bison is very easy to run the SF5 stuff for sure. Just that I think Cammy and Akuma might teach a new player more about general footsie stratagie for future games.

M Bison literally just presses shit, then see if it hits see if it blocks. Has iffy AA ( for a beginner) , has no walk speed etc.

Cammy is basically the new Ryu. Sheā€™s the character if your mate was brand new and you wanted to teach him FGs, sheā€™s perfect.

Trying to teach somebody how to play footsies with Ryu or Sagat is hard. Youā€™re kinda teaching them to play Call of Duty with a knife.

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Iā€™d rather have SFV finished and an anouncement for SF6. The game has delivered what it could and by now adding more has diminished returns. If season 4 is indeed true, then letā€™s hope:

  • No headswaps
    ++Neither ā€œedgy version of already existing character in SF5ā€ ala Evil Ryu.
    ++Nor ā€œbrand new characterā€ kind of headswap ala Roxy instead of Poison*.
  • No cringeworthy animated characters like Falke. Rather have no characters than crap ones.
  • Full season of top tier characters that give Guile or Akuma a run for their money. Even Gā€™s power level is unacceptable.

Only acceptable one is Genā€™s disciple and only because the original one is canonically dead. That double stance gameplay deserves another run given how Zeku ended sucking.