SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Brand new game or MvCI follow up, I will just support it.
We need Marvel before SFV in tournaments instead of snooze fest DBFZ.

my question is when will DBFZ update their game on PC so that PS4 sticks work on it

I find that games not having native support for this laughable ngl

as long as the product is really different it might work out that way but i am not sure if capcom will really put so much energy into itā€¦when the rumor is true to begin with. i guess we will find out next year if its true or not.

they at least need a new story mode and graphic enhancement + chars to wake new interest into the people who where disapointed with mvci.

Okay, Iā€™m one of those people who believes Vergeben most of the time, even with seemingly preposterous things like free DLC characters in SFV, but this just sounds so absolutely unlikely that I canā€™t see it happening, ever.

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite: X-Men Edition

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Daigo wants to play Sword Calibur? Hmm I guess so.

Long as he gets back in a few games of dat crack.

What Capcom needs to do is in the opening scene of the reveal trailer is play the X-men cartoon theme song, and show some X-Men characters. The hype will be real.
Oh, and some comic aesthetics.


I hope there is a graphical update to make it look more like the comics and less like the MCU.

With rumor that Disney will be closing in on Fox by Jan 2019, this doesnā€™t surprise me one bit. I hope itā€™s true and I hope Magneto is in!

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Iā€™m just gonna get back to my Falke training and not even think about this.

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Was hoping for a new Darkstalkers. Not really into Marvel but Iā€™m happy for the fans that they might end up getting an update. Iā€™ll probably watch it on stream from time to time if it gets big. For all itā€™s problems infinite actually had some solid and entertaining gameplay.

Marvel is nice and all, but can we get Virtua Fighter 6 already? It has been twelve fucking years since 5.


Youā€™re going to deny the game that became Marvel 3 when people said it couldnt happen and again when those said Marvel Infinite couldnt happen? Marvel doesnā€™t have anything other than the uncanny ability to rise again. Evo will have mainline crack again.

There is no if or nearly impossible, only how soon. Denying Jesus is more credible than denying Marvel. There can only be Marvel

Shit it has been 12 years WTF Sega!

Only shot VF6 has at coming back is that SoR is somehow coming back. And Marvel

Streets of Rage is already back

Kenny Omega on stream

If Kenny says one cross word about Tanahashi on stream he dies!

I was in a battle lounge today with some local friends when both of these happened.

Anyone who canā€™t multiply like me, better get on my level

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Itā€™s the Falken takeover

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