SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Or you can just pick it, reflect a red fireball at Akuma, cancel reflect into V-Trigger swing, cancel into CA and get a super cool finish.

It’s a once-in-a-lifetime occurence, sure, but totally worth it.


I was dreaming about my SF4 main Gouken of returning into S4 and I googled his omega mode from SF4. If he does make it in, I wonder what he will keep from omega, since that was kinda the testing ground for SF5.

Crazy tatsu combos ? Cool parry stomps ?

Remember…“Concentrate not on destroying your foe,but on attaining your own victory”


Hopefully nothing except simpler inputs for counter. He’s only been in 1 game so there’s no reason to reinvent him already, hopefully :thinking: :droplet:


:sweat_smile: Oh yes… But the old geezer is settled in his ways at that age, Juri is young and still developing, or something… :sweat: :cold_face:


Just like the Akuma and Bison videos, this is one focused on R.Mika.

Hope anyone who struggles versus her would find it useful.


Gouken’s power is his own. He’s not dependent on a prosthetic eye.

Juri’s redesign is not bad,she is just so undertuned.But yes I do miss some of the things she lost.

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I know what you mean :wink::open_mouth:


Well, Gouken was a defensive character but the old man had a few gimmicks as well.

I wonder if his st hp would be his crush counter. That thing had range for days and it stuffed a lot of attacks,not to mention it even worked as anti air with the proper spacing.

I just want to land these again, it felt so good to do the Shin Shoryu.


But I don’t know what you mean :wink:


Why is Gouken looking at Ibuki’s ass ?

Because she moves so fast and that’s where her kicks were half a second ago :persevere:

It’s very common for people to get in the habit of teching “throw resets” (i.e. hit the opponent then walk up throw because you suspect they are too busy focusing on blocking) in response to the habit of people going for throw resets in the first place. You’ll almost never land it at a higher level and usually have to fake the reset and throw bait/frame trap instead.

Also a lot of damage left on the table in that clip. You were close enough to do HK SBK over MK SBK both times you confirmed it and the post stun combo was the perfect opportunity to go for the j.HP, B+HP xx EX Kikoken, cr. MK xx MK SBK instead. Then he wouldn’t have had the sliver of health to even try some BS like he did.


I fought and lost to a Juri player using V-Trigger 2.

It was the most surreal experience I’ve ever had.


He should get double points by having the balls to use VT2


Juri’s VT2 is still quite better than some of the worst triggers so no need to feel too bad. Definitely a tier about Sagat’s VT1 and Falke’s VT2. Easy to hit confirm into, still safe on block if you dont hit confirm it (although will most likely take v reversal and lose momentum) and builds Juri a lot of meter which allows her to easily dump supers on you and not worry. It doesn’t take much meter away from the opponent, but denying them a super or EX isn’t terrible either.


I see zero reason to use VT 2 instead of VT 1.

VT 2 would be solid if it allowed Juri to use the kick she does upon activation, multiple times.The kick itself leaves her + on block upon activation.More uses would make sense since the entire idea behind the trigger is to apply pressure to the opponent and drain his bar.

It’s like the difference between Cody’s VT1 and VT2. Cody’s VT2 is clearly better and the one you should always use in tournaments, but his VT1 isn’t bad either. Actually Juri’s triggers are a bit closer in strength really since Juri’s VT1 isn’t as powerful as Cody’s VT2.

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I get you but Cody’s VT1 augments him as a character, while Juri’s VT 2 doesn’t change her attacks in no shape or form. It just gives her a passive debuff that she puts on the enemy if close enough.

VT 2 would benefit from some of these :

  • Multiple uses of the kick she does upon activation
  • Does white damage
  • Enhances her existing EX moves ( EX ryo or EX fuha become plus on block ) so she maintains pressure
  • Increases the stun output on her attacks

Basically something that makes her a threat upclose. As she is now, she is not a threat.