SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Rewatched my on stream match that happened on my weekly yesterday and I am pissed at myself for such crass and stupid mistakes I did that cost me a lot.
I could have taken at least one match out of that master Kolin weren’t for that.

Looks like I will spend my long weekend labbing and practising Falke. I have to do better next week.

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Do you guys think this input lag reduction will bring more players to the game? One thing that turned me off investing time in it was my inability to punish dashes. If that delay goes through, I think we’ll see an increase in the player database for sure.

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you still won’t be able to react to dashes


I highly doubt it. Input lag is one problem but fixing it won’t fundamentally change the way this game is played, it will simply make some fake pressure easier to stop (thinking of command dashes à la Ken, Laura and Ibuki here) and AAs easier to land. If you hate the game that’s not a good enough reason to return.

Why so?

8 c h a r a c t e r s

I wouldn’t say I hate it, I just don’t like stubby buttons and dashes I can’t see.

lets say input delay was reduce to a stable 5f, even though it’s closer to 6f if it stays at current value.

The fastest dashes clock in at 15f, and most dashes clock in from 16f to 17f.

If we remove 5f from all of those dashes, we still land at a minimum of 12f. If we also take into account that a lot of these dashes don’t animation with enough visual clarity to see them until 3rd or possibly 4th frame, we arrive at around 8~10f of time to react to the dash.

You still won’t be able to react to the dashes.


Do you think that they messed up some animations, or was that done on purpose?

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Again, who has the best cancellable cr mk?

Bad animation quality, I don’t think intentional. The frame data behind the dashes is very deliberate though. Every character in SFV has a dash like Makoto.

Contextual to what you want - range, cancel window, on-block + frames, hitbox?

Chun-Li, Kolin, Karin, Menat and Ibuki have pretty good cr.mks.

I think the input lag reduction (if that is what actually pans out, I’m still not getting my expectations up one way or the other until people dig into the 10/23 update) will help in general but I don’t think it is going to bring people back who left aside from a short stint of curiosity.

Like Frost said the dashes in this game seem very deliberately designed, and for me that is part of the closer range scramble so much of the game encourages. Theoretically they could rework the game so that it wasn’t so dash friendly but since the game is “working as intended” I don’t see them doing that.


Maybe the input lag reduction will make it below 0. U can finally do the moves before u think like bruce lee wanted…


So it seems like there isn’t any particularly good way to DIRECTLY counter people who tech tick throws by walking backwards for 2 frames then blocking low, then walking backwards for a couple of frames then blocking low… etc etc

It seems like you have to have a command grab or a confirmable low to stand a chance.

light > microwalk > x2 light xx special

So after day one in the lab and some random casuals, I’ve taken a really strong liking to holding LP.

Reasons for this:

  • Like you said, jump MP is awesome. But once you land, you gotta do something and Stand MK xx Kugel is what I’m going with. If you weren’t charging a button already, that isn’t possible. So charging MP seems to really limit your follow up options after landing jump MP.

  • I don’t really feel like I’m missing much by sacrificing LP in the neutral. If I find myself in a scramble situation, I just hit c.LK,s.LKxx Kugel. Sure, it only combos on counter hit, but I’m not looking for a combo, just a way to regain control.

Tell me why I’m wrong and why holding LP is a bad habit.

(On a side note, s.MK xx Kugel makes me realise how much I miss cancelling medium pokes into safe specials. So awesome to finally have one again).

One of my more used strings, doesn’t seem to work well. Doesn’t work well against me either from what I’ve seen, but perhaps I’m being to predictable with it since I tend to only use it after blocked jumpins or against wakeup.

Also, it’s not that I can’t EVER do something about the fuzzy walk, it’s just that it seems really freaking hard to do anything any kind of consistently… especially when the opponent is also teching throws sometimes and also jabbing out of pressure sometimes.

The teching and the jabbing aren’t so bad, it’s the backwalk that really makes things seem unpleasant.

Fuck me.


I know I panicked and got grab instead of a second cr.LK but why the fuck was he even mashing throw there?!?

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Worrying about that shit is dumb. There are plenty of dashes in other current fighters that are basically as fast and as hard to punish, but can also cross up behind your body. Like in 3S even with the low delay you are still getting dash grabbed by Urien sometimes. He can dash two times and grab you in the blink of an eye. You would have to be a robot to stop all of them and the dashes were designed that way. EX moves are also similarly fast, just a bit less lag makes them a bit easier to react block/parry.

The people that already weren’t in are going to still complain about the 30 other things they can complain about. Saltford still gonna whine, that shit won’t change until SF6 and they should just wait for that.


For starting off it’s not bad to hold LP. Just in the long run if someone suddenly gets within regular throw range you’d want to have LP ready to tech throws. Plus LP is pretty necessary when you have super to deter people from dashing in randomly and then comboing that into super for bigger punish. Makes your low game scarier also.

I just move my index finger over to hit s.MK when I’m charging MP. That way still keep the charge without having to let go of MP (then let go of MP to cancel into Kugel). Feels very natural.

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What is up with OP Chun plays these days?