SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

No excuses then when I tiger shot your face.


Went 1-2 on a new online weekly. 1-2 seems to be my common trend at my weeklies. :frowning:
Clearly, I am the worst SFV player here.

Eat my CA

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Twin when he starts playing SC6 online for the first time.



Falke players, which button do you hold in neutral? Does it depend on the match up?

Always mp. If I need it, I jump and release it at the early jump frames.


So cr.MP is a poke you can live without?

That thing is 10f start up. Why are you using it?


Holy shit, just realized that DJ has got FAQs in her character sub. One of the few character forums that’s not dead. Noice.


Only characters I use c.mp much against are Abi and Gief. Basically s.hp is like 4 times better than c.mp for the same start up. Which makes mp mostly a filler button you can hold (just mainly for jmp which is also really good). Anything you’d want to use c.MP for j.MP basically does a better job doing any way. That’s like your main quick area control button.


What is the interaction like between Falke’s crMP and Bison’s scissor kicks

When you think you’re clever going for a wake-up CA and see it trade with Gief’s headbutt…


Heavys that are faster startup than mediums.

This is the world we fight in.


I think that’s a product of the “commitment” philosophy of sf5. If you want a “good” poke like sf4 and sf2 and cvs2 etc etc… you have to commit to a heavy that can be jumped or wiff punished. No long range mediums with good reward on block and hit that are hard to wiff punish and near impossible to jump pressure (shoto cr.mk being a huge offender, bison st.mk being another one)

I’m not really sure what I think about that… I’d rather pokes be safer in general, but uber pokes that do everything AND are safe do seem to be a bit much sometimes. Sf4 with focus seemed to have the best of both worlds… blow up “safe” mediums and even Lx2 if you have good timing.

Sf5, if you have a decent CC heavy seems decent, but the safety of just abusing some nice medium pokes is lost unless you are like 1st round Karin or Cammy in any round. Chun fmp is good but gives nothing on block or hit and needs CH to do anything worth while. Karin st.mk does nothing on hit or block but it does setup for her charged v skill once people respect the st.mk.

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Do not trust anyone with a SFV Logo, they are sleeper agents.


In SFIV Juri’s cl.st.MP had faster startup than her jab, so it’s not completely a SFV-ism.

I think it’s quite normal ( I think Sakura had faster heavy) for close moves. Having your st.hk be faster than your cr.mk by quite a margin is a bit strange though.

Feels like SF5 has a dead zone. You still get 3-4 frame lights, but your next jump up seems to skip the 4-6 section and we start again at 7 plus.


Yeah, it’s basically you have 2 (3 frame style attacks) you have a 3 frame light and a 5 frame medium. No light or medium is faster than that in the game and no one in the game doesn’t have atleast one 4 frame light.

There aren’t ALOT of 5 frame mediums but they aren’t exactly rare either. What is rare is a character having a 3 frame cr.lk (only Chun) and having a crouching 3 frame jab (Karin, Cammy, necalli are the only ones that come to mind right off the bat) and all of those “outliers” are season 1 characters.

When it comes to CC moves, while I wouldn’t call this a hard and fast rule, it seems to mostly apply:

Sub 10 frame CC = is duckable

10 or more frames = isn’t duckable

Over 15 frames = probably safe on block (just guessing this one, haven’t looked at all the frame data for CC)

Over 10 frames but under 15 frames = -4 and usually punishable if not spaced right… unless you are urien or akuma.

10 frames, not duckable, not punishable, plus on block = you are akuma and get good things that others don’t…#demonprivelege

But like I said these aren’t hard and fast rules. They are majority from what I see. Like chun st.hk is 14 frame iirc so it’s over 10 frames, but it’s still duckable… mostly because of its range probably which is one of 2 things I left out of the CC equation (range of CC and damage that CC gives/ range of CH confirm) like necalli st.hk has decent range and is a very standard CC except he doesnt get much damage from mid to max range without a V cancel.

TLDR, the game is pretty homogenous and has very specific attributes that it spreads around depending on how capcom wants a character to play. That’s the dead zone you are feeling. It is programmed in by design and tends to be at or around the tip of medium attack range and at or around the spacing where your average -4 CC will just wiff… when we are thinking spacing. There’s also a big dead zone with respect to 5 frame moves that have decent range, there are basically very few to none that I know of besides necalli cr.mp.

Sorry long “tldr”


A lot of the 5/6 frame buttons are former proximity/close buttons that are used for frame trapping or counter poking now. Doesn’t really effect Ibuki specifically because she has had almost no proximity buttons since SF3 and usually has a target combo that replaces the use of one. Luckily c.MP is 6 frame start up and still used for most of what it was in IV. In 3S it wasn’t too useful unless you were using SA3. Her c.MK is also 6F start up and with the extra buffs on hit/block in AE is definitely one of the better c.MK’s in the game.

Akuma not surprisingly also has some of the better 5 and 6 frame mediums in the game. Which is why a lot of the pro Akumas don’t bother with c.HP much and stick to what mostly actually makes him top. That being fast mediums that are hard to whiff punish and his s.HP which has a lot of reward on hit for an 8 frame button and also CC’s.

Falke falls in line with the typical fast neutral lights, slower strong hit box heavies deal. Her s.MK is not bad as a counter poke, but is 8 frame start and doesn’t really have an amazing hit box for aggressive poking. Mainly counter poke or whiff punisher vs smaller buttons. j.MP is the main thing you use to low risk medium poke with and works well with her air fireball to snipe people and force bad AA’s. She can use it from a range that’s easy to empty jump with from a range that opponent has to commit to.

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Yo, can I ask you man for a major favour? I’m really trying to get my sub count up on YouTube, if anyone is willing to subscribe it really would be most appreciated. You helped @Evil_Canadian, help me too!!!

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