SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Actually you do. It doesn’t matter where the original code is saved if the patch/update processes simply replaces those files. You’ll still have to download them.

Also, every game is installed on the HDD anyway so while you might have a disc in your PS4 or Xbox, it’s basically just there to authenticate the data on your HDD.

Yeah unfortunately though it’s also probably a buff to Guile and Menat.

You know what I’m super interested in, if those marginal Cammy dive kicks that hit you in the face and send you to death now turn into Dps.

2 frames I think makes a difference. Any less than that the game won’t change much.

An 8 frame sweep is still an 8 frame sweep.


Hitting ranked is pretty much what I have been doing. I started it last Thursday and I am almost around the rank where I should be.
I am sure my win ratio will go down to more reasonable levels once I hit gold and start working towards super gold.

I should have hit it yesterday, but lag switchers make me so pissed off that I lose it and starts playing really bad. It takes a few games for me to get back to normal, so some people got to walk away with my points for free because I lost focus and was playing below my level.

The rest of my defeats outside the lag switch Ken and the ultra lag Alex were clean where my opponent outplayed me.
I am looking forward to get more of those soon when I hit gold because I can actually learn from watching those replays.

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So I’m arranging a tournament this Saturday. I had initially anticipated 35-50 participants, but I asked the bar that’s hosting to make an FB-event, as I thought it might be a good way to introduce people and maybe even recruit new players (it’s a sport/gaming bar, so I thought their audience might be right for us).

As things stand, there are about 35 people that have confirmed that they’ll join and 130 have shown interest.

I know the vast majority of those people won’t join but 60-80 participants is pretty likely now. And this was something I arranged on a whim because I wanted to play Tekken and drink beer at the same time. Now it’s likely the biggest tournament we’ve held this year.

Whelp. Trial by fire for me as a TO.


Well, since Evo Capcom only communications we’re about costumes, this is an useful news for does who are more interested in the game health and future more than pure aesthic stuff. Yeah, about fckn time, but better later than never. Remember what you’ve felt when you was forced to play on PS4 at tournament? That’s my daily struggle and the same for whoever played SF before with a normal input delay. The fact Capcom is still working on the game issues as well as obvious improvements is a good news, I’ll give them props when deserve it.

I guess his brain was inside the stick he destroyed after that infamous match against Rico Suave in SF4. Too many excuses for a game he stated he don’t like/play, as a result of all his BS statement he’s now the target of Twitter posts after the input lag news.


I’ve probably said this before but the first time I laid hands on SF5, I had a sinking feeling because of how slow it played coming from old games. It just felt so wrong to my muscle memory. Yes I got used to it over time, but truth be told I never really got over it. It’s really been the single worst part of an otherwise fantastic game.



Nerf Ibuki!


i hope it’s close to 2 frame reduction. even so, there are going to be a ton of random elements but this would ease the pain.

Everyone gettin all hype

everyone gonna get all disappointed


I will only believe SFV is saved when I see the 4 horsemen of the Hypeocalypse

Honda is fat so he counts as 2 horsemen



I really hate you guys sometimes. Of course I’m gonna start playing it again to try it out, but i still hate you guys capcom.

Can a brotha get region lock or ping numbers or some shit?


Reduce it 2 frames people still Gona get hit by Mika drop kick and Urien charge HK. Those moves breifly send your finger signals into another dimension.


Hmm… if it’s 2 frames I might finally be able to block the surprise overheads.

AAing will be slightly easier, walk and block will be better. Wiff punishing wont be “wish punishing” as much as it is now.

But the buttons will still be mini me range, T-rex mirrors… so the game will basically be playing patty cakes, but faster. High stakes patty cakes, mark of the new millennium V2.8


A bit of a lore question, but isn’t it weird that E.Honda’s name is “Edmond” and not something like Eiji; what’s the deal with that? Not a very Japanese first name despite being depicted as a flag waving Japanese nationalist.

If someone does their job wrong for 3 years on the trot, and then decides after that period of time WITH the entire office complaining at them for it to fix the way they do their job. Do you praise that?

Fuck no, it was an expectancy from the first day. I don’t praise them simply meeting an industry fucking standard.


True, but sorry if I don’t spit on the dinner because comes late, I’m hungry. I’m trying to be positive, I’ve wanted this since the beginning. I need one thing more to be happy again in Mama Capcom arms, I had to wait til December.


The more I think about it, the more I think the input fix is just going to be stabilizing it.

We might not get a reduction at all, and if we do at most it might be by 1 or .5

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I’ve thought the same thing, but dammit, let me dream of a world with less input lag.

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I’m officially in love :heart_eyes:


His whole goal was always to bring Sumo to the world, so he probably changed to an english first name to help ease those cultural barriers.

Honda is a very worldly man.

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