SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Ugh. Online tonight is terrible.

You tell me.
Ranked was awful and infuriating tonight.
Laggy opponents, people running after losing one, lag switching Ken, extra laggy Alex…
Managed to only win 200 lp from where I started and dropped my win ratio to only 70%. :frowning:


We need a revolution. If thy lags then you lag. Load up those torrents god damn it.


Same. It’s just all over the place right now.

Like I always say, when this game is good online, it’s fabulous. When it’s bad, it’s super fucking terrible.



Dark you a GM Cammy… that means on your way to UGM the lag warriors will double. They’re trying to stop you.

Don’t let them!


What kind of address are we talking about? Announcement of announcement? Half a frame? Still too scared to AA even at 3.5f adjustment?

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70% is pretty good. You’re winning pretty much 3 out of 4. IMO even 60% is pretty good.

I think we can all agree that the best thing about the lag being addressed is that it will finally let Sanford win.


How can he be better though when he’s already the best

*In young form TM


Long as you don’t lose to his Mika I’ll let it slide.

Anyone know when sea 2018 is and what time are they streaming? I saw the times but I have no idea what time it will be here in California.

If you’re in Cali it starts at 7pm on Friday and goes through all the way til about 8AM Saturday morning. The regional finals start at 3AM on Sunday.

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You jest, but we know it to be true.


lol, by the 30th it’ll be something else.

Thats if he’s not quit then come back 8 days later.

He still gonna get dunked on. He didn’t do much in Marvel 3 with plenty of excuses and that game had good offline delay.

Plus it might only be one frame. You need at least 2 frame cut off to compensate for the stubby buttons


I’ve seen Sanford go from being excited to grind SFV to hating the game not even 30 mins later. Most of his tweets were very Jekyl and Hyde about the game in general. This will be short-lived.


No change, except redesigning the game from scratch, will make up for the stubby buttons across the board. But this IS a buff to reactive play and it will affect how characters approach, and it will help certain characters (hello Sagat). We’ll just have to wait and see how big the reduction actually is.

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Sanford seemed like he was poised to make the big time, but unlike his peers at EMP, he stayed and never moved out of his general attitude as the competition improved over the years. Now he’s just an old man yelling at clouds. Oh well, at least his Sentinel was godlike.


I’m at 62% with Falke and unlike Bea I haven’t been molesting Rookies. I still feel like being garbage tier and getting away with murder because nobody knows the matchup.

70% usually means you’re sitting at a rank you don’t belong and should hit ranked for a week.

Anything above 80% is either a smurf or a ragequitter.