SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Shit. If they keep reducing the input lag I’m gonna lose my excuse for losses.
Wait…round stealing V triggers. Yes, that’s it. Thank god. I still have something to lean on.


don’t forget the netcode


Best news of the year, hands down. Well done Capcom, praises deserved. Making everyone happy it’s impossible, but this is a good start to improve the game. Now I can wait for Season 4 with more hope.

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I’m still waiting to make sure it’s the right amount of delay change. If we’re only going down 1 frame that’s not good enough. At least 2. - 15 frames would be best.

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Didn’t I tell you they will do it this year? :slight_smile:

Netcode coming next!

Congratulations everyone! Capgod loves you.


I’m also assuming part of the reason the lag change is coming now is because of the arcade cab. Like I said, they can’t have most of the better players of SF in the world playing everyday on an arcade cab that will inherently have less lag than the CPT Lagstation 4 version.

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I agree here completely, but I think this was in the cards. They knew the arcade version will come around this time and they planned certain updates to coincide with specific milestones.

I truly believe Capcom planned out and budgeted for all of SF5 for at least 5 years. The payoff was never meant to be from the first year, even though initial sales were less than stellar, Capcom kept their eye on the prize.

I’m very happy that Capcom is supporting SF5 like this. SF4 already lost me by this time in its cycle. I don’t think SF5 will lose me at all.



Some mods

I blame SNK for this shit.

^ This.

The arcade versions is basically just the ps4/pc version on a Taito set up.


I’m pretty sure you can get Proper 12 at discount after Saturday night :wink:

RIP online Kens who cancel everything into run. No more counterhits for you.


If they fix the netcode, I’m calling 911 and sending them to Purbeast’s house.


When you get bodied by someone named Cute Black Man


I’m gonna be looking for who still gets caught by Ken run shit and birdie free willy after patch

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I can cross cut G’s or Zeku’s cross up all day with Ken or Ryu but I get stuffed every time when I try to do it with Sagat with the same timing (I do the half circle motion).

I think it’s more of a hurt box mixed with the hitbox on his SRK being an issue

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Now we know why there was a sudden slowdown for the Chun costumes. They got the money they needed

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EchoFox is on a killing spree today.

Droppin the dead weight

cause thats what punk is



They dropped Punk right when he started winning again.

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