SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I’m glad Capcom is continuing to improve SFV. No complaints from me.


Oh snap!

So seems like this would be a huge change to the over all game play.

I wonder if any characters will get direct changes as a result

If it’s not less laggy than Skullgirls I’m still gonna complain.

Inputs get improved on my birthday? The messiah am I.


I wonder if they are just going to fix the uneven input lag or actually reduce it.

Between this and arcade release, you guys are getting some good shit

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Wait what
This isn’t April 1st

Did I just read that? o.o

You did.

This also means crack is coming back.

SFV started out quite shitty but at least Capcom does put some effort into fixing it,the support has been ok,so respect on that.

Now if only they would do balance patches more often and make a good platform where people would provide feedback. Leaving characters undertuned and overtuned for one year plus is bullshit imo.

Yeah the input delay is being fixed.

On the arcade cabinet version :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:


Knew there was going to be a catch. Either way the problem is I can still blame my losses on…

buttons being too stubby
input lag not being as low as skullgirls
Guile’s sobat kick beating akuma’s air fireball
Guile forcing me to play patient
I know i should be complaining about maynut but nobody plays her so i forget
ryu not zoning good enuff
Sagat not being offensive enuff
Akuma pressing c.HP at me
moves that bypass neutral
Bison never losing his turn
Juri being undertuned
Zeku being 2 bad characters instead of just one good character
Cammy being a better version of Birdie
Ibuki throwing air ex kunai at me with nothing I can do
v triggers that take the game away from me that I was winning
my v trigger not being able to take the game away from them well enough
not being able to express myself with enough strings and tacticz
my stomach suddenly hurting and i know it was because of the game
button vtc being so strong
Gief V Ism custom combos that I have jumped into the future to see
the game not being SFIV the only SF game that I have played competitively even though im above 25 years old

Actually im pretty good with everything and if you could just leave that arcade cab on my doorstep (i want it for free dont wanna pay for it) that would be great Capcom thx


This change must not be as big as people are making it out to be if they are doing this 2 months before Capcom Cup. If it was truly big, they’d save it for S4.

Basically a PR move to try and bulid hype for S4.

Like EC said it’s only a fix for the arcade cab so yeah, it’s not a big deal.

I actually don’t know this for sure

but its what I feel, cause we live in a sin cursed world and that’s just how things always turn out


I’ll wait to see if this is helps PC/Console or just an arcade thing.

I figured it was simply a premonition that you may have telepathically received from Ed Noob, but he is Lord and he may truly know. All of his games have less than 3 frames of input lag and he wants better for everyone. For now it must start with the arcade cab and move on to consoles and PC later in S5.

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How about easter egg for existing costumes? I hope Juri gets some

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Are we taking bets on the size of the patch for input improvements?
:roll_eyes: :coffee:

Idk but with a tweet like that I’m expecting a blog post to be up today.

I doubt it’s only for arcade cabinets, I’m the newest guy here and the noobest but cmon guys it’s pretty logical that it’s for the world not only arcades in Japan lol.