SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

In 3S Ibuki had 10 frame start up sweep that was minus 8 on block and that’s still the best SF game.

Really the sweep data in this game is pretty similar to 3S. Shotos were the only characters that sweeped even a little bit in 3S (and theirs were like 7f start up at best). Twins you could sweep with them once in a blue moon but no real need. Chun’s sweep basically didn’t need to be used other than some weird AA scenarios. It was only like really long sweeps like Uriens, Hugo’s or Dudley’s that were used with any regularity.

It’s Ingrid!

Still see Alex, makotos, and Elenas use sweeps a good bit too.

Sweeps in 3S had good range and enough pushback to make them safe on block in a lot of situations. Certain characters could punish with super from all ranges, and I think Yun lp lunge punished a lot of them too, but sweeps were still less risky as a space control tool in 3S imo.

I still can’t get over that SFV Ryu sweep is significantly harder to punish on whiff than on block. That shit is completely backwards to me.


Niggas ain’t ready for Makoto sweep with cr.hp, I heard the complaints already.


I remember the good ol’ days of keeping Makoto out…only for her to eventually close the distance and fuck me in the ass. I learned to never relax until KO came across the screen.

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G’s sweep is weird and I get salty when I just punish it with a regular normal
Need to go back to training mode and find a long and disrespectful punish

Won’t lie, Karins + Birdies sweep was bullshit a few Seasons ago

I’m not sure a sweep that was always punishable by every character in the game (at least at the time), regardless of spacing, qualifies as bullshit. :confused:

Thankfully very few people knew how to punish Karin properly for it, so i got away with it way too often.

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Subliminal Honda


Almost no one sweeps in 3S outside of whiff punish or super far range and if anyone had a habit of sweeping they would get down parried into oblivion. In SFIV focus attack was the catch-all for sweep abuse which is way easier than parry.

In SFV most sweeps are terrible without VT backing them. Almost always a free punish on block and not very potent for whiff punishing due to input delay + generally slow startup. The input delay thing is an engine thing that would improve everything if reduced imo, but sweeps in general I think should just be a hard knockdown without requiring a CC to even out how punishable they are. The higher level players will know when to use it while lower level players will probably try to abuse it but quickly learn they can’t once they start eating block punishes all day. Somehow Akuma will probably ruin this suggestion.


How smash players conduct themselves, even at the highest levels of play

Oh smashers, when will you learn!!!

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It’s easy to make it balanced:

Make any sweep that was combod into, not give HKD. There done. Balanced.

I’ve always thought sweeps need some sort of buff in sf5.

What I’m really wondering though is if the “meta” will ever be to use sweeps against blocked reversals to get the HKD into a mini vortex setup.

My personal adjustment to sweeps in V would be to not allow a backrise out of them, so that their niche usage of only being useful for VTCs can be extended and make their payoff for whiff punishing a lot better, creating some lockdown situations from messy neutral.

Well some of the best tennis players throw their controllers around. Also some of the worst SFV players. Like myself.

I like the cool nod from the other dude though. ‘Nice throw there buddy, I got your back.’

Dat Sanford

still bs online, it took a youtube video for people to start punishing it :^) Birdie still gets away with murder at times until he runs into Abigail


Birdie gets away with murder all the time.


eeeeeeee hehehee

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Yeah I know she’s not been real technical in the past, but I’d like her to be so now. Since she has that magical-girl-all-grown-up theme, there’s really no kind of special move in the game you couldn’t give her and have it look out of place. Since Menat does orbs and Yun isn’t here, Super Friends seems obvious, but I’m wide open. Alpha counter becomes V-Reversal that she can combo off of, whatevers.

Basically I’m still looking for my Juri function in SFV. Rose has usefully airborne normals and a possible toolset that’s big but specialized, and could be designed to play rushdown vs footsie vs zoning depending on MU, like old-Juri but very unlike Menat.
