SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

When people say the game could be played differently, you mean by different players right ? not that you as a person can play the same game with the same character differently.

Right ?

In the regard, yeah i would agree that SFV had a pretty rigid design for most of the character. I think only a few can be played in a flexible enough manner like say Chun, Akuma, i think Cody is that as well, maybe Zeku, sometimes Nash, but for the most part, yeah. You have a way of playing that clearly works and is the definitive way of playing because everything is so micro-managed.

But tbh, that have been an ongoing issue for many 2D fighting games recently i feel. Like even say in Injustice, when you play vs a Dr. Fate or a Deadshot, they are gonna zone. Same for rush down characters. In a game like KOF, everyone who play say Mai (at least in the older patches) would abuse C+D, and her hard to move around fan and play like a bitch, and everyone who used love heart would just fish with cr.B all day.

I am now even seeing that with Soulcalibur 6 from what i played tbh. I think this is more cuz games are much more streamlined now in general and with information being so easily accessible, the " Good way " to play a character is figured out very quickly.

People just donā€™t play from the heart anymore, that isnā€™t a thing now.

Itā€™s impossible to play SFV differently. Every character has a specific function and mold. Think of every character as a mathematical equation. Ryu might be 1+1 and Menat is 2+2. You might want to play Menat as 1+3 but itā€™ll never work, even if you know the answer will be 4.

Your Opponent will apply his function the way Capcom intended. SFV leaves you no room to experiment with your function because the greater function is set in stone. If this was not true then Daigo would have never dropped Ryu. If the japanese can not alter the algorithm of Ryuā€™s function then no one can.

Some think Bison did the imaginable and altered his function but he didnā€™t. Bison did what Bison has been doing since the beginning and won. Bison won because Tokido thought he could change Akumaā€™s function by doing the traditional Japanese Wizardry dance before the fight and it failed him.

You can not and will not play SFV differently in anyway and think youā€™re going to win.

Something is wrong with your links. You posted to SFIV videos. That game is ass. Not Tori Hughes ass but noasstall ass.


Literally impossible to call SF4 or those matches ass when you play SFV. So lets hope you donā€™t play SFV or you donā€™t know Street Fighter.


Lets hope Capcom takes another long drive through memory lane and spices up SFV. There are gems in SF3, SF4 and SF5 that need to just come together like the infinite gauntlet.

Plus add Elena. Edit: And lets face it Street Fighter and 3D was a mistake :^)

Sagat is a very good example. In SF4 you could play Rush Sagat or Zone Sagat or mix both in, but I feel like Rush in this game isnā€™t available to everyone and if it is, itā€™s not controlled rush, itā€™s derp like blocked Tiger Knee - EX DP.

I mean look at Sakura. Sheā€™s probably a good example of a character that could be a monster in the right hands, now sheā€™s just ā€¦not as good as Cammy.

The variety really sucks. I feel S4 really needs to shake shit up.


SF4 was ass guys. Come on.
Like, come on.
You know you fought that flowchart Akuma/Ken and you couldnā€™t stop him cuz delay netcode.

The highs were way higher than sfv, but the lows were also 9th circle of hell lower.
Itā€™s 2018, put those rose-tinted glasses in the drawer.


But what about the rule of -2?

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Just wait til they add custom combos in S4. The meta will turn into a Vism Alpha 3 game and everyone will be able to express themselves.


I think both games have problems, but just as a user experience - I had more fun with 4.

Put SF4 frame data in SF5, lower the lag - probably would be the best SF ever.

Thereā€™s nothing fun about playing with 8-9 frame sweeps. Thats basically the worst sweep in the game in SF4 - is the best sweep in the game in SF5. Then put lag on top of that.


Sakuraā€™s 10f sweep is some rage inducing shit.

Like how the fuck does Guile get a 7f sweep with all the shit he has!?

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Only baddies played sf4 online :slight_smile:

Sheā€™s coming


Thereā€™s no need for it. 10 frame sweep lol.

You know who had a 10 frame sweep in SF4.


They butchered her cr.mk as well.

Sagat reminds me a little of her, Tatsu = Tiger Knee. Same problem. Although at least Sagat has brilliant zoning.

The days of 5-6f sweeps and heavy attacks in general being as fast as 4-5f seems like such a distant memory nowadays. Normals, specials, and speed(walk speed and move speed) were so much better overall in SF4 that even the worse USF4 character would be straight up broken if they were put in SFV fully intact minus universal changes like no invincible DPā€™s.


Rose has never really been a deep or technical character minus A3. The deepest she ever gets is that she is a character with a large toolset, but you generally only end up needing to abuse small parts of it to dominate.

Outside of playing neutral and standing ground thereā€™s nothing ever really technical about her. Menat is basically what would happen if Rose ever became some anime technical lab character (who like Rose can still abuse 2 or 3 things to dominate if the player can stand their ground well enough).

Between A2 and SFIV sheā€™s mostly been about abusing things that are easy to exploit. A2 you spammed c.MP, sweep, alpha counters and activate friends on people and put them in guard breaks and huge chip traps. Early SFIV you mashed backdash and activated Soul Satellite whenever anything bad was happening to you. Later SFIV still soul satellite still good for activating and turning tides while abusing a s.MK that beat throws, set up easy counter hit combos and abusing backdash that combined with focus let her slip out of lots of shit. Luckily Elena came in and made Rose look hard to play.

People who play goofy characters always come up with the best names. Blanka players have names like MustardLips


We heard about Viper since S1, dunno if SFV playerbase is ready for her.

I was thinking about Rose yesterday. Menat plays different, but at the end of the day sheā€™s an anti-zoning/neutral monster like Rose with orbs,AA command grab like her master. Iā€™m curious what Rose could add to SFV at this point considering zoning less threatening than SF4.

Is that rose or viper??

Juri was really good at this as well. I often played her very defensively the first round and then very aggressively the second. Most players were so eager to get in by that point that they just kept getting hit.

In SFV the game kind of forces you to mix between offense and defense depending on whether you have stores or not because you canā€™t aggressively store anymore and canā€™t really zone anymore either.

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Honestly, look at almost any SFIV-character that had more than one top player behind it. Tokido vs Infiltration. Bonchan vs Ryan Hart. Fuudo vs Mago. Momochi vs Sasaki. Justin vs Ricki. etc etc
All of those guys had distinctive, recognizable style differences. They played the same character, but dealt with similar situations in vastly different ways.

Iā€™ll be the first to say SFIV had a lot of issues. Almost all fighting games do, to be fair, but at times the problems SFIV had would still make me want to throw my stick into a wall. And yet, Iā€™d still rather deal with the stupid shit in SFIV than playing SFV.