SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I want Rose to have long legs to kick people, a long scarf to punch people and big boobies to distract people.

Everything else is not important.


I actually just wonder if she will have her retarded backdash form SF4.

Sweeps also is not about being punishable itā€™s about pushing the opponent out to different ranges to set other things up. Now itā€™s binary

You swept - Iā€™ll sweep back - interaction complete.

Unless they add invincibility frames to backdashes just for her it wouldnā€™t really matter because you can just hit her out of it.

They spent most of S1 and S2 killing retarded backdashes so she most likely wonā€™t have a retarded one. Only certain offensive characters still have strong backdashes (as far as speed/movement). Any zoner/long distance type character has average to bad backdash now.

Certain characters due to range and pushback still have pretty neutral based sweeps. Even though they nerfed Birdieā€™s sweep still pretty solid to use neutrally and avoid punishment range minus 5 frame ex specials/supers. Cody, Blanka and Menat are all characters that have sweeps that you can throw from a range where theyā€™re not punishing without a fast ex special.

Cody can easily get whiff punishes for people trying to press short things back at max range blocked sweep. If heā€™s in v trigger gets to cancel it into minus 3 pipe which then can also cancel into rock if youā€™re in a situation where itā€™s safe to rock cancel. His sweep is very dangerous once heā€™s in trigger since you only need to land one CC sweep to swing the game around.

they can make her sfiv backdash her v skill

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Changing up chars seems to be the theme in SFV. I expect Makotoā€™s dash punch to be +3 ob and Fukiage (up punch) to be a terrible AA but a great wake-up, because Capcom.

I would be glad to see her in SFV, but probably Menat is the SF answer about Rose. Strong neutral, anti-zoning, orbsā€¦ Thereā€™s still hope anyway because Menat looks more like Sim to me (when not played by Sako), but still. I donā€™t remember Rose being so different from her SFA version in SF4, a Capcom revision of her could lead to a character who feel different from the original idea. When I think about Viper instead I see Capcom giving her different gadgets to make her fit in this meta. Thereā€™s room just for one of them anyway, pick one.

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If Roseā€™s backdash was exactly the same as it was in IV without the attack invincibility itā€™d still be retarded. Less retarded, but basically retarded. Backdashes are still pretty solid in SFV because they have airborne frames. Which the airborne frames lessen the risk of backdashes having counter hit state. Worst that can happen once you get into airborne frames is you get hit with something that can juggle or get hit with a CC. Which you will probably save some damage if you are airborne during a CC any way. If you get hit by a single grounded normal out of the air youā€™ve effectively reset yourself for the most part. Especially if you have an EX DP or 3 frame button to mash on after.

Maybe Iā€™m playing the wrong characters but ā€¦ no wait, Iā€™m definitely playing the wrong characters.

ā€¦but so far backdashing on wakeup hasnā€™t yielded the best results. IMO itā€™s the classic SFV equation: why try anything when just blocking and taking the throw gets you out of a bad situation for the most part while taking minimal damage? So unlike SFIV I feel like backdashes are the most useful in this game when cornered and not midscreen because thatā€™s the only part on the stage where taking the throw isnā€™t necessarily better than trying to get out of pressure.

In my experience at least.

Yeah, Falke-Blanka is shit for Falke. She can only punish blocked balls if he does them out from throw range or something (spoiler alert: and Blanka players never do that).

He also has a ton of movement option while Falke basically has none.

I have a question, what do you people think about Juri being able to store 2 x or 3 x the same store.

As in having 3 x light fuhajin , 3 x hp fuhajin ?

OP ? Useless ? Not much in the long run ?

Would be a pretty nice twist if she could have more stock of prefered store.

Would be too broken, your opponent wouldnā€™t be able to move a inch, she would be stronger than Akuma and Cammy combined. I like the idea.


What if they gave Ryu a gun so he can shoot the other fighter

And kill them

They would give him a gunā€¦ and ammo that is of a different calibre than the gun he was given.
The status quo would remain untouched.

The Blanka matchup chart looks pretty good, except for one thing: how is Guile not his worst matchup? He can just play a classic ST game and lame Blanka out, and thereā€™s not much you can do about it. Guile can counter everything Blanka does on reaction, and since all of Blankaā€™s specials are airborne (except electricity) itā€™s as if he has infinite invincible reversals at his disposal. Sure, Sakura and Urien are pretty bad for him, but a Guile who knows how to zone is by far his worst matchup in my opinion.

Blankaā€™s command grab and amazon river run are pretty good tools to make a Guile feel uncomfortable, just in and outside of Guileā€™s normal zones. Itā€™s not great by any means, but itā€™s enough to make a Guile player think and stop frothing at the mouth. I can see Blanka facing bigger challenges.
Not sure if I agree with the mu list, but I can see where theyā€™re coming from. Sak has an easy time punishing balls, great mobility, EX DP, pretty good walk-in fireball. Urien I really donā€™t know the mu at all.

In general this is one of the worst Blanka version to date, hands down. Really, outside VT2 shenanigans I can think of one thing scary coming from him. SFV doesnā€™t look like the best game to make him shine, the only way to make him work is playing super lame imo.

Blanka is strong

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