SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Cross cut DP has been something that has haunted me for years. It’s two things IMO. First is recognition that my opponent is going to cross me up, 2nd is that I still can’t seem to get myself to do a completely different motion to DP.

Most of the time when I get a cross cut DP it’s because I’m actually setting it up. So with Akuma I may intentionally empty jump forward to fake a air fireball which puts me in cross up range and that’s exactly what my opponent goes for. But when I’m not doing that I have to keep telling myself “I’m in cross up range now, gotta go for the cross cut motion instead”. Which still doesn’t happen most of the time.

But fortunately for me Akuma has this other move called “Tenha”(B+HP) that is really good against cross ups except very deep ones. So I’m taking a break from practicing cross cuts ant taking the lazy way out which is actually the best option to lol.

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My point is some characters don’t need different buttons for different situations, I prefer an AAs arsenal like Akuma for all the cast than situationals hard to use ones like Karin and others. I said Akuma and Cammy because these two don’t really have a bad or average ground game to justify their godlike antiair if we compared them to Karin or any character with an average AA game. I mean, Akuma don’t really need to almost use his dp for aa-ing, b.hp hits you even on crossup attempts. Let’s give godlike AAs to everyone or let’s balance them like Karin is where you have to use always the right one to succeed.

I decided to don’t give this mission a try this time, no need to feel salty again. Even this difference between PC and PS4 starts to annoy me, it’s like playing two different versions of the same game where the PS4 players like me get shafted in the online environment. I’m gonna wait next season to see if Capcom is able to fix the netcode, the actual one is embarrassing.

No Makoto + No online fun= No Ranked

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Do we have to go through the whole “you don’t actually have a good ground game if your AAs suck”-thing again?

Hopefully not, I’m done with this argument.

I feel ya, homie. I usually don’t give these a second look, but I was feeling the itch this time around.

Btw, I must’ve ran into Kaidou (Auto-fire player) in casuals at least 30 times throughout the entire week. Holy shit. I guess he selects a character and leaves Fight Request on for the entire day.

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There’s a 10 ranked win mission? Might be my chance to go back playing that mode. I’ve been really caught up with SC6 recently.

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There is and it is worth 2.5K FM.
So if you are starved for FM, do it!

I like this comment from this:

“Kind of weird that the “Arcade Edition” came out on consoles first…”

Little do most people know that CVS2 was out on the console before the arcades!!!

No comparison, Real Eyes is like top 3 best training stage songs in history.


Could it be because response time on monitors are generally very low (1-5ms) as compared to a TV where response time can range from 13-30+ ms depending on which TV you’re using? And also assuming you’re on game mode.

Not playing on game mode can worsen it all the from 40 ms to 100+ ms. Again depending on the TV you use.

I don’t use a TV with the PS4, though.
I bought a 5 ms response time monitor to use with it because it was half the price of a 1ms response time monitor.
So I am very doubtful this is the issue.
Variable input lag is, though.

I mean Problem X won Evo using Bison in some matches. He doesn’t have any AA… Apparently.

Whenever I sit back and reflect on my time with SFV, I come away satisfied that I was able to reach a point where I could play at a respectable level. I remember when I’d get hella demolished in long-sets early on and kept wondering why I sucked so bad. Usually it was because I would constantly do the same things hoping for a better result. Took me a good while before I got better in that area. That’s exactly how it was for me in SF4.


When i sit back and reflect on SFV, i honestly feel that the tiers make such a big ass difference in this game. When i face an Akuma or Cammy as Chun, i look at how much i have to out play them, yet i am always on edge of losing.

It makes it hard to sometimes say ggs but gotta swallow that L and say it anyways. They played the game right and picked the easiest route on the character select screen. Which is weird. In SF4 i never felt such a difference in how much " Effort " the characters require to get shit done with. But in SF5, it feels bigger than ever.

Thing is, when i look at my play with say Chun, there is so many subtle differences that makes a big difference but i made a very conscious effort on what i changed. It was 3 changes basically .

  • Activate VT on hit, hit confirming it makes a world of difference.
  • Don’t dash a lot in the neutral.
  • Don’t tech throws as much.

While these changes i feel made me what i feel is good atm with Chun-Li, i still feel like i am missing something as a player. When i play Cody, a lot of that get thrown out of the window.

I feel like, i can’t stand playing a slow character like him anymore. After 3 years of Chun, he is too damn slow and heavy and i just don’t feel good playing him, which sucks cause Cody is my favorite fighting game character ever, but his insanely bad mobility really sucks. I worked with it in SF4 but it was still my first game that i played seriously and wasn’t playing him after playing a 3 years of a fast character.

I also can’t stand his blind spot when it comes to anti-airing, that coupled with his shitty movement makes playing him feel really bad for me. I wish he even had good air to airs like say M.Bison to compensate but atm, it just doesn’t feel good.

So it makes me wonder. If i am now winning games and sets vs Hurricane, Real Menace, Shakz, Boltstrike, etc, etc even was close to beating Luffy once. There is this dude called Nox who is like a 100K Zeku player and i completely have his number, i think as of now, i am 4-0 against him in sets.

Yet with Cody, i lose to Jimmy and a retarded Akuma that i wipe the floor with when i am playing Chun. I just don’t know. Did i get better as a player or did i just get better at playing Chun ?

I don’t know if it is just something that isn’t clicking or i am too used to playing her at this point ? Is it even worth it to play Cody, but i love the fucker too much not to play him. I just don’t know.


The latter.

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Yeah, I don’t think drastic differences in success between using Chun and Cody can be attributed to anything else than personal playstyle because I’d argue they sit pretty much at a similar spot in the tierlist.


Could also be the security of having a powerful V trigger. With characters like Chun you’ve got to think a bit more about the entire round. Where as Cody you’ve probably always got that comeback factor dominating your thoughts.

I found the more powerful the character became the more loose I would play, because with powerful characters youve always got the chance of pulling off a spazzy come back.


I feel exhausted every time I use Zeku, you can put your brain off not even a second normale use something braindead.

Sagat is like that too. Although I also just get bored of the lack of options. I feel most matches play out in a very similar fashion which leads me to a sort of groundhog Day feeling.

I think this is also because most people now just play two man lobby because the game loads so slow. I used to like 3-4 man. Now I could never do that in this game. I’m not even interested in the other matches.

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Anyone else have trouble logging into the CFN website? I get the 04030 (or something) error.