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aye it’s full air invincibility

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Aren’t all invincible dp’s mp though?

character specific.

Cammy’s is LP, same as Sagat’s. Reason being their MP.DPs move so far forward, they’re unreliable and often cross-under at the ranges you’d want to use the DP. Because of that Capcom gave their LP versions the air invincibility instead.

Necalli’s also just don’t have air invinc, IIRC. His DPs are different.

Also even though Ibuki’s operates as a “DP” it’s regular versions hold no form of invinc.


I just lost to a Karin player who randomly alternated between Ressenha and sweep. I know I can’t do anything against sweep as Chun unless I want to blow meter to punish a normal (thanks balancing team) but even after two and a half years I have to idea how to punish Ressenha. By the time I move to a crouching position to punish Karin has usually flipped to the other side with the grab follow-up, meaning my button whiff and she recovers in time for anything else. I’m honestly at a loss.

The Ressenha mix-ups are less dangerous than you think, the hardest part is blocking high the first part, after that just crouch block. No Karins will ever go with the slide follow-up (too unsafe), the light Ressenha is -6 oB without follow-ups, so their best bet is trying to grab you. The follow-up grab has 22f recovery, you have enough time for a proper punish. Staying crouch after block the overhead part is the best way to deal with it, iirc you can use a jab to interrupt every follow-ups.

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Didn’t even know the second hit can be blocked low, maybe that’s why I was lacking the necessary time to go into crouch. Will try that at some point.

Not today though, I’m just losing to the most random flowchart crap at the moment. Time to call it a night.

Ressenha is tricky just at first, but if you can’t beat it while in the air then just block low to avoid any follow-up.

Er, that’s always been a thing? AA is one of the major balance areas. Some chars have poor AA by design. I remember SF4 Bisons screaming about it.

block > crouch jab > remain crouched > if she air grabs, punish on landing

shouldn’t be a problem

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Vs sweep you can either st. HP on block or cr. LP into special (usually EX Legs). The hurtbox for whatever reason allows most characters to cr. LP it on block, but Chun can easily respond with st. HP 95% of the time for a meterless punish too.
Ressenha I always block the first part then immediately do the cr. LP-> st. MP combos. Her flip throw will whiff over you and you interrupt the slide free.
Chun is one of the better characters for dealing with Karin’s stuff tbh.

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Ok so block high then crouch block? After that she has the sweep option or the grab and you’re saying the grab can be blocked? AND blocked low?

After blocking the overhead part crouching block beat the slide, if Karin attempt a cmd grab it whiff and you have plenty of time to punish hard on her recovery.

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Yeah, but some characters have more than one good AA (that’s ok), meanwhile others have barely a good one. Karin has cr.hp,st.hp and ex dp, none of them are nearly good as Akuma b.hp or Cammy b.mp. Before was like that because Karin has a supposed ground game advantage over the other two, but we all know isn’t totally true anymore.

Trust me it happens, and happens a lot, you input the dp and counter hit pops up. Wether it’s lag, hurt box side switches , weird first frame shit ( like Ryus EX dp). Cross cuts are generally just harder to execute for some reason.

I think it’s mostly due to having to wait longer.

One way to give a char a middling AA game is several situational AAs, none of which are a clear go-to. That’s Karin.

Also once a char has one fantastic AA, adding more AAs doesn’t really add much. There’s a big difference between 0 and 1 but no difference between 6 and 7.

@Bea_Iank How are you faring on PS4 in comparison to PC. I used to play the same on both but lately I’ve been playing terribly and only on PS4. I’m Ultra Silver on PC. Snagged my 10 ranked wins no problem and beat two out of three of the Gold Players I ran into. I’ve lost like 1800 points on PS4 in the last month and can’t seem to get them back.

The weekly mission of winning 10 Ranked matches got me to jump back into rank after being away for awhile. I started to actually miss this salt-inducing mode. Well, got my 10 wins and got the fuck outta there :sunglasses:

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The PS4 feels slow and heavy, but since I am beating people below my level at ranked, it isn’t being tough to rack in wins.
But I did 2-2 on the last round of Razer Fighting League while playing PS4 so it is not TOO terrible.
Still, it feels much smoother on the PC. You press a button and the button happens there. On PS4, sometimes it takes a bit too long for it to come out.

Sound familiar???

Play both @ same time…

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It kinda work in a weird way in some parts?