SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

A mini beat em up mode would have been fine for the console.

Mega Man X1 is my favorite MM and one of my all time favorite games period, is it anywhere remotely similar? Sucks that the music is forgettable. Catchy tracks are part of why the series is so popular.

Ahhhhā€¦ Well, it plays more like the classic series and not the X games. So no dashing or air dashing and no wall jumping. So in that regard, it doesnā€™t really play like Megaman X, no.

There is a demo on PSN/Xbox live and whatever Nintendo uses, so you can try it out and see for yourself. I agree with you that my favorite game is Megaman X1 and Megaman X4 i would say. I generally prefer X to classic Megaman but this is still really fun and as good as a classic Megaman game will be in this day and age.

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@Volta I will say, its much better than say X7 and X8 and all of that. Its a legit good game imo

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But it seems normal to me that a AA normal is better this way. Itā€™s basically foregoing guaranteed damage from the AA special for a AA normal into the reset into a chance for more.

Interesting. I feel the exact opposite. SF4 Cody always seemed dry to me, his one unique mechanic the knife never seemed to get much use. SF5 Cody has the weapons as trigger and theyā€™re clearly useful, plus tornadoballs and combo into grab really do it for me.

So Iā€™m really interested in where they go with Rose. Orb ultra? Shadows super from Alpha? Long distance scarf grab for CA? Drop the useless DP? Alpha counter as VReversal? An airborne special? Maybe even good footsie buttons? Iā€™ve never"clicked" with Rose so maybe now will be the Time.

I kinda hope sheā€™ll be a deep technical char with non-obvious specials, etc.


Does sagatā€™s hk anti air everything?

The honeymoon is ended I guess, all that acting at Evo reveal to this.

Akuma always had the dp as his best AA, now itā€™s outclassed by b.hp into follow-up. Cammy b.mp gave her a reset. Instead some characters have general issues at AAing properly at all, even without the bonus of a follow-up or oki right after. Thatā€™s wrong.

I hope more interesting character gets in IF somehow Rose is a real leakā€¦like we get it Menatā€¦Bison is deadā€¦BAM ROSEā€¦come on we can do better

How aboutā€¦how about addingā€¦Elena instead

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Honestly , pretty much and it crushes. Sagats AA game is very respectable, which is why I donā€™t quite agree that AA is the problem with the game.

With Sagat the trick is to get him into a steep cross up. The auto correct DP in this game isnā€™t as good because of the non invincible dps and generally whacky hurt box interactions.


Even then Bonchan covers those steep crosses nicely. Iā€™ve seen him auto correct stuff where Iā€™m like I dunno how he did it.

Yeah but you also see him miss his fair share when the counter hit message pops up. I feel like DPs fly the wrong way more in this game than other games.

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short delay with those cross cut/autocorrect DPs is keyā€¦ I love when land oneā€¦

its one of those feel good things in this game that makes your opponent somewhat respect your air space.

They should give Juri a command grab in her VT 2 and it should look like this.

Thatā€™s right, with her feet.


Depends , delay it too late and they eat into the portion of your hurt box that doesnā€™t have the invincibility. Although you can use EX.

Input lag is also a factor I reckon.

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This was nice!

He goes mental in this one. Rush Bonchan -


I hate that the blind spot between regular and cross up DPs is so large in this game, and also that they often fly the wrong way as you said. Not just DPs, but also charge reversals such as the Flash Kick or Blankaā€™s vertical roll. If you successfully manage to react to a jump-in it shouldnā€™t be at the whims of the game to determine whether or not you land a hit.

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Fei Long in his new adventures.


Wait, this isnā€™t season 2.0. If youā€™re using the right button, which for Sagat Is LP TU, thereā€™s no air move which should be hitting you, no matter the angle.

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