SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I wonder why they put a helper for car stage like they did in the barrel? The barrel surprisingly with a helper seems to work but? What role would be the mysterious character would do with the car and your character?

How does a beta game make it to the arcade

I always assumed location tests were basically betas.


When it comes to SFV, it’s the opposite…you’re assuming we’re going to get some improvements :^)

Edit: Actually it would be pretty hilarious if all of a sudden NOW Capcom realizes the the game has “lag” issues and decides to finally address them…only for the Arcade version.

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Two-P in the barrel stage isn’t a helper; he is an additional obstacle, introduced in order to make a fairly easy bonus stage a little bit more challenging. Without Two-P, it would be easy to get into a sweet spot and smash every barrel, just like the original barrel breaking stage. Two-P crowds into your space, and throws barrels at you, to disrupt you.

I was honestly a bit disappointed that Capcom put in an AI character in the barrel stage, but treated it as the single player version rather than the competitive version.

The thing that mind fucks me the most is I haven’t had a match de-sync this bad…almost ever…(well since like S2)

Hey everyone


Why the gif though

Probably to wash Venom from his mind.

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Who bought MM11, how is it

I’m not watching that shit lol

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Tom Hardy’s one of my favourite actors but I can’t watch marvel movies anymore.

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tom hardy is definitely THE spiderman/peter parker after all this time they finally got someone that fits

oof idk about this one chief

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I got MM11, so far i played Block man and Impact man stages.

The game is pretty hard tbh, it took me about 1 hour and 20 minutes to finally get through Block-man stage and about 45 mins to beat Impactman stage. The game is hard but it isn’t really cheap, well sometimes but it is no where near as cheap as say X5, X6 and X8 were. Where you fall on pits you can’t see and all of that nonsense.

I am still getting used to the gear system but its really fun. One cool thing they did is that there is a weapon wheel with the right analog stick, so you don’t have to go to a menu or keep cycling through your weapons to find the one you use. The two weapons i got also are really useful which is great.

The game looks cool, i like it visually but the sound track is pretty forgettable. The music on Impact-man’s stage was alright but Blockman’s was pretty forgettable.

Overall, its pretty good i would say and the bosses are challenging. Stages i feel are a bit too long, i think given the limited lives you have and really unforgiving check point system, that they would shorten them a bit. However they probably figured that the Gear system would make you pretty OP so they increased the length of the stages.

Overall i like it, but i am a gigantic Megaman nerd, so i love this kind of shit.


You’ll hear about it when you hear about it.

It’s officially a PR stunt for this point. Try to lure people that are more SJW/sensitive to the game’s innuendos and then put out body pillows for Japanese version.

Generally I make sure I don’t end up fighting a Menat first since barely anyone plays Menat in ranked any way. Still the most rare character for me to run into. Guess not too many people want to bother playing that much of a lab monster character in this game. I run into more Falkes at this point.

Past that I try to V Reversal or EX DP her before I get hit.

If you get VTC comboed then yeah, be prepared to guess block or check them with DP or V Reversal if it drops for a reset somewhere. That’s really all you have at that point. It’s like a typical custom combo in Alpha 2 or CVS2 where if you’re getting hit you’re already fucked.


To be fair, whenever they try to go a different route, fans complain.

I don’t know that there is anything Team Ninja can do that would get (self-professed) “serious” fighting game fans to take DOA seriously. Toning down the sex appeal isn’t going to get more people to play the series, but it will cause a potentially sizable chunk of the existing fanbase to revolt. Whether or not it is an actual dev desire or just a PR stunt, fans complain the moment they think the T&A aspect of the game will be reduced.

Just look at the comments on the YouTube trailer. You’ve got people happy that a particular character is back, people praising the outfits, praising the breast jiggle, praising the fanservice, and saying how the devs knows what they (the fans) want. (Okay, there are also some people complaining about the faces, but that still isn’t talking about the game.)

Now, you get some of that with character reveals for other fighting games (and particularly with female character reveals, some of which, but look at what is missing with DOA comments. No one is talking about gameplay, mechanics, or the like. With other fighting games, you’d see people analyzing the moves shown in the trailer, trying to figure out if characters are going to be better or worse of what impact changes will have. You don’t get that with DOA.

Dunno if I want it now or later…I feel like if its even a slight success they might add DLC too it…mehhhh I’ll think about it but thanks for the review

I know in some way, what i’m entirely curious was the guy in the car stage would do?

They should have had J and Two.P in SF Veee