SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Mos def. I’ve been dying for some 24/7 arcade streams like the old days. If I don’t have to work the next day just watch dudes hit buttons on arcade cabs. Arcade cab tourneys gonna be lit too. I’ve always wanted to eventually go to Japan so arcade arcade edition might push me to go. Get lots of V in with top players and hitting the 3S cabs would be lit.

Just sucks the pad heathens can now stick their pads in and taint the arcade cabs. Disgusting.


Yeah, not a fan of CFN Big Brother features.

The thing with the AAs is that I have an okay understanding of when to use which, but if you combine lag with jumping buttons à la Ken or Mika j.HP then there are some solid chances that you’re just getting hit out of it. With Falke you at least get a trade in those scenarios.
It doesn’t happen 50% or 40% of the time but even if it’s just once per game it can be enough to lose a round.

Laugh it up all you want but I earned a first mention badge for that comment.

Yay. Nothing special, but I’m sure more footage will be uploaded. At the very least, it’s nice to see it on display.

Is that the one that shows the arcade version lagging?



Ha …


What the hell is happening there? Rashid isn’t even standing at the same spots on both machines. Are they connected via Bluetooth or something?

Jesus, the checklist of technical failures with this game is almost neverending.

its a 1-1 port of the home version so everything works as intendet :coffee:

Arcade cabs are connected over LAN so possibly (the big 8 to 10 person cabs allow you to play people sitting on a completely different cab than you), technically an issue with the LAN could cause something like that in a beta. Considering the netcode for the game is still exactly the same and technically there have been reports of online lag for console version even when both people are next to each other.

Could also be anything else lol.

Meanwhile on the T&A front:

Remember when they said they’d go a different route and such for DOA6? Yeah, me neither.

Now the gates are open for Rachel, please don’t disappoint me.


Don’t really care, but teddies have zero jiggle room in a sports bra.
That’s not how that works.

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Well I guess they thought that new outfit for Tina was less risqué than her bikini from previous games. As for the jiggle well I don’t have an explanation for that.

Bass! <3 Tina! <3
Bass looks SO HOT!

And Tina’s and Mila’s boobs seem to have a life of their own and defy gravity with that bounciness. :open_mouth:

No that is just how the game handles every single online match ever.

The gameplay is the least of this game’s problems it’s completely broken from the ground up.

do you like wearing sports bras to have such confidence in this information c:

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Alex Leder is a legend. I heard so many stories about him being insanely bad since SFIV days.

28th at the season 2 of Razer Fighting League SFV online tournament here out of 101 people.
The last 8 weeks competing there were very fun.

I will aim and practise to get top 20th on the next season with my Falke!


Bass and Tina look like redneck versions of The Miz and Maryse. That owns.


Whenever I see an unrecognizable flag while playing online, I’m reminded of how terrible I was in Geography.


Is ok friend, here is someone worse


So many trihards in casuals lol.

I just wanna lvl up my Falke a bit and i only see people with 50+ character lvl, meanwhile my Falke is lvl 11.

Still, getting dem chip kills yo…