SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

So the new Gmail change finally hit me, and though I still prefer the previous version, one of the biggest annoyances was the expandable main menu where you see your labels. To keep it expanded indefinitely, on the top left corner there’s 3 horizontal bars, click there. Hope it helps someone here who didn’t know that.

jesus christ Abigail players are so bad lmfao, free wins and feels like I’m playing a minigame

monthly shitpost


@Twinblades There is hope for you on the horizon:


That Abigail beatdown…

Cody’s quote to him from SFV Cody Story seems about right:

“I just don’t like your face Abigail”

I’d ran into him about 4 times beforehand and he finally realised VT1 is absolutely fucking useless vs. Cody and switched.

…and then I reminded him VT2 is absolutely fucking useless too.

I could feel the dude angrily mashing shit when he gave up blocking. Was funny, I love Abigail players.

I remember that guy from SF 4 days, if its same guy that is. I think he used to player Hawk or Blanka.

He didn’t block once. Cody V-Skill looks amazingly handy in this MU, EX Zonk too. I didn’t see this MU that often tbh, but I think this guy was just too frustrated be a serious opponent, probably a competent (lul) Abigail would have been harder to fight. Good shit tho

v-skill beats flip, VT1 charged normals, VT2 charged dash, run is somewhat shut down by it also

has happened to all levels of skill Abigails, it forces Abi to play very honest and that makes him as a character super weak.

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So does every character have an anti fireball move? If yes how effective or real are they? I simply can’t understand how a character with a fireball doesn’t have a definite advantage over one that doesn’t.

Usually a character with fireballs has short range buttons to compensate, unless it’s Guile


I pew pew a lot with Falke and I am quite sure her buttons aren’t short.

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She has to charge her fireballs tho, a good exception is Sagat who’s super slow

It’s got nothing to do what you said. I just want to buff a weak character and I thought it’d be cool to give him a buff that’s unique to only him. I’m not a fan of everything being universal across the board. People say some characters should get AA jab like Sim and Gief and I don’t have a problem with that based on not just the design of the move, but the characters gameplay design as well.

Well I think Ryu’s DP should better based on his design. I wanted HP to be frame 1 strike invincible for AA versions to not allow back roll for the reasons I stated before. They can buff him in so many ways, this was just one suggestion I wanted to throw out there.


Forgotten Sagat’s in the game already, have we? :frowning:

This Alexledr fuckhead rage quitted on me on my Master rank up match. He have always been a douche bag since the Karin days.

With teabag even, I think the kindergarten children I ran past today were talking about doing that as well every time they beat Abigail.

no it’s just that I was thinking about the shotos while replying to Maravilla, usually the fireballs on shotos are to compensate their stubby normals while Sagat is a proper zoner so his normals are slow.
Then there’s Guile

A lot of characters have anti-fireball tools. However in my experience you are better off getting good/comfortable dealing with fireballs using the very basics: walking and blocking, neutral jumping, counter-hitting on start up, informed jump-ins. Those tools will serve you well regardless of the character you run into whereas character specific anti-fireball tools can vary a lot in efficacy based on what your opponent’s character can do.

In my experience in the Gold and lower ranks most players don’t really know how to zone effectively. They are usually throwing fireballs to be doing something, to irritate, or to coax you to jump (something a lot of players don’t need help with). Fireballs in this game in general though do low damage and low chip damage so when in doubt just block it out. As you get more comfortable moving you can encroach on their space which 9/10 in the lower ranks will cause them to go aggressive and then you can bop them (and they aren’t throwing fireballs anymore).

Hell against a lot of players in Bronze/Silver you can just block a couple of fireballs and they’ll just start jumping at you anyways. The number of Guiles that still do that even where I’m at sort of surprises me.

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