SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Ryu players playing solid…lul

Now Ryu players play more retarded than Ken players. You would believe that the Ryu is a champanize based on how much they jump and dash.


I’ve played probably less than ten Dhalsim players since this game has been out, but with the exeption of Chun’s b.HP I always found counterpoking his buttons super unrealiable, even if you have a feel for their rhythm.

But as I’m only going to play approximately five more Dhalsim players until SFVI is out it’s probably not that big of a deal of I never get that matchup down.

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I was the first (at SRK) to bitch and “I TOLD YOU SO” about the Sim and Bison army in Season 1

CHECK THE RECEIPTS. Well …Bison won Evo, now we’re just waiting for Dhalsim to kick some ass (and Cody, Falke, Kolin, and Sakura)

But yeah, if you do run into some rare high ranking Sims, play respectful and win so they don’t leave from low tier anger, learn the Fun low tier match ups :^)

this, Ryu and Alex players scare me to death, they know their character are bad so they play like hydrophobic dogs to compensate


Dash three times, you react with jab and they land a perfect CH StMp. Gets me EVERY TIME.


My favorite Ryu unblockable is whiffing a st.HK then sweeping and that sweep will CC you. Happens every single time.


This is called footsies, think about it.

Sure thing Alex and Ryu players will keep playing that way even after getting mad buffs, just giving guns to kids. Every time I think these two deserve something better I change my mind after an online session.

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S1 Bison’s wack ass would have never won any Evo. ProblemX would have gave up on that. Chun Li gets one IALL on Bison and then that’s it game is already half over. Beta Bison would have been the only one that had a shot, but that was back when he was dealing with characters that were still clearly cheaper than him. Beta Birdie was probably cheaper than any top tier the game has officially launched a season with.

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just nerf dashes and buff anti airs, I got called a scrub on reddit for saying that things like 16/15 frames dashes with very subtle animations are too strong (especially online), guess people don’t really want to play the neutral game.

The dash speeds are pretty common in other fighting games. 3rd Strike dashes are basically just as fast or faster than the ones in this game and input delay is really the only difference. Ibuki’s dash naturally crosses through people and can left/right them. Some of the faster dashes in IV are similarly difficult to deal with.

Too many other games that have already shown to work with having similar dashes. Fast ground movement has never actually been a problem competitively in a fighting games. This is the first game I’ve heard of where people have legitimately made it a broad issue.

Like in Killer Instinct Sabrewulf basically has Bison’s v trigger dash all of the time and the only thing they did to balance it was change the point in which he visually moves forward during the dash. Only other thing they did was change his ex dp during it so it can’t freeze you into 0 frame cross ups. Otherwise it’s still scummy and still can set up cross ups.


It’s not the dash speed, it has never been the dash speed. It’s the lack of strong normals to control the strong dashes. Myself and half of the known world have been saying this since season 1. It was true then, it’s true now.

But there are even more things that make the issue even worse.

Dash combined with the input lag (as DJ said) is an issue.
Dash combined with strong jumpins, is an issue.
Dash combined with half or more of the animation hidden in startup frames, is an issue.

And there are even more issues. It’s just funny when people pick one, and go with it like it’s THE thing. No man, it’s one of the things and if you fix that one thing you will still have the issue.

It’s like you get lung cancer so you have all the tumors removed from your lung… and continue to smoke… shits not going to end well no matter how many reactive procedures you implement.


So basically, ryu should get shit no one else does because he’s ryu and it takes major skill to dp someone.

Am I getting this right?

I’m using akuma. I’ve used ryu. It doesn’t take a whole lot of skill to dp someone. Ryu has his issues, that isn’t one of them. He’s all around, at best he could use a slightly better pressure medium and get his cr.mk xx fireball buffed. Shit if he got the games only real cr.mk xx fireball that hit from max range and was a real block string and not punishable on block… that would be more than good enough. Make ryu great again.

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Yea the range youre forced to play footsies at along with input lag just make the dashes rough to deal with

Thing is the games designed like that for a reason. It’s to balance out the skill. They won’t change any of that.

I’m more inclined to believe that x kira rumour. Next or future edition will just be super fucked up edition with more triggers , more CA, more of everything that we don’t really like.

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Dash x3 into sweep… Just do it.

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Just accept the craziness of SFV… Its not gonna change. I’ve already accepted my fate with this game start of season 3 with the new Vtriggers… Ain’t no turning back once we saw how busted Kolin’s VT2 was… and shout out to Abigail whole existence.

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Only a couple of characters are legit dumb IMO, like Abigail, G…and that’s around it. None of the other VTs in the game annoy me, or make me feel like I’m not playing Street Fighter. **EDIT I hate that phrase let me reword - I don’t feel like my gameplan or attempt to interact with my opponent becomes invalidated due to most VTs.

I can still outplay, workaround and have neutral interaction with most others.

I agree. Even if they don’t end up going the specific routes that have been datamined, I expect most of Capcom’s big “innovations” in this game to be adding shit like CAs, Custom Combos, goofy shit like that.

Funny thing is they aren’t even wrong to do it in one way. The broad audience (which is what Capcom wants to get tuning back in each season) is most interested in flashy stuff, especially anything that adds some more combos or cinematics to the game. And while they’re checking all that stuff out and practicing their combos in training mode maybe they buy a few costumes.

About Ryu players in this game: Meth addled Ryu is one of my favorite phenomenons especially around this rank. Fuck these normals and fireballs I’m going in. Bonus points for the guys that try to play it “normal” the first round or game and then start Sonic spindashing if that doesn’t work out for them.