SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I dunno I feel like vesper is buffing the game for scrubs. I’ve not watched either video mind you, but I get the jist.

I would agree with the point that AA normals are better than AA specials. Which is whack.

It’s not the damage that needs increasing, the air reset flipback needs to be extended to match something similar to IV, so that’s normal AA’s both mid and light aren’t allowing the opponent to cross under.

I agree that in general, a normal AA can outclass a special AA(DPs, air grabs etc) but it’s not due to consistency or the lack of damage from special AAs, it’s the grounded follow-up situation.

There’s a reason Cammy has a high damage DP for AAs yet still uses her b.mp almost exclusively.


Went 2-2 with my PS4 0lp Falke on my online weekly today. That was good!


People look at the symptoms and not the cause.

Example - Vesper says CC is too good and jumping is to good - change them.

What you want to ask is - why are people jumping and why are people doing CCs?

Answer - because the ground game sucks and the normal pokes suck.

*Highlandfireballs weekly post on the shit ground game.


“AA normals are too strong, while AA specials are too weak”

This is actually backwards, VERY backwards. The problem is multifaceted. Sf5 with AA and even jumpins is all over the place. The game basically takes characters and distributes attributes herky jerky.

AA normals are their own beast. You have great ones like Cammy BMP, akuma BHP, birdie and Mika cr.mp, hell even ryu and ken cr.hp which few people use but are stellar…but then you have ones that are way less good like Vegas and bisons and young zekus.

Then you have ones that are good, but hard to use because they are slow as balls like guile cr.hp, urien cr.hp, menat cr.hp and st.hk etc.

What this basically means is that lumping everything together is a VERY bad beat. CAPCOM ALREADY KNOWS THESE THINGS! THEY DESIGNED THE GAME THIS WAY! It’s no fluke that uriens crossup j.lk has tons of hitstun and can combo into his mediums and even his cr.hp, yet old zekus crossup j.mk which is a heavier button than urien j.lk, sometimes cant even combo into jabs…

This is all by design, I promise you. It’s not that capcom has figured EVERYTHING out, but obvious stuff like hit and hurtboxes and risk versus reward of certain normals, who gets a 3 frame jab and who doesn’t, etc etc etc… is all figured out and capcom has an actual metric they use to determine who gets what.

Normal AA for as good as some people think they are, get blown up by moves like akuma airfireball and Cammy divekick… so they actually suck… unless playing against some character that only has regular jumpins… like sagat or guile etc

Special move AA are easily the best in the game for 2 reasons… 1 is they are very hard to perform mixups on, 2 is because most characters with special move AA ALSO have a ridiculous normal AA they can use as well.

Answers aren’t cut and dried especially on this game. You tweak something here you will lose something there… so care has to be taken with regards to balance.

You weaken CC and the game becomes neutral jab spam heavy… etc etc


I mean Sagats AA damage is hell respectable. St.hk CC into DP. Angry scar DP. DP into critical art.

Doesn’t really stop somebody going spazzy for corner carry. Thats my other beef. You get favourable screen position through one guess.


Bea_Iank > Pertho confirmed :wink:


I think for the amount of damage and corner carry almost every single character gets from a successful jump in AA should be very strong and by strong I mean along the lines of how sagat works. The problem is while sagat’s AA game is good its not “I really shouldn’t keep jumping at him unless I have a read” good .

In general AA normal’s on most characters are ok, its what they do on hit that’s the problem. Arguably Sagats St HK is threatens people WAY more than his dp. A CC off HK>>> a dp without scar and that really shouldn’t be the case.

Almost all the top tier and top mid characters have very strong normal AA that leads into damage or a nasty reset or oki.

Imagine if you got similar or pretty good damage or setups off AA normals and if special AA’s did a RESPECTABLE amount of either damage or stun.

All that “yolo” jumping and air fire balling would come to a halt quick.

In a perfect world this would be my top tier no memes


I stand by this: Street Fighter X Tekken had the best aa risk/reward. Especially when the update was applied. You’d get DP’s that could juggle and then tag cancel for more damage. Even SFIV had a strong AA game with FADC. Seeing Sagat land FHK, TU FADC or TU (trade) into U1/2 was stellar. SFV by comparison doesn’t impress me that much in regards to it’s AA game. Ryu’s HP SRK in IV was the distinction between a good Ryu and a great one. What’s the distinction in 5? Cammy everyone uses BMP, Rashid everyone uses CRMP I could list more. I can only think of Sako’s Menat, Nemo’s Urien and Fujimura’s Ibuki who looks different from the others. Sako’s Menat seems to get so much mileage out of St.Hk AA. Nemo and Fujimura have VT AA on smash if you neutral jump/offensive jump. Finally, only G’s BHP has really impressed me in terms of juggles. Akuma’s BHP too. Sagat seems good too for AAs in this game. It’s a shame he didn’t get ClStMp from IV.

I should stop typing.


What’s the Sim/Falke MU looking like? Because I just gave one the business with her and Ryu. Then he went Bison like Bison is all of a sudden top tier because he got lucky and won Evo

That’s the only thing I remember from xTK was it having good AAs and Infiltration choking the competition

It takes a really good Sim to make it hard for her and even then its not terrible. Low shot lets you challenge any attempts for him to shoot regular fireballs at you and you can PP/EX PP any raw teleports pretty easily. He has good options to stuff your air game when he’s in the air, but at least you can pester him with j.MP occasionally to keep him honest until you get closer. Getting V Trigger is important in the matchup as he doesn’t have a 3 frame and his super is iffy for reversaling with. If you get him to burn a v reversal that works too.

On the other hand you won’t find an opening against Dhalsim if he doesn’t do raw teleport mixups. Pure zoning Dhalsim can make you hang yourself because Falke has no options to start offense freely.

Teleport Dhalsim = 9-1 matchup for Falke
Zoner Dhalsim = more like 4-6

I also think this is the only matchup where Trigger II is actually a legitimate choice and not just a ‘I pick it for fun because it looks cool’ option. Dhalsim is usually hanging around a space on the screen where you can just activate it raw whenever he presses a button and afterwards you actually have some real pressure he has to respect.


I was thinking aswell and this could be me getting old. I don’t watch any matches outside my main. In SF4 bullcat and proudstrawberry both inspired me to pick up Gouken. I used to watch that shit like wow, here’s a shit character and these dudes are wrecking folk.

Then I’d skip across to Rose vs Guile because I’m like wonder how that match goes?

SF5 is like - oh you did that thing, then that thing…then trigger - again. Aight seen that character thanks.


For me it’s more like I’ll watch specific players, specific characters, but more importantly just top 32-top 8 unless it’s a player that I really like in pools.

I’m not a fan of Cammy or rashid matches, not gief matches, but I’ll watch them all if a player or character I like is playing that match on the other side.

Ehh, Falke can stLK, dfHK, clap her stick pistol and stMK his limbs. And there’s a range where fHP will CC his limbs. If you’re able to at least close the distance to where maybe there’s 2-ish blocks between you and Sim…you’ll do just fine. The SIM I fought started out with VT2 which was a big mistake. He did a lot better with VT1, still lost though.

Plus we’re in S3, if a SIM is doing raw teleports on you then there’s nothing to discuss and I damn sure wouldn’t make a shitpost about a Sim player that does it. I can understand a couple of attempts but Falke’s DP will fug em up.

I had a Japanese Yomi moment in my set where I read his air teleport back and I was able to dash in and CA. Also I was catching limbs with dfHK which probably broke alil bit of his soul because it enabled me to dictate the pace of the match.

Buff Falke and Sim tho

Teleports don’t even have to be raw, EX Schneide goes through all of them even if he tries to make them safe with a fireball. It’s really a part of his game that doesn’t work at all against Falke.

Counterpoking his limbs seems just very unreliable in this game online with variable input lag and whatnot. You’re always a frame away from getting crush countered or whiff punished. If you’re in range for f.HP then that’s definitely a good spot though.

I think AA specials are too weak because they don’t do much damage and don’t lead to anything scary. The only exception is Ken, but that’s because of his V Skill. At the same time I don’t think every character should get OKI after a DP. Cammy definitely should not with her design and the fact that she already has one of the best AA normals in the game. Ryu on the other hand should be one of those exceptions, arguably the only one.

They don’t even have to make big changes to frame data. They could just make a change where any of his normal DP’s don’t allow back roll when they hit a airborne opponent. This would really help his pressure game and make jumping at him kind of scary. It would also benefit his combo into EX donkey kick. Now spending a bar guarantees damage and pressure instead of just damage.

Come on Capcom, Ryu players should be rewarded for playing solid and skillful. The lazy ones can still rely on cr. HP which does shit damage as a AA and leads to no pressure.

If my fraud ass can do it, anybody can. It’s called having Yomi which you can develop just by gaining experience in said match up. Trust me man, I’ve fucking seen Wolfkrone play Crimson Viper FLAWLESSLY in SF4 and he was imfamous for having THE WORSE internet connection known to man. And I’ve FOUGHT THIS guy in his lag.

Where there’s a will, there’s a Crush Counter. I feel ya though but nothing is impossible. For fucks sake Bison beat Akuma and won EVO.

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