SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

just reduce the lag and buff most anti airs, it’s ridiculous how some characters have this incredibly strong anti airs (Cammy’s b.mp, Akuma’s b.hp, Birdie’s cr.mp etc.) while a lot of characters have to rely on 8/10 frames startup normals with just 2 active frames


That’s pretty much what I wrote in the YouTube comments. Other than like weird characters like Karin who are designed around poor AA (the trade off being a real c.MK and huge burst damage), the game for the most part has pretty solid ground AA’s now. The top tier especially all consists of characters that can blow you up for jumping especially with resources stocked. Which is why nobody jumps at a 2 metered, v triggered Ibuki. Not gonna end well.

Newer SF games let you hit a standing opponent in their head and chest and go into full combos. Which sets up huge damage for getting caught by any jump in and gives zoner characters less room to stand their ground vs jumps. No room for error anymore with zoning vs jumps. If you take a jump in you get taken to town period.


Antiairs are the best they’ve ever been in SFV, aren’t they? You barely see AA jabs this season (maybe only Chun li but let’s be serious no one cares) and the buttons they buffed for AAing seem to be doing their job. I’ve seen more jump ins stuffed this season then any other.

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I’m having trouble grasping how if we allow chip kills back in (as some of the comments there suggest), characters like Sagat and Ryu would instantly rise up the tier list. All it will do is make rush down characters eat you alive.

Instead, maybe just make it so that Sagat’s Tiger Cannon VT can maybe have chip kill properties? It will help the VT stand out among the roster.

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The way I see it, ex attacks should able to chip kill on block, but not on armour. A resource would have to be used to get that chip kill.
That would make people at 0 life play a bit more careful when the opponent has bar to spend (and isn’t Zangief…) and they are on that magic pixel of life.

Makes sense to need meter to chip kill. Since you can chip kill with full meter, partial meter should amount to something.

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Why give almost the entire cast a command grab but not give the entire cast air grabs?

It just ruffles my feathers when I think about it.

They buffed most jumping heavies to the point that you will often trade with your AAs, Guile’s jumping heavy kick is almost impossible to beat


I still really like playing Cody, top 5 fun characters for me.
Don’t really have anything bad to say about him, several months in, other than trigger balance.
Might be looking at nerfs sooner than buffs for him in all honesty.

EX Zonk and VSkill nerf hammer time woooooooooooo

V-skill probably, EX Zonk maybe not, or it’s gonna get adjusted (leaves you closer but +1 OB) or some shit
Might just be PTSD from playing too much Ed or thinking of SF4 Cody.
Like, Cody’s in a good spot right now, which has me suspicious.
My dude’s out of prison and the struggle’s over? Nah, nerfs on the horizon, I can smell them :eyes:

Necalli needs to be nerfed just because he missed a lot of S1 and S2 heavy nerfs. Capcom better fuck him up or else
Also kill Urien, Alex, Guile and Abigail just because


Necalli will rise up. He’s too boring to be played by masses, if Capcom will tone down the top tiers Necalli could be in a dangerous position. The character is extremely versatile with damage and good oki, I have a bad feeling about it.

Yes, yes! Give Bison his Alpha air throw!!! :speak_no_evil:

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I think Cody got a ton of issues that you will only see if you actually play him extensively.

-No cancellable low is a gigantic weakness that he have, it makes it very easy to back walk from his pressure.

  • He have a blind spot for anti airing which is directly above his head or slightly behind him. That would be fine if moves like Birdie’s and Mika’s cr.MP didn’t exist and a ton of characters have anti airs that hit behind them.

  • His anti airs doesn’t lead to any situations. A lot of characters get a side switch mixup or a command grab mixup from their anti airs and DP characters usually get raw damage or damage and oki in case of say Ken. Cody doesn’t get anything from anything.

  • His CA is great but it being a non animation means that the damage you get from it will depend on how deep it hit/how many hits you got.

  • Sometimes the first 2 hits in jab TC hits but the rest whiff.

So even without his usual faults that people mention, he does have his fair share of weakness. Also fuck that cuck that made his back throw do 120 damage and 150 stun, just like his forward throw. Cody honestly need that 160 damage from backthrow since he doesn’t get any oki from it, even in the corner.

Also air to airs sucks balls

These two I’ll give you, the others aren’t detrimental

You can’t say that his back throw situation is normal though ?
Back throw and front throw having same stun/damage is wack

I don’t really care about that, Cody literally never uses backthrow anyway

The issue is more complex than just lumping all anti-airs together. Anti-air specials are different beasts than anti-air normals. You can feel that AA normals are too strong while simultaneously feeling that AA specials are too weak.

This is part of Vesper’s argument in the video; he feels that AA specials are too weak for their risk while several AA normals are too effective. This is in no way contradictory.

Vesper’s other argument is that he feels jump-ins are currently too rewarding. In his opinion being AA’d results in receiving so little damage, while successfully landing a jump-in allows for such massive damage, that players can afford to get AA’d repeatedly knowing that connecting a single successful jump-in will pay for it all. (Buffing AA specials is his solution to this, as receiving more damage for failing a jump-in would shift that whole risk-reward factor. Well-planned jump-ins would still be effective, but “jump until it works” strategies wouldn’t be as appealing.)