SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

True, but let’s see how many characters will going to outperform him in future seasons.

I’m with Jin about tournament viable character utility, atm only the top 5 can be used all alone through a tournament, I can add just Rashid out of the top 10 range, all the remaining characters can’t survive a stacked tournament nowadays. Below the top 10 the tier list is filled with characters who are useful as counterpicks, outside that they don’t have any business in SFV AE. Like @Skort said, S4 can’t come soon enough, the boredom is real.


I’m glad nobody plays Cody. He’s annoying as fuck. (For Sakura anyway, Balrog don’t give a fuck)

Good buttons, v-skill and that sfv treatment with a fucking command grab in vt2.

Seriously why are there so many command grabs in this game?

Makoto not in yet so lots of command grabs fill up the gap until people can choke hold again.

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Meanwhile in Japan

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I hope Season 4 gives us Elena, Sodom and Crimson Viper. 3 characters that are in their own little mold per say.

Cody was a mistake and they should have gave us Maki!!!

Also SF4 Cody was like the closest fucking thing in SF that made you feel like you were REALLY fighting somebody…if that makes sense at all


Just give me Gouken,that’s all i want.


Why? All his presence does is depress people by reminding them that when it comes to edgelord Gouki, Capcom is all “he’s gotta be tippity toppity tier, because that’s the lore, see”.

But then the master of Ryu and Ken and the man who has overcome the Shungokusatsu comes along and Capcom is all “woah, let’s not get too crazy here… Giving him an invincible ex move is nice and all, but what’s say we make it punishable with a full level 3 focus attack?”

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When word got around town that Gen died from after hearing news of Capcom buffing Cammy again, Gouken went back to his dojo and put himself into a forced Coma again.

Sorry, no Gouken in S4

Ah ok, I think I’m understanding it now, when you’re knocked down and the opponent is standing on top of you they’re plus so they can choose to do the grab or to press a button and by that creating a mixup correct?

Yea thanks guys. So mika created a mixup on abi? So my only question now is that abi decided to block on all those command grabs fearing of mika pressing buttons and getting more damage correct?

it depends, for instance if Zangief does a heavy SPD and dashes in he’s +2, giving him a legitimate 50/50 mixup you have to deal with.

However if Alex uses heavy Powerbomb and dashes in, he’s -2…or -3. I forgot exactly, but he’s minus. Not every wake-up scenario you come across will leave them at enough of an advantage to threaten a true 50/50. Being +1 compared to +2 is the difference between threatening a mix-up or being easily jabbed out of things.

That player is called DSP, he’s a meme. He’s really bad at FGs.

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Ah ok I’m getting it now a little more I think. So if it was Alex a jab would beat out his attempt to command grab because he’d be negative after the dash yes?

I’m guessing you talk about EX tatsu ?

Yes, he had flaws in SF4, i admit. However he is a very cool character in the lore ,he looks cool and he was fun to play. Also the game needs a old man character and Master Gouken deserves a spot on the roster.

He is too cool to be used just in one game. I hope he makes it in and i hope they incorporate his “power of nothingness” into his gameplay.

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Yeah, and Mika in that instance threatens a mix-up just like Zangief can.

Not all command grab loops are created equal.

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Cool thanks guys. I think I finally understand why some people talk about certain characters that can mix you up more than others. I’m guessing this is why mika is considered super scary once she gets in?

correct, Mika in the corner resets you in the air, making you land on your feet, and threatens a mix-up where she can land on the left or right side, on top of threatening a command grab too.

Very tricky to maintain your defence vs. her in corner.

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Again, AA’s are a huge hangup for sf5. People were kind of shrugging this off but it seems like people are starting to understand…

This pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. I don’t see Cody doing anything at the tournament level. Right now the only high level player maining him is shazzyy and he’s an online warrior who would probably use Guile in a tournament. I don’t even think he’s Momochi’s back up character - more like a third string that he can pull out once in a blue moon. Sasaki seems to have dropped the game.

Cody just seems lackluster when not in V-trigger. Both his triggers are good (and a hell of a lot of fun), especially vt2 which has the potential for robbery but it still comes with its own pitfalls. Right now he’s probably around low-mid tier which is where he hovered in IV for like 7 years lol.

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An height restriction for jumpins could be the solution, well made jumpins deserve to be rewarded, but at least they have to hit at a chest level to combo.

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