SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

He doesn’t play anything like Rashid or Ken lmao

Sure, but if you’re already playing characters of their tier, there’s arguably no reason IMO to play Cody.

I think that’s why the only people who have generally bothered with Cody are either Cody mains or the rare CFN warrior.

I mean Cody is about as strong as Ken in terms of tier placement but if you simply want to say “X character is better never play Y” then sure. Everyone play Akuma, Guile or Ibuki.

Rashid doesn’t even slightly resemble Cody’s gameplan, and Ken is closer to Rashid than he is Cody.

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Well that’s kind of the point of competitive play. People won’t really care about the character’s strength if the character’s strength or role is mostly already filled by other characters. This happens in pretty much every fighter that gets a sizable roster so nothing new.

Wasn’t really focusing on exact gameplans just picking characters that you could get better results with. In the end I’ve always said Cody resembles Urien enough (with his own things, but if you’re already a Urien main there’s no reason to go to Cody). Urien’s worst match is also Cody’s worst match except he does better in it.

He’ll I would be happy with 1st frame armor on ex running bear

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Yeah but your point of “X is better than Y”

Doesn’t invalidate “Y is good”

If you want to use that excuse, stop literally everyone here talking whenever they don’t talk about the top 3.


His st.HK is a cunt.

I just don’t think he’s very good outside trigger and trigger sends up flares saying “I’m Gona grab you”. He’s more like G to me but not as good.

I dunno , people say Sagat sucks and I get defensive so fare play.

It doesn’t, it just is objectively what it is. Good is always not good enough when it comes to winning/CPT and people will look at that. If someone doesn’t want to play top 5 and place at tourneys, but wants to play a strong character with big buttons, a fireball and loses to Guile, they know they’re going to do better off with Urien than Cody.

You really don’t need anyone else other than top 5 to win in events at its current state, but the other characters are fun or work to counter pick certain others if you dont like the style of the current top 5.

I mean thanks for reminding us all that Akuma, Guile and the top tiers are better than people who aren’t top 5 I guess?

What’s your point, lmfao.


My point is that’s generally the reason everyone else is underwhelmed when you talk about Cody or when they discuss Cody in general.

I sort of get what jins saying. He’s not got a “thing”. He’s just generic SF5 with cool trigger.

Game sucks lol


Yeah he’s got tools it’s just in a 30 plus character game you start getting into what happened with SFIV where nobody cares about Cody because other characters are doing similar things he’s doing or just outperforming him at events. If he came around the time Boxer came he’d have more of a niche maybe, but now the game is at a point where unless you do something far out of what is normal (only G and maybe Blanka come close to that as far as new characters) people are just gonna be like ok cool.


SF4 Cody had better things. Every SF4 character had their own shit going on.


Even if they did, by the time Ultra came around if you weren’t playing like 5 or 6 characters in CPT it didn’t really matter. Even if there were “more things” to do with SFIV Cody the general rhetoric was similarly underwhelming about him and no real reason to play him. By the time Ultra came around Momochi moved onto Ken and Edgy Ryu.


Cody was a frame trap monster in SF4. That was one of the most enjoyable parts of his gameplay.

I don’t dislike SFV Cody, but he isn’t very memorable to me.


SFV Cody is better than IV Cody ever was in tier placement

IV Cody never got above bottom side of mid tier, lmao

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I actually really love in general what they did with SFV Cody, always preferred FF Cody and double kick is pretty unique within this game as far as a defensive tool. Not to mention his v triggers are some of the more varied as far as options and execution. Like if he could be in v trigger all of the time he would be some crazy shit and his VT2 lasts a pretty decent time for a 2 bar.

I just also understand anyone who doesn’t prefer him or doesn’t really care where he is on the tier list in the game’s current climate.

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This Cody is just not interesting.
I really liked sf4 one. I did not care if he was strong or not (he was good enough for me). And the most important thing is - he was unique.
I don’t mind changing the character if it is for the better. This guy…is just not for me.

There’s definitely many aspects to SFV Cody that are cool. I like his tornado, being able to combo into his grab, and a lot of the stuff he does in V-Trigger 2. SF4 Cody just seemed more up my alley in terms of my playstyle. Overall, I’m glad he’s in the game.