SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

twins in it? oooooffff

Bison had a reversal in sf4, a strike invincible ex reversal that could fly him across the entire screen and was basically safe against most of the cast.

I really donā€™t like this new player trend of trying to make things into what they arenā€™t, and when I say new player Iā€™m not specifically talking about you or even you at all, itā€™s just this thing that people have where they try to equate something to something else to fir their personal square instead of the round hole it actually is. Bison doesnā€™t have a reversal in sf5 outside of his super.

Does he have ā€œanti pressure optionsā€ sure. But so does everyone, including Vega (super fast walk back, 3 framer) Alex ( parry, super) and Menat (super, long range jab)

But outside of the supers, none of these is a reversal.

Saying ā€œdpā€ leaves out charge characters like guile and Urien and Chun. Equating them to be the same as a dp leaves out th3 fact that all of those characters requires a DOWN charge for their reversal which leaves them (very) susceptible to throw/frametrap/shimmy mixups directly after blocking a jump in.

Bla bla bla.

Bison doesnā€™t doesnā€™t have an ex reversal, but that doesnā€™t mean he is completely free to pressure. Likewise just because he has certain tools to deal with pressure, that DOES NOT mean that heā€™s as capable against pressure as someone with a motion based reversal.

These simply are not the same things and equating them as ā€œclose enoughā€ is a disservice to discussion on balance.

You can easily say that his tools are good enoughā€¦ thatā€™s fine, thatā€™s an argument I can actually get behind. But you canā€™t just go around saying heā€™s got a reversal. Itā€™s like saying Cammy has a fireball because she can v skill from range. These are not the same thing and though certain aspects of these things can be used interchangeably (Cammy v skill has more range than most characters normals, fireballs have more range than most characters normals etc) it doesnā€™t make them the same and it doesnā€™t even make it so that they are a reasonable facsimile.


Bison is good.

Cody is strong.


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Isnā€™t the game technically considering every attack you do after blocking or waking up a reversal?

By the gameā€™s logic itā€™s not ā€˜what attack is performedā€™ but ā€˜in which situation did you use itā€™.

Thatā€™s a different metric you are considering. Back in ST if you woke up with an invincible move and it was performed on the first frameā€¦ it said ā€œreversalā€ I canā€™t remember if that also pertained to other specials in ST.

However in other games it did account for other specials as well. Like any ā€œreversalā€ timed wakeup special in sf4 would break focus, even if it was something like a fireball or a special that didnā€™t normally break focus like chuns hasan shu.

We are basically speaking in colloquial terms with respect to ā€œreversalsā€ they harken back to ST originally and were mostly seen with respect to invincible moves.

Nowadays you can call anything that is timed with ā€œreversalā€ timing, but it gets convoluted in that instance. But maybe thatā€™s the way it should beā€¦ idk. But if thatā€™s what people want to start doing then we just have to find something else to refer to ā€œfirst-frame-strike-invincible-movesā€

And thereā€™s a good reason to denote the difference:

Letā€™s say you have a strike invincible moveā€¦ but itā€™s not invincible till the 3rd frame or so. Well now your opponent can meaty you ā€œfor freeā€ and there is nothing you can do about it if they have great timing. But lest say that you do have a first frame strike INVULNERABLE moveā€¦ something like an armored punch or somethingā€¦ well now you can get thrown out of that attack.

Etc etc etcā€¦ this is why itā€™s pretty important to not confuse our terminology because as it changes thereā€™s a creep in definitions and all of a sudden, something that was well defined and talked about in a previous time or era, becomes something not talked about or understood in the following era simply because a blanket term is now used to 5-6 separate things that are now all under one umbrella. This allows for an easier to understand discourse at the expense of a deeper understanding of said thing.

But meh I guessā€¦ itā€™s on,y streetfighter. Fuck it. Call projectiles command grabs and call jumpins timeouts. The world is your oyster, take a shit on it and toss it in the oven.


Doing any move on the first possible frame after being put in blockstun or a knockdown in ST got a ā€œreversalā€-prompt iirc.

NL didnā€™t hold back.

ā€¦and I mean that almost literally, he was always pushing forward or up-forward on his stick.


Cody is not particularly weak but he isnā€™t particularly strong either, i will also say the same about his VT2. Sure, if you got a good sequence working out for you, then its good but it still require far too much effort from the Cody player over other easy mode almost insta-win VTs like say Abigail, G, M.Bison, etc,etc

With Cody, in some matches like say Guile. If you donā€™t ride that good sequence to victory, it can be very hard to get back in on Guile and if the timer runs out on you with the pipe in your hand, you are basically screwed.

It is still very capable of robbery but it isnā€™t as consistent or likely to win you games like some of the others, cause at the end the biggest boon of the VT2 is the command grab, which is hard to set up and like all other command grabs, it carries a significant risk if it got jumped.

Cody is just mediocre. He isnā€™t great but isnā€™t terrible. He is really meh both gameplay and power level wise regularly and is good (in some MU) and fun in VT2 and VT1 IMO.

I just donā€™t think he is fun or strong enough as he is to be mained by someone full time.


How would you rate Akuma vs Chun matchup? Any advice?
I know that I should be able to win more against her, but I just donā€™t.
I always hated fighting her - in S1 with Ryu, even in SF4 with Cody. She is my demon.

Overall it should be about 5.5 for Akuma, it is not that bad for her and i would say its 5-5 when Akuma is not in VT1 but that VT turn that MU into a 6-4 or worse for her imo so overall it balances out.

Generally speaking, Akuma should be dictating the pace of the match, vs Chun you need to sorta play lame and force her to play a chase game. That is what she particularly struggles against and the strength of Akuma lies in his annoying aerial game. So generally play lame, force her to come to you then go for the surprise offence. That is generally from my experience playing as Chun and Vs her, that is by far her hardest play style to play against.

st.MK and cr.HP should be very good versus her as well as EX demon flips cause she gotta air to air it to deal with the dive kick or crossup slide variant but that leaves her open to early palm.


Ex torpedo was low normal option select block. If thatā€™s what youā€™re talking about in SF4.

Iā€™m just saying when people point out a character weakness itā€™s often not really true. Down charge still has some other benifits. Like you can react faster with a charge move than a dp.

Also yeah, Cody sucks. Take his trigger out heā€™s Ryus long lost twin brother.

As fate would have it, SF:AE got a 40% discount on PSN today, a few days after I bought it for full price. >.>


Why donā€™t they bring 1st frame reversals back?

Everyone should get at least one of those moves

Zangief with full invincible ex SPD from frame 1? Yes, please.

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Yeah Bison technically has defensive options. They may not be ā€œEX DPā€ based but theyā€™re there. Even G technically still has things he can do/press in reversal situations (just with way more risk due to none of them being able to directly challenge meaty buttons/frame traps outside of super). Unnecessary semantics argument aside, everyone in this game has shit they can press defensively.

Also, I believe even without V Trigger Cody is generally scarier and has better options than Ryu. Much much much better heavy button game and itā€™s important to have a strong heavy button game in this game. Better frame trapping buttons, just as good or better AA. Not to mention having a fireball thatā€™s generally better for baiting jumps and what is effectively Ryuā€™s HP DP that can hit on both sides and doesnā€™t require a motion. Then add in the v trigger and he makes Ryu a joke.

Characters like Ken and Urien are better than Cody, but Cody even without V Trigger still a clear better bet over Roo man.

Cody is good and I assume none of you have played against Cody or as Cody long enough to have every set-up, match-up and tool utility down to assume how good/bad he is.

He has one issue, that being Guile.

Canny wait for you all to be calling him a cheap cunt come S4.


Tbh that balance patch canā€™t come soon enough.

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I was talking about the fully invincible to all strikes throws and projectiles ex stomp/ ex devils reverse and bison could steer the move almost fullscreen away from you making punishes very hard because he could land basically anywhere.

As far as weaknessesā€¦ they are always weaknesses. Now whether or not you specifically or your character specifically can take advantage of said weakness is anyoneā€™s guess and relies on both skill and character matchupā€¦ but bison isnā€™t going to magically grow an invincible ex reversal anymore than Alex is going to start throwing fireballs.

Not having a fireball IS a weakness for Cammy. That doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s weak without a fireballā€¦ if she had one, especially a good oneā€¦ sheā€™d probably be pretty broken or atleast number 1 with a bullet. But not having one is still a weakness, same as ryu and guile and sagat not having command grabs are also weaknesses, but weaknesses they were made to be able to overcomeā€¦ yet still weaknesses and things they will NEVER have.

Bison is at his most free in sf5 on his wakeup and during his opponents blockstringsā€¦ this cant be said of every character. I mean one can acknowledge the weakness without saying that the weakness is particularly weak. Sim is weak as hell to up close harassmentā€¦ but tell this to a gief player that canā€™t even land the first hitā€¦ doesnā€™t seem like much of a weaknessā€¦ but it still isā€¦

I can pretty much assume thereā€™s no reason to play him if you already play characters like Urien, Rashid or even possibly Ken (though I could see if someone said he had potential/was better than Ken). He doesnā€™t really play much of a unique counter pick role compared to other counter pick characters either.

If Guile is his only issue that wouldnā€™t even be a real issue since you could just switch to a secondary vs Guile. Some top players already do that any way.