SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

After i watched that video i logged into SFV to find out i lost about 3k points.

It affected me that much.

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I have a 240 Mbit/s download speed. Why the hell is SFV going to take 7 hours to finish downloading on PS4?

Put your console in sleep mode for like half an hour. Everything will be downloaded. For some reason the PS4 downloads slow as hell if itā€™s not in rest mode. What really grinds my gears is that a download that starts in rest mode will be slow as molasses unless you take it out of rest mode and put it back into rest mode. WTF Sony.


I tinkered a bit with itā€™s network settings and now it should only take another 30 minutes to finish downloading the whole thing.

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Have you configured network settings for optimal performance? No way thatā€™s right. I have downloaded 2GB in like 30 minutes or less with my PS4 on.

Google DNS settings for fast PSN downloads. I rarely see a download take more than 10 mins.

Edit: This has been a thing since PS3.

ā€œI was blahcking!ā€ - DarkSydePhil, former pro fighting game player and 4th place at EVO 2005 in ST

Please, ignore the ā€œCounterā€ sign on the left or right side of the screen.

I am currently the worst Falke in the world! :smiley:

Bison does also have a 3 frame, a good back dash then the EX headstomp if you try to shimmy or do an unsafe string. Strike inv from 3 then the reverse is 1-16 invincible ( better than a DP). Itā€™s just powerful in a different way.

Bison mains used to say the same thing in SF4. We have no DP therefore our wake up is weak. It wasnā€™t true though, they just didnā€™t have one answer fits all. They had tons of options. Tons.

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about, 5 command grabs in a row, are you guys telling me Abigail could just have jabbed or jumped back and he would have avoided those? Iā€™m still confused.

I donā€™t think you know how command grabs work.
Theyā€™re high risk high reward, jump out of a command grab and you can get a big punish.

Also you should study the framedata on command grabs, if theyā€™re +2 in your face and their grab is 5 frames, itā€™s a 50/50 between grab and a normal on their part. You canā€™t press jab in those situations, let alone Abi, cuz his fastest normal is cr.LK.

Look at some replays, put on the framedata and put the puzzle pieces together.

Edit: Also no insult intended just trynna help you get better etc. :slight_smile:

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Command grabs(or grabs in general however you can tech a regular grab) canā€™t hit you under 2 conditions

Youā€™re considered airborne OR you transition into throw invincibility frames.

So, logically thinking - to avoid command grabs we can either jump, or use things like an EX.DP or backdash to crush through them.

It is not the same as a button with a hitbox, which will catch you if you jump or backdash due to you not having hit invincibility in those states.

If your opponent can create a set-up in which they have time to press a button or throw you on your wake-up, they force you to guess between escaping the throw or blocking the hit.

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Cody needs some work and I donā€™t really know what could make him fun. Birdie, Falke, Rog can give him that work (basing on my own experiences) and his V-Triggers are just too gimmickyā€¦I can still plow through his shit when he releases the rock. That rock and shank puts no type of scare in me unless Iā€™m already knocked down.

His little stlp love taps hoping for a confirm is w/eā€¦his whiff punishing after stHK gimmick is mehā€¦Cody is just MEHHHHHHHHHHH

Iā€™m taking a dump and it just triggers me, Cody is one of the characters that should have NOT been reinvented if this is the best they can do.

Also fuck out of here if anybody says ā€œCody is fineā€

Edit: 2 Codys above me :^) The perfect timingā€¦anywho I did have fun fighting him today but it was so damn 1 dimensional

Codyā€™s VT2 is not gimmicky and is one of the best VT2s in the game

He also ainā€™t meh

If Cody is full screen, that shit is a gimmick. Or how about this Iā€™M the gimmick because I ainā€™t moving. Keep on throwing your riggity rock.

Also IMO of course heā€™s MEH but having one of the best VT2s in the game ainā€™t sayinā€™ much.

Letā€™s hope Japanese Wizardry gets triggered and we see a Cody place high next major tournament :^(

He gets free rock just frames fullscreen that do a shit ton of chip and donā€™t drain his v-meter, or you can set-up an upward swing rock and make them block/force your way in.

Thatā€™s cool and all but come on manā€¦having a rock thatā€™s off screen completely be your tool to dash in is just sadā€¦especially when you look at characters like Guile, Urien and MeNAH. Even with the rock in the air, itā€™s still not going to provide you enough clearance to get free dash ins especially if Iā€™m fully loaded with EX bars, VS (Juri) etc.

Maybe he should just launch a fucking boulder.

JF rocks is cuteā€¦thatā€™s cuteā€¦


Going to watch this and w/e Cody matches I can find

Let me make my unimportant opinion clear though, Cody is far from weakā€¦maybe he doesnā€™t need buffs at allā€¦maybe Capcom needs to just work on the core system of the game but he is still meh to me

thatā€™s why Shazzy does upward rock > whiff mk ruffian > whiff mk ruffian every time someone runs fullscreen from him I guess?

Also Cody is fine. I donā€™t really care about him being buffed.

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Iā€™ll watch some Shazzy then

Ayy Twin and Mocha is in this clip