SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Devils reverse is still a reversal, arguably a better one since itā€™s safe. His AA is also not as bad as people make out imo.


I donā€™t consider something a ā€œreversalā€ unless itā€™s strike invincible. Projectile and throw invincibility donā€™t mean much to me unless itā€™s t9 go through a fireball in the neutral, Iā€™m not really trying to meaty bison with fireballs anywaysā€¦ but thatā€™s me.

His AA is ok versus anyone that has a regular jumpin. Itā€™s pretty terrible versus anyone with aerial jumpin mixups.

His slow dash has invincibility, he donā€™t need a good fireball because has options to beat the opponent zoning. Cr.HP is an underrated AA and Bison has crouching jab for some situations, against aerial mix-ups his Hell Attack is pretty good. Jumping on Bison can be a better option than challenge him on ground, but he has options too to keep you grounded if you become predictable.

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Jumping medium punch is really good as well and puts you in a juggle state.

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A reversal just changes momentum. Bison can just flick that out in your strings and regain momentum , basically steal it back and itā€™s practically safe.

People tend to think of reversals as the moment that somebody wakes up. See thatā€™s a DP for me, a different thing.

A reversal is just something that makes you reverse the pressure. So when people say ā€œbison has no reversalā€ what they are actually meaning is Bison has no DP.


lets have a look how weā€™re getting along, I played a little yesterday

Anyone going to meet Ono? I need a favor!

A golden Cammy figure?! Hahahaha Ono, best troll evah.

The Golden Cammy should replace whatever garbage cups theyā€™re using for Capcom Cup and EVO right now to be completely honest.

What? That applies to jabs and 3 framers then. A reversal has strike invincibility (or atleast armor) on frame 1. Lots of things can reverse pressure, that doesnā€™t make them reversals, it just means the situation got reversedā€¦ like backdashing out of a bad situationā€¦ still not a reversal.

No, they should make a cup with the character that wins the tournament.

My take on Bipson is j.MP and c.HP are pretty fine for AA and since heā€™s such a mobile character his best way to avoid jumps is just being mobile against people who are jumping. You wonā€™t actually jump in much on a good Bipson because they have too many damn ways to move around and reposition themselves. Like the whole ā€œjust jump on Bisonā€ kinda worked in season 1 when his c.HP AA and 4 frame light issues actually made that worth the risk, but now he has a real standing AA, still one of the best jump based AAā€™s and can mash 3 frame out of anything you do that isnā€™t tight.

Generally all Bison wants to do is find some scramble that leads him into tapping you with something thatā€™s plus and thatā€™s it, heā€™s started. Hope you have an EX DP cuz good luck blowing away your comeback mechanic just to get him off.

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Bisonā€™s cr.hp is decent at best, we should have more decent AAs in this game

Iā€™ll be logging on a little later. I got about 890 DP yesterday.

Geez, Juri army is out tonight.

Things I see on my timelineā€¦:laughing:



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bless u friend

dsp complaining and whining is literally my primary form of entertainment these days

I didnā€™t do anything

Thatā€™s his best line