SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I will likely be there to do my part and defend the country.
Even if it is to be cannon fodder to tire them off so the stronger players can crush them!

Wear down the mental fortitude…smart stuff.

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booo y’all suck
Samus’s’s Kolin

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Anyone lacking a Dojo? Susgang has open slots.

What’s a Susgang

I actually think for the most part Chun players are loyal. I can’t think of a high profile player that switched except Sako and Go1 still uses her to counter pick some characters, so while he doesn’t main her, she still get some play time.

Otherwise MOV, Ricki, Humanbomb are all still Chunners, others like Nuki kinda dropped from playing competitively that much but didn’t switch characters.

Even here in this forums, no one really switched. Maybe Jin but i remember him jumping to Ibuki since day 1 she was out.

Chunners for the most part are a loyal bunch, for the most part… Can’t say the same about Nash, but i suppose the actual players that i do know that play Nash stuck with him, maybe say 50% of them.

What if CC buttons had to be charged to get into CC state? That would go with the “commitment” Combofiend talked about back in the day.

I regularly play Thinkthink, a GM Menat from Thailand and Menat really doesn’t feel like a “bad” match up to me. Her best anti airs trade a lot with Ken’s jump HP and Ken’s dash and v-skill run give Menat two choices - go balls out in offense or guess unfavourably vs the jump/dash/fireball triad.

As for Guile, I feel that the match is a lot more winnable after putting more practice into vertical jumping over jab booms. I don’t think it’s much worse than 4-6.

Nonetheless, I agree that it might be a stretch to say Ken is on top ten, but he’s close.


Remove Crush Counters and bring back Focus Attack



I can never seem to find topanga league on twitch yet some people say it has thousands of viewers, looked for tokido’s stream and I find nothing.

Ibuki is the main Kunoichi so i was gonna switch regardless. Plus she already had things that I saw that Chun Li didn’t (that I figured barring nerfs would help Ibuki come up as a stronger character). Only reason I mained Chun was she had a lot of things that were like 3S Chun so it was relateable for me to start. Plus IALL was fun. I don’t really have any attachment to the character other than that. Ibuki ended up being a side character for me at best in IV because didn’t like the way she played in that, but her SFV version is much more familiar while bringing some new things (and being top tier).

Don’t really feel like there’s much to pursue with Ibuki anymore since Fuji is already doing a lot of work with her and it’s pretty obvious she’s top tier, so Falke has been fun to mess with as a new hard side character and compliments her couple bad matchups pretty well.

Definitely not unwinnable, but being 4 6 versus one of the most common top 5 characters kinda sucks when you are trying to get those CPT points. Even Chris T switches to Akuma for that matchup usually (and it’s not like Akuma wins for free vs Guile either).

I can see what you’re saying about Menat. If you get started vs her you can bring her to the corner quick and her V Reversal is guaranteed punish if she goes for it. Just I think if Menat has a good day with the buttons Ken doesn’t got much to go on other than risky stuff that might trade at best. Definitely a step below the options that other characters that are good vs her have.

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If Nash had twenty sexy costumes people would still be playing him, too.

I mean I’m pretty much back on the Chun train for Morrigan alone, not because I like my AAs getting counterhit for 30% damage and complete corner carry by Mika and Ken.

There’s nothing wrong with the CC system. The normal buttons suck. The normal buttons have sucked since the start and still suck now. In fact they are worse.

Whenever you see someone sensible make a recommendation, it’s always “lower” this normals frames.

Instead Capcom make it more on hit or more on block and the normal remains the same shit normal.


These weren’t on Twitch as far as I am aware. They were on OpenRec. This youtube channel has the entire matches from the past few days.


Since the normals are that bad, at least the CC ones need to be balanced. Rog and Bison haven’t bad normals in SFV compared to big part of the cast, then why their CC normals have to be +oB? I can stop pressing buttons myself, I don’t see them doing the same.

Because they are Shadaloo Kings! So they better play like it dammit!

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Theres the whole weird push back scenario. Like some characters like ibuki and Bison you are not getting pushed out, meanwhile two mp with Ryu and youre across the screen. There’s just no consistency.

M bison would be ok if he didn’t have a “fuck it I’m just Gona take another turn” move on top of his insane pressure.

I can easily whiff punish axe punch…with decent buttons.

Sweeps are horrific too. At least if your sweep was 7 frame or the like you could do something.

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Bison has super slow dash, no reversal, no real fireball and terrible AA… he probably deserves his CC normals. Whether he deserves ex DR is the real question.

Balrog has no reversal and no fireball and no crossup plus has to charge his moves.

Sf5 is wack. Don’t look to it for intelligent balancing because that went the way of the dodos as soon as they decided that characters can wakeup with 2different wakeups and no crossups could be performed against most waking opponents because of a lack of frame advantage.

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