SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Rumors are making it sound like they just want to make the game crazier for S4 so I’m not expecting too much things that make the game more honest. The craziest retroactive stuff they did were the S1 changes where invincible DPs went bye bye and top tiers got turned upside down outside of mika. Nothing that restrictive to the game has happened since then. Only thing close would be throw loop “removal” but you can still effectively mix people up into repeated corner throws.

If they’re going to make the game crazier just give everyone infinite V-Trigger like Necalli. Voilà, YOLO comeback esports hype game.

Jump MP is also pretty important. It has a big hurtbox around it, but it can still hit a lot of shit because of it going over the hit box of other buttons or just being so long for its type of button. If you land it deep enough can convert into s.MK or s.HP depending on range. Very good versus Akuma air fireball and baiting DPs. Large range where they have to DP to AA it, but if you empty jump you can get them to whiff their AA and punish. Adds decent white chip if you make them continuously block it also.


I didn’t encounter a Falke since her release month, dunno if that is a good or a bad sign, I’ve almost forgot how to fight her, that says something.

Who knows if Woshige and his buddies have a clue about what this game need to please everybody, I’m not so sure. The rumors about new mechanics sounds like a new can of worms to me, but let’s see what’s going to happen. We gonna have also the 4.5 patch 100%, better go ham at this point on the weaker side of the tier list.

I’m barely starting to get the basics of SFV, but I do have a question about something that I don’t agree with some players. I’ve read that they don’t like the priority buttons in SFV, but without this priority, wouldn’t we just be seeing everybody mash jabs to see who gets the first hit in?

I actually think Ken is like, fringe top 10. Dude is slept on hard.

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It’s the crush system, so basically at the moment I believe the hierachy of buttons that crush one another is

throw > heavy > medium > light > special

which has made medium and light poking a little more dangerous than usual because you can eat a full CC combo for attempting to poke in the midrange, making the experience just a little more haphazard/sloppy to play in.

It’s not the crush system that causes issues as much as CCs existing within a game that utilises the crush system.

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Had a busy weekend but still managed to hop online long enough to clean up the 20 Ranked Wins CPT mission. Managed to do it in not too many sets despite two people running for the hills after losing the first game. Also ended up with another fistful of LP. I may make a rank up yet one of these days.

Right now feels like a weird spot where 80% of the people I play don’t really push me to do anything new or different so I don’t practice the things I know I need to get better at, then I run into the other 20% where those skills would have really come in handy and I still suck at them. :slight_smile: Not a complaint just an observation. Theoretically that % will shift over time and I’ll really have to level up again.

Not that I’m a badass or anything. I feel like I’m winning using really basic stuff. Some people just do some really goofy stuff. I ran into a Kolin who’s entire neutral game plan was hands. Just, raw hands. Never seen that one before. Or the Cody who would VT2 cancel then immediately neutral jump every time. I’m not sure why he did that or let alone did it against Laura, but my initial findings are that this tactic may have some holes in it.

Capstone moment was last round of last game, waiting for the Akuma player to jump after VT1 activation so I could HP Bolt trade him to death. That works a surprising amount of the time and it always puts a smile on my face.

Glory to Susgang

Also played a little bit of the SC6 beta. Had fun Voldo’ing folks. Game definitely has some stuff I don’t like as much - I agree with what was said up thread about the RE and 1 button supers - and I hope the online experience runs smoother in the full version, but overall was a lot of fun. I think I’ll pick that up and give it a legit go. I sure as fuck ain’t getting good at Tekken anytime soon (sorry Josie :frowning: )

Checking in about a topic 200 posts ago: for the TT in this game Akuma is a fuckhead but on average he irritates me less than Menat or Guile, probably due to my char choice. And the reason I think you don’t see more complaining about Menat (especially relative to how much of a jerk she can be) is that I think it requires a particular kind of player to really stick with her and her best damage/coolest stuff is relatively execution heavy in this game. So although st.HP sure is the god button, it is a lot more “fun” and “easier” to pick Guile I think (also bonus points for Guile being legacy so most lame players probably have some experience with him).


I totally think he’s the last spot of Top10. He’s dumb and retarded enough for this game to work and his corner carry game is even better than Rashid’s.

I’m definitely starting to see how the small changes to Ken have helped a lot. I think the main issue with him being seen as top 10 though is that he doesn’t do too good vs Guile and Menat. That’s 2 of the top 5 that are regularly out there. Guile just out neutrals him pretty hard and he doesn’t really have a lot of good tools to regularly hop over Menat’s buttons. If he can do it he can go to town, but it’s done more effectively with characters like Rashid, Blanka or Ibuki who have more multiple options to hop over her s.HP.

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Ken can definitely pull some shit. I think the main reason he gets slept on is that Akuma is the shoto everyone switched to and thinks about when they think of a strong shoto.

Also public perception is usually slow to change and I think a lot of people still remember him being bad.

Low CPT representation doesn’t help either. Some folks are out there holding it down but they don’t seem to make top 8’s often enough for Ken to be remembered.

In the end Akuma is overall better in matchups and toolset so he would be the go to shoto at this point. Akuma has better tools that are relateable to the ex Ryu players than Ken any ways. Can’t think of a matchup that Ken actually does better in than Akuma either. Falke might be the only one and that’s only because he has better guaranteed punishes vs her f+HP. Vs any higher tier character though he doesn’t do anything to warrant picking over Akuma.

You could argue he’s better at riding one good read into victory than Akuma, but Akuma will eventually get enough right reads and do similar momentum turn any way.


Yeah those are my thoughts too. I sort of thought that when Akuma came out in general Ken was in a weird spot - Ken in this game is very much the “aggressive shoto” so you’re sort of in a race condition to see who is better at fucking people up and Akuma is no slouch in that department.

As you said Ken is probably technically better at riding the wave but Akuma’s well roundedness counts for a lot more. At least in this season not having the tools to deal with Menat, Guile, and Cammy (assuming you’re vying for the top 5) is a super rough place to start.


As I said before people are too fixated with tier lists. We all agree Akuma is the best Shoto out there and too many players don’t want to ‘suffer’ the blame of a defeat. The general perception is Ken being bad because his tournament rep can’t do shit with him anymore and the transition to Akuma for them is like jump over Capcom obstacle. In their minds there’s no reason to use Ken anymore since Akuma can do everything better, the Ranked grind is really important for them. The lack of diversity on most tournaments top 8 come from people blasting X character and the more you’re going up in Ranked the more you’re forced to swimming in a sea full of Akumas and Guiles.

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Basically. I think Ken is good for people who want that Dudley/Boxer/Cody style of momentum and trapping, but still want to play a shoto. So he may be better for a certain type of player than Akuma who’s more relateable to Ryu with extra scum.

Chris T has been winning enough things with him lately to show that he is still somewhat relevant. It’s just everyone else that plays Ken doesn’t hard main him. Like he’s just one of Momochi’s or Sasaki’s characters but no one else solo mains them and that’s a good thing. There’s no reason strategically to solo play Ken.

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Yeah, that’s the point. Why struggling when there’s an easy route right there? A change is easier if you aren’t a character loyalist and the majority of the playerbase are bandwagons. Look at Nash or Chun after S1.


More than a good thing it’s just useless if your goal is winning at higher level, Ken’s bad MUs are too good at controlling space and cool him down in general. I think the characters labeled as ‘strong, but honest’ can be used just as counterpicks right now, like Infiltration did against the Rashid Army with Juri. Angrybird is amazing with Zeku, but he still has Akuma to cover problematic matchups, so no surprise here.


The Japanese are planning to invade Brazil for our regional final thanks to those sweet, sweet premier points that will be up for grabs! They want to steal our precious points! :fearful:


so…like…I’m pretty sure my neighbors panties are outside of my front door right now…yep…those are mos def some blue panties…not sure what I should do…need SRK advice…thinking about putting them on her door nobin a double knot

I’m sure Keoma will fend them off.
As soon as they put Abel into the game.

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