SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I think Menat’s v-trigger is fine. If she gets hit during her v-trigger mixups it can quickly lead to her losing because of that.

Speaking of Dhalsim anyone play him? I’m trying to set up a scenario in training.

I think Sim players do HP/mp yoga fire into PPP cross up teleport into fierce .

Any Sim confirm that? I think they actually jump into the PPP teleport so it crosses up in the air. Trying to see which options are best at dealing with that.

does anyone play him?

it’s 2018 there are no Sim players


Yeah will of the top 3 players in my local one is a grand master sim.

GM Sim < Super Gold Menat

Anybody else apart from frosty.

That any way to treat your son


If I didn’t like lame I wouldn’t play Falke.

But unless they ditch Healing I really don’t want to see Elena again.

Yeah, health regen as a comeback mechanic would be utter bullshit.

It would be wonderful and glorious

All hail healing V-trigger


That match between Problem X vs Daigo was incredible. Both players were just extraordinary. SF5 at its best!

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He’s a GM now? Motherfucker. This game…

Asking for Elena without Healing as a VT is heresy. That’s her signature mechanic at this point that nobody else has and what can bring variety to an already big cast.

Healing worked as intended; what caused issues were the stupid small hurtbox, cr LP being OP for footsies and combo starter and jump so floaty she didn’t actually had a jump. All those gone and she’s good.

Elena is interesting because there’s room to innovate while still retaining some core stuff. Other than mallet smash and maybe one of linx Tail, spin scythe or scratch wheel, they can take out and add new specials. The 12f overhead will be great for locking grey life.

Oh yeah multiple hits focus should be her vskill just like Gief flex.


I really want that S4 character list to be real. I’ll happily junk a spot to Dan for the other 5 chars. Hell in this game Dan still has a shot at being the 2nd/3rd best shoto.

I hope we get the gorilla so we can finish up the set next season with the hat guy. I like the idea of a new set of 4 Kings. Though this would be more like the 4 Rooks or some shit.


Elena healing as CA isn’t necessarily a bad idea.

Healing as VT would cause people to burn down Capcom HQ. The entire reason people complained about healing in USFIV was because it was tied to a resource that you got from losing health. Doing that again would be pretty damn stupid.


Who has the best footies buttons in the game then?

Uh, not really. You got it for free for getting beat up or just for absorbing stuff with Focus Attacks. You trade life so you can get it back again later. That was a pretty dumb idea.

In SFIII it worked as intended. You blow all your resources for a chance to live a little longer. That’s how it should work; life is the most valuable resource in a fighting game and having the ability to get back some of it must come at a price. If a hypothetic SFV Elena has Healing as her CA I’m all for it but don’t make it her V-Trigger.

Edit: a minute too late, but whatever.

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Fuck I missed OG Vega?

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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VTs do too much damage so a healing VT would spice up the game :slight_smile: You’ll get a second chance but in a different way :slight_smile:

I’d be okay if her CA gave her health, as long as her EX moves were strong and almost required to maintain pressure or win matches. If you can win effectively with just her normals and normal specials, then fuck that.