SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

s. mk was last season. it’s been nerfed in range and i think that was appropriate. S. hp isn’t something to be abused since there’s more recovery and you can easily eat a jump in while using it.

if his walkspeed was so amazing to his footsies why isn’t Chun or Karin top tier? Akuma’s good but he’s not number 1. more like top ten imho.

Every button if abused can be jumped in on. Sure s.MK got nerfed a bit but still easily within top 10 buttons in the game regardless s.HP for the speed and range and conversion options is pretty close to unmatched as well and causes CC because why not Akuma needs that.

A c.MK to a fireball that knocks down is huge in footsies in a way that pretty much no other character can relate to. Especially once you’re in VT1 you’re getting a solid c.MK with walk speed that leads into a fireball that launches from absurd range into an HKD. That is easily within top 2 or 3 things you can do in footsies in the game once he hits trigger.

Chun and Karin have been further relegated to being around footsies and have had their pressure and setplay nerfed. Meanwhile Akuma has the best zoning for a character that isn’t a hard zoner and among the best oki and pressure options in the game along with those footsies. Like, yeah.

All of the other characters that challenged him for his top 5 spot in S2 like Rashid and Rog got nerfed down. He is very clearly no worst than 5th best and realistically top 3. Could argue between Akuma, Guile and Cammy for top 1, but that race is too close to really matter. Guile and Menat specifically probably have better outlier matchups in their favor, but with Akuma’s toolset he likely has the best overall matchup spread and just overall most bang for you buck character in the whole game ATM.


Akuma and Cody make me want to toss shit when I’m playing Sakura, nerf please.

Funny how I’d rather fight Menat and guile over these two and they’re the better characters as well. Smh

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I’ll drink some Capcom Kool Aid and say Neo Shadaloo Gorilla is possible legit, but I will paypal anyone here 10 bucks if Capcom is dumb enough to have Dan be a legit FM/cash DLC character. That is some bologna even for Papa Capcom. There’s too many cult favorites still out there like Sodom, Honda, Maki, Dudley, Necro, Oro and so on for Capcom to get anything but the utmost of shit for having a shoto that cries all the time being put over their character.

If Dan wasn’t there I’d take the list pretty seriously, but ain’t no damn way I’m gonna take a list with Dan seriously. That’s about as bad as that guy from S1 who kept taking Peter as DLC seriously.


Neo Shadaloo Gorilla is the only thing that makes sense anymore in this world


We definitely gonna need the Gorilla’s power to carry Dan into S4

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Dont bring tool iscussion to a footsie fight. Stay on topic negro, no one is arguing that akuma doesnt have a plethora of tools and few are arguing that he isnt top tier.

If chun and akuma have their feet magnetized to the floor its an 8-2 matchup un chuns favor. His normals dont stack up to hers, or lots of characters for that matter.

I do think ken is the better shoto than akuma when it comes to fighting grapplers

I still just wanna see akumas v trig fireball cancel get nerfed. Vt cancel on fireballs are braindead as is, but still being able to cancel with a jumped fireball is fuckalltarded

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Ummm…I can post at least 2 videos of Akuma being mostly grounded and dealing with Chun’s ground game. Here’s at least one.

The first round of the second match with no meters he puts Chun into a corner with almost nothing but buttons and a few fireballs. Sure, Chun players would like it better if Akuma was a completely grounded character, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get blasted by his ground game either.

Chun has have a better overall spread of hit boxes, but that doesn’t mean their completely better in footsies or overall ground game than Akuma. Tokido spends most of his time on the ground vs any character that isn’t like Abigail or Birdie. There is no way in hell he loses 2 to 8 in a ground game vs Chun. She can clearly win it, but he can easily play real footsies back at her and his footsies have stronger conversions. Better spread of hit boxes, but risk/rewards in the footsies and with fireball clearly gives Akuma his own advantages.

Even if you’re talking footsies he is only below the footsies of Cammy, Karin, Chun and Ibuki by a small margin. His s.MK is deceptively long ranged for a 5 frame button and can buffer catch buttons and whiff punish a lot of shit. s.HP is also amazing for something that also crush counters.

Which makes sense as the big grapplers like Gief, Birdie and Abi far outrange or armor through shoto footsie range. Akuma can easily play strong footsies vs Laura though and can still go to the air with some success vs Abi and Birdie and fish for a knockdown. Gief kinda perfectly deals with Akuma’s neutral, but he’s so irrelevant that it basically doesn’t matter.

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Well said. Do you remember Punk’s Akuma?
Yeah, i don’t too.
I want Dan to be crap like in old games and to have inv dp and a throw loop.

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Ryu and Sagat can hang with Akuma. Thats probably enough to know that Akuma footsies aren’t over powered. I don’t feel overwhelmed by him, but maybe that’s cause I consider my footsies quite decent.

I mean he’s still got those shoto mini normals. His FB is a very good tool though I’ll give him that.


I think Dan is actually not that unbelievable if they release the first two characters simultanously. Joke character plus real character can work, but there’s no way they’re going to release standalone Dan and then make everyone wait for the good stuff.

Plus, he’s wearing a rose Gi. Right?

The character that makes me question this list is Elena. I really don’t see why they’d bring her back. She didn’t have that many fans going into USFIV and she definitely had even less after that game. Also nobody wants to see Timeout Fighter V when you have Menat vs. Elena at a tournament.

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I only bothered watching the first round. First lets get this straight, correlation does not equal causation. I can go find a video of zangief winning rounds without one spd. This does NOT mean that gief does not need his spd. This does NOT mean that gief can consistently win this way.

Now back to that first round. Akuma gets dominated on the ground to the point that he doesnt get ANY repeat that ANY damage on the ground outside of the corner or on oki, save for, get this… one naked crmk

Well… ffs YOU SHOWED ME! hot damn.

Really dont need to watch more than that tbh.

Tokidos akuma won there because he AA’d chun multiple times (who jumped becuase of akuma fireballs, not akuma normals… remember the original point pls… fireballs arent normals) then after he AA’d chun he converted oki into corner position into more damage. Then chun got out the corner, put in work, got AA’d again after more oki stuff. At no point in that round that i can remember was akuma stuffing chuns buttons and outnormaling her.

Remember, thats the point of this convo… his NORMALS. So dont go showing me some video of him throwing fireballs and jumping chun and oki conversions. Show me a vid where he consistently beats chuns buttons with his own, walks her down and wiff punishes her and the skill level of both players is relatively equal. Akuma beats chun but it aint because his st.mk/cr.mk/st.hp/w/e gives her a hard time, its because his fireball and aerial game and general v trigger give her a hard time.

Watched second round. Akuma stays on the ground most of the round. Loses half life fir that silliness. Still though, shows some life as chun is wary of his st.mk interrupting her st.hp which causes chun to be less liberal with butyons than normal and allows akuma to get in a couple uncontested dash ins… which is a direct result of the threat of his st.mk… but still, he loses having only done like 10% to chun. Them best in game normals are failing him so far.

Watched 3rd round, pretty savage, but this ground game best normals akuma is nowhere to be seen:

Chun starts with st.hk, akuma eats it, chun gets on hit frame advantage, akuma doesnt care, presses st.mk xx red fireball. Then does ex demonflip to get in on oki because he knows the ground isnt happenin (this is a sign of desperation) corner shit happens, neutral happens, chun owns grounded akuma some more…pushes to the corner… makes mistake giving akuma +2 on blocked ex legs. Akuma gets s greedy cause hes getting spanked abd does cr.hp (that normal only scrubs use) it CC’s backdashing chun, now oki. Akuma gets backthrow into corner, v trigger is up, neutral is over. Akuma takes the round with corner v trigger pressure and converts into an insane oki demon.

Almost none of what akuma did here was beating buttons or winning on the ground by having the superior normals. Im not gonna annotate any more of this but ill watch the rest. Im not seeing akuma dominate on the ground unless we are talking about him getting dominated.

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Watched the rest. Last match was particularly telling. Akuma decided to stat grounded for most of it. Got hard dicked because of it. Almost all his damage came from airfireball jumpins.

Last round the poor fucker takes like 4-5 medium and 3 fierces to the face while getting walked into the corner… great normals…

But ill give you this, he did manage to land st.hp once the entire set on a wiff punish on chuns fmp.

So i guess that means his normals are as good as chuns?

I think when we originally saw the Neo Shadaloo group the main one everyone wanted to see was the gorilla…cause y’know. It’s a fucking gorilla.

As long as Makoto drops next season I’ll have literally no other characters I want present in the game, outside of weird one like Hakan.

Dan definitely needs to come back, I fucking love him.


I cannot lie. I would be 100% hype if Dan was announced.
He is just way too cool and silly. I would main him for two or so months.

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Of all the possible MIA shotos we could be getting, Dan is #1. Evil Ryu, Oni, Sean can all go fuck themselves.