SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Nigga no just no

Akuma is god like in this game and he’s got mad fun tools and I don’t give a shit about shoto’s.


Yes agreed, this would be a good thing.


This is part of the reason why I must destroy max


Twin has another account?


Twin found out you can also just press st fierce 80% of the time with Akuma as well as Kolin.

He’s leveled up!


Other than being outranged by certain characters he has near the best overall footsies in the game. Other than irrelevant comparing to old games, within this game his footsies are nearly unmatched and still has one of the better fireball games to boot. If Sagat had Akuma’s buttons he’d be better on that alone.

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Give me this and I’ll be happy with S4

If ryu had giefs command grab he’d be better on that alone.

Lol jin sometimes… man… idk.

Akuma has all around normals but his normals get shit on by like half the cast for near free.

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Capcom loves the ladies. Let’s do it. Makoto is a tomboy any way.

List has to be fake as there’s no way people would have anything but a shitstorm out of having an FM/cash DLC spot burned on mother fucking Dan. Unless he has like Shin Dan VT2 that would put Capcom back into Season 1 levels of torches and pitchforks.

I guess the Gorilla guy would count as the big brawly guy necessary for the season, but I can’t buy him and Dan in the same season.

Viper better be in or I will personally have a torch at Ono’s office. With the boot fuel mechanic too.

  1. Gorilla guy has to be real, injustice 2 dropped the ball so hard on grodd :frowning: we need proper FGC gorillas

  2. Akuma, your time is up!!!


I guess that was pretty good timing on Capcom’s part. They know Grodd was a dud and having a command grab makes you auto annoying tier in this game.

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With his walk speed, no.

Random scenario aside…why do you think everyone talks about Akuma’s s.MK and s.HP? s.MK’s hit box and frame data combined with his walk speed is about unmatched within this game. It’s a good hit box that also whiff punishes that is also very hard to whiff punish that is also cancelable into full combos and is 5F start up. That shit within this game is nutty.

They are easily 2 of the best buttons in the game and would make a lot of characters better on their own. Those 2 buttons along with a pretty serviceable c.MK that leads into a fireball that knocks down easily puts him within top footsies in the game.


Neo-Shadaloo Gorilla, that’s actually believable coming from Capcom. This season looks pretty bad though, I would probably only play Elena.

Some of the matches I had with @GetTheTables for your critiquing pleasure

…I assumed he didn’t mind me putting some of them up, anyway


I’ve grabbed the tables, ladders, and chairs just in case.

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A-okay by me. I’ll likewise take whatever feedback I can get though I know I played hella rough.

I like how the YT thumbnail is the one time I tried a reversal CA that failed super hard. :smile:

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When Capcom introduced the second V-Triggers, they should have completely overhauled Ryu’s trigger design:
VT1 turns him into story mode magic butterfly enlightened Ryu
VT2 turns him into Evil Ryu

Whether it was a permanent transform (Necalli), a long burning temporary transform (G’s VT1), or a middle ground rest-of-that-round transform would affect just how powerful its design was. For people that don’t want Ryu to diverge too much from vanilla boringness, that could be covered by just making magic butterfly Ryu a buffed version of regular Ryu. That would make the V-Trigger decision between getting new tools (Evil Ryu) or getting better versions of existing tools (butterfly Ryu).


Yeeeaaah. Dont agree. The walkspeed is nice but walkspeed isnt footsies buttons. I dont really care what your walk speed is if your buttons are crap, personally. For akuma, whats always made him difficult for me us his aerial bs. The ones that stay on the ground are never all that difficult from what ive dealt with.

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I think we will be getting 7-8 characters this season because it makes a lot of sense in terms of marketing. This year is THAT season. That’s how they make explosive hype this year.

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Yeah I don’t think Akuma has top tier footsies. Top tier conversion maybe, which admittedly not many characters have.

The bitches still rule that department, Karin, Chun, Cammy, ibuki.

Akuma seems to be strong because he can start party’s safely without threat of retaliation.