SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Both Viper and Rose are much better choices then Ryu with an axe kick and better damage.


Evil Ryu and Evil-er Akuma over actual original characters? Man, Max got shit tastes.


Seth players played reckless because he had a dp that beat all other dps that he could fadc into a dp command grab 50/50. The mix ups were very heavily weighted in his favor.

It didnā€™t have anything to do with him not having health. Akuma was 850 in sf4 and probably was the safest played character in the entire game.

Max should stfu.


Street Fighter 4 Akuma had the long-range gameplay to play that way he was effectively a zoner in that game in Street Fighter V he cannot play that way itā€™s way too easy to close the gap on Street Fighter 5 Akuma. Leaving him at 850 just means theyā€™re going to let themselves get beat up until they get v-trigger faster which means only more reason to play recklessly and swing for butting into VTC or Fireball VTC.

Seth with a thousand health would definitely be played a little less risky. More room to take your time and not be the first to swing. His zoning abilities got nerfed heavily by AE which also forced a more aggressive style for him on top of lower health

See i think going to 850 is two birds one stone. It nerfs his vtrigger as well because without a bunch of CCs and hit vskills he wont get 3 bars until heā€™s a touch away from death.

But his V trigger with the right reads can turn most of the match around any way so itd just get people to the part that they hate about Akuma faster while forcing Akuma players to just go on every decision because they donā€™t have the health to burn a V reversal and tread towards the trigger. It just forces dealing with magic pixel Akuma more which doesnā€™t benefit anyone

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Wth this dojo shit sounds cool.

It isnā€™t

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Speaking of Evil Ryu. I think itā€™s a missed opportunity not making it a v-trigger.

Could had been a permanent one like Necalli has.

But as a full character ? I think others deserve the spot more.

Analyzing all those logical things it only makes sense that Capcom will add him in S4ā€¦ >.>


I meanā€¦Iā€™d buy him

Some more speculation/ā€œleaksā€ for Season 4, this time from a guy who apparently was able to describe what G looked like accurately in April.

There are a bunch of links in the thread, but Iā€™m really skeptical: I donā€™t see Capcom going for a season with 4 female characters.

Elenaā€™s on it so it has to be real

Only 2 males and one of them is a joke character and the other is a monkey ?

Seriously doubt that.


Devilā€™s advocate: that many more characters waifuā€™s for CC to milk costume money.

Almost all the main fethises are covered

You canā€™t imagine how much that character is loved, seriously. Itā€™s a 50/50 between lovers (and users) and haters. The former goes full E.Ryu during SF4 days because plain Ryu went MIA just like SFV Ryu. The fact that the Japanese homeless doesnā€™t look stronger like in S1 makes the desire to his evil side even more intense. Thatā€™s Capcom fault, Evil Ryu in SF4 was beyond retarded.

Agree, but none of them will make Season 4 probably.
Weā€™ve heard about Viper since S1 and Capcom avoid the bullet accordingly for 3 years even after revealed his new look. Then they created an apprentice for Rose instead of putting the master and call it a day. Then shows her without making her talk makes me suspicious, Sakura at least wasnā€™t mute during Karin ending. Dunno, at least one of them could make it.

Fuck Dan.

Yes to Rose, Viper, and Makoto :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I donā€™t believe it.


lol he said G played like Q, which was false, and he got all of Gā€™s moves names wrong. Clearly heā€™s trolling.

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I was ready to post about why Capcom canā€™t just release a S4 pack with 3 males and 3 females, but 4 of the latter looks like a bit too much. The choice of Dan has zero sense and if we can get at least 3 females then Rose should be in place of Elena probably.

My personal all-happy lineup:

Oro, Honda,Fei Long, Makoto,Rose and Viper. Ainā€™t gonna happen, but Iā€™m curious about how much I can get closer to the final group.


I keep forgetting about Oro. Iā€™d really like to see him in. Fei-Long as well. Honda would complete the World Warrior cast, so I can understand his inclusion.