SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Match against abigail is already stupid as it is.
Lower akuma’s health and it will be even worse.

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Lowering him to 850 vs Abigail will bring back him dying in one EX DP punish combo. CC scaling fix helped that and 850 would just bring back more of that near ToD crap for the matchup. He doesn’t really control Abigail neutrally as well as Guile does. He just has the offense necessary to keep him on his back if he lands a knockdown.

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If others get buffed, akuma can live with a few small damage nerfs to ex red fireball and vt fireball.
The worst case scenario is ryu pt.2.

Pretty sweet costumes too.


And a very shapely butt. :eyes: :eyes:


Apparently it’s been confirmed that Chris smoking weed had nothing to do with him being released and was just twitter trolling. Very easy to figure that out, but good to hear that’s how it is for sure. People in California smoke weed like people in Seattle drink coffee (and smoke weed).

Apparently in other social media news some guy that said Steve Taste was bad and raunchy on the mic. In a game that is traditional for some of the most raunchy players and shit talk that there is. Good old social media.


I mean, everyone knows Falke gonna get buffed big since her release, Infiltration dropping her after 10 minutes and Xian dissing her on his stream harder than Drake on Meek Mill. E-dummies makes X-Kira looking smart.

I’ll ride those buffs into Total Victory

Survivals also got a general overhaul, so now it’s much less frustrating to go through. You can use special items and if you lose you can spend a little amount of Fight Money to continue from where you lost with full life and meter. It’s still very boring though.

But why would I pay FM to fight the AI. Fighting the AI in fighting games is always trash.

Also does the old character pass go on sale next year? I doubt it wth.

Also jesus Christ there is like 100 costumes in the shop.

Lol this bitch is really suggesting me Chun costumes


Some people really want that Platinum Trophy/all the Achievements on Steam I guess.

By completing Survival now you can also get tickets that let you get some lootboxes for free, but if you lose and end up having to spend Fight Money to continue it kinda defeats the whole point.

Frankly, Survival is pretty much for completitionists and people who like to grind, I still wouldn’t touch it because fighting the AI in fighting games is always awful.

I completed Survival with every character on every difficulty (well, almost, still got a few left on Extreme) so there’s that. Got enough FM for 2 characters and over halfway there for a third

The Survival improvements make that task far less insane, plus you can save in between so I can just do a little bit of it every morning before work or something once I get to Extreme


Survival also gives you dojo points and XP for the first time you beat each difficulty with each character.
Still, I only use it to practise my combos and hit confirms against a moving target, as that is what I will usually find in ranked matches.

It has helped my game slightly.

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I do the easy and normal survival just to get some FM and colours when I get new characters, but it can fuck off otherwise.

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Because it gives you Exp, what grants you FM trough level ups.
You also unlock colors for each costume and every difficulty.
Also Survival gives you up to 5 Tickets,per difficulty, per month, thats 20 free lootboxes per month.

Also, god damn it why did they bring this costumes now.
And why isn’t Bison Wesker!

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Max aint too thrilled with Rose and Viper as S4 choices. He wants Evil Ryu and Oni

Who cares what Max thinks tho


I can’t help but notice that this isn’t a @Rooflemonger video.


That guy doesn’t even play the game anymore. Why care about his opinion ?


Cause his fans are the ones on twitter and facebook nagging Ono and the SF producers reciprocating whatever Max says. I’m noticing a lot more E. Ryu demands lately.