SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Well they found a way to balance Genei Jin in SFIV (make it super honest and forego him using all of his awesome EX moves to use it) so I’m sure they’ll figure something out.

I think akuma is in a fine place but just needs tweaking especially offensive tolls.
His ex demon flip is too strong and it needs a nerf that forces the opponent to deliberate more when using it. Standing mk more blockstun is a big nerf.

Ken is ok although I’d like some buffs for him and I don’t see how nerfing Akuma would make the current Ryu more interesting.
Seriously just buff everyone to Akuma level, they could always tweak the mechanics to tone down the offensive

I give him credit for data mining upcoming costumes.But that is possible because he mines data that already exists in the game files on the live version of the game.

However when it comes to information regarding character balance then he is straight out lying and a lot of people are riding the hype train he created.Unless he works for Capcom he has no clue who gets nerfed or buffed.

As for the data mining process,it’s not difficult at all,it’s just tedious and takes a lot of time.I used to do it for World of Warcraft before I said fuck it…


Hit the training mode. It is a good move, but it can be stopped.

Can someone give me the cliff notes of what they added to SFV in the last few months? Not the characters but the other shit. Booted up the game and its telling me some shit about survival and “FC” or something.

^This 100%

He makes a statement like this, but he forgets to give us proofs about his cryptic tweets involving characters like Rose,Poison or Viper. He wasn’t clear about them because, if he failed, he can still say ‘hey guys, where I said Rose would’ve been in SFV’. I’m still shocked people jumped on his bandwagon when he has NOTHING to sustain his claims. Nothing against his dataminer work, but at least don’t play with what people want.


Fighting Chance is the new lootbox system that lets you get exclusive stuff from Menat’s tarot cards that are only available through the system.

Fighting Chance allows you to buy new extra power ups in Survival mode that help along with your supplements. Makes survival mode less retarded than it was

But doesn’t Survival give no FM? Why would i ever play that?

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Good question. I don’t play survival mode much either way. I guess if you just want a quicker way to to the colors for the costumes you don’t want to buy.

Oh yeah that’s true. All my characters on PS4 are rocking default colors lmao

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If he’s even a little bit right about the new V System claims or Falke’s buffs, he gets to ride it into the sunset and gain even more fans. Win win for him especially in social media environment with all of those eSheep. He’s already been right about things bigger than SFV so this is just a nice fish in the lake.

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Idk about that. Its 50 health. Makes him slightly weaker without without destroying his options. Tokido has basically been the only Akuma making him work offline anyway.

50 health starts getting within the realm of unsustainable outside of the best of the best IE Tokido. Anyone else including that of the level of Haitani or XSK that becomes a liability. Guts scaling would still help 875 (and that’s still throwing him into unnecessary high risk/fence swinging gameplay), but 850 and he might as well not have guts scaling.

An Akuma with a solid toolset that stays at 900 with a couple more shavings is better for everyone than lowering health to promote Seth levels of recklessness and further unsustainability outside of Tokido. The whole reason they closed up the health values is so it’s pertinent without it being a thing where people have to feel like they’re playing super glass cannons that have to go hard or go home.

Bringing him down to 850 means the online Akumas are going to play more raggo and less people play him in tournaments. Lose lose easy. Less top level exposure to the character which means Tokido gets more of a leg up with unfamiliarity of the character’s tools.


Lowering his health is probably the worst way to nerf Akuma. He stays just as oppressive for the people losing to him and people playing him will feel overly punished for making any mistake. Everyone would hate it.

Also don’t you basically already die for guessing wrong twice? Nerfing him 50HP would make no difference in a lot of situations no?


50 health starts to matter to a point that guts scaling can’t cover. He already has 900 stun as it is. 900 health means he has room to sacrifice V Trigger to V Reversal a last block string or normal and stay in the game. At 850 he’s probably already dead or at magic pixel before he can even V Reversal.

The good thing about SFV over IV is it gets away from these stupid ultra glass cannons that promote people playing overly risky because they don’t have the health to block or play patient in neutral for a good scenario. You want Akuma players online to do even more demon flips and dash up ex moves/raw HK tatsus? Bring his health down to 850.


Falke buffs are not hard predict, the only legit thing the character has are great anti airs.

X Kira playing people.


That’s the good part about it for him. If she gets buffs at all he can claim it and gets fans. Nothing to lose because she’s not that great to begin with.


But that’s the equivalent of us saying that nVidia’s next GPU will be more powerful then the current generation.

Does that make us tech experts ? Hardly.

People are just like sheep I suppose.


Yeah particularly social media sheep are easy power gains for these people.

He’s already gifted them godly things like Smash content and the possibility of another Marvel, so anything else is honey dripping.