SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

every character except Cody got into top 8 at least once

Look more for consistency.

Does Ken still have trouble with his hit confirms whiffing? Feel like Ken is in a pretty good spot now. Just probably some qol changes for him

No. Thatā€™s flavour.
Thatā€™s Capcom actually giving a damn and trying to show off personality through animations. Season 3 is so full of those flashy recovery animations because people liked that when they did the same thing with Abigail and Zeku, canā€™t blame them for doing something that worked well last time.

Iā€™ll agree that Sakura looks like a mess and sheā€™s probably the only character who moves better in IV rather than V, but everyone elseā€™s animations look at least decent to me. Even with Falke the problem is that sheā€™s purposefully animated to be less flashy than other characters (although they could have avoided making stHP look so goofy).

Codyā€™s stLK also looks weird, but it ends up being a very normal move for him.

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Falkeā€™s stiff animations actually add to her stoic personality.
I find them so very fitting.

Sakura could do with a small animation revamp, though. She is hyper, so she should be moving a lot more during her attacks.

Assuming other top tiers are also nerfed, what do you think should change with Akuma?

Personally I think they should leave everything as is and just put his health at 850.

Also the only way im playing Ryu in season 4 is if he gets his season 1 total frame count back on lp fireball. It would match Sagats low tigers.

He needs more than that but thats the buff thats critical imo

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One reason to nerf Akuma and it is legit IMO, is to make the other two shotos in the game viable and attractive in comparison.

Not really. Itā€™s been admitted by both PR Rog and Vesper that he isnā€™t very easy to use. Like he has some scrubby, easy things, but in order to play the character to his maximum potential it requires a lot more work than people let on about. Scrubby c.HP and demon flip fishing only goes so far. Like XSK Samurai shows the mileage you get playing him like an honest shoto and the average guy running around with him online isnā€™t going to get that kind of effect from Akuma.

I do believe that Akuma is akin to your Zatos and Morrigans where he can only be maximized by a select few, but those that have maximized him clearly show that he has the best toolset the game can offer. Not every top tier has a bandwagon because not every top tier is as easy to play as Cammy. Even Cammy Iā€™d say thereā€™s only 2 or 3 Cammys that have dive kick placement as good as the top 2 or 3.


We gonna have big changes to the actual meta for S4, I will wait to see these new mechanics and how they mesh with the rest of the game before calling for nerfs. I hope these things will give us more characters diversity at tournaments, itā€™s fun when the majority of the cast have a real chance to get the W. We gonna have top tiers anyway,but if the new mechanics requirements are more skill involved, Iā€™m good with it.

They would also need to add more buffs to Ryu and Ken. If you just removed Akuma from the game, Ryu and Ken would still have almost no one playing them in tournaments and would be similarly removed from CPT relevancy minus Chris T.

Donā€™t see that doing much except forcing Akuma to play more risky. AKA online Akumas will play more stupid as playing solid wonā€™t pay off with that little health. If youā€™re not a complete top level stone like Tokido youā€™ll lose and everyone else will just swing for the fences more. Everyone else high level will drop Akuma outside of Tokido. Does nothing good.


Then they need to add flavour to the actual attack as well. Yeah itā€™s nice that Cody looks around after landing forward throw during V-Trigger 2 but the throw itself looks like shit.

Also I actually like Falkeā€™s animations with the exception of st.HP and possibly the last hit of her CA. As some have pointed out it fits her character and thereā€™s nothing about her moves that look ā€˜cut offā€™.

Anyway, whatever. Letā€™s hope for nice stuff in S4.

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Akuma isnā€™t broken, but heā€™s a pure top tier character. He donā€™t make any difference if you arenā€™t that good at the game, but he starts to make some noise at an intermediate level going up. I mean, playing Ryu 100% isnā€™t like doing the same with the Demon, thereā€™s no need to suffer. Outside being good in general he has a game changing VT and if you play an Akuma player good as you are thereā€™s an high possibility youā€™re going to lose. S2.5 VTC nerf makes him stronger than he was making most of the cast weaker in that area, creating an even field for VTs in general will make the top tiers more easy to manage.

I personally play characters that do well vs Akuma and have dealt with Akuma in enough games where as long as the game isnā€™t lagging to shit they have to be clearly better than me to really beat me often. Same skill level Iā€™ll go back and forth or win the set. I lose more to Rog than I do to Akuma at this point. Fireball VTC is less scary than EX low VTC IMO.

I really donā€™t care about S3 characters animations, but Cody st.LK is awkward to watch. I donā€™t even start talking about the goodness of that button range when coupled with special cancel ability, I didnā€™t imagine to do that with Karin st.MK not even in my wet dreams.

Iā€™ve always enjoyed battling Akuma in previous titles, but this time he looks annoying af. I think because in SFV the group of characters able to fight him is smaller than before. Never chosen a character because of him, ainā€™t gonna do now. Capcom know what to do next month, I just need the proper weapon of mass destruction to be a bully again, so Iā€™m ok.

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Nice stuff is coming


V-ism and grapplers were a thing of beauty on SFA3.



Hmmmā€¦not sure about that. I think certain people just play characters that Akumaā€™s air game has particularly strong angles versus. If I were to list the characters that I think can fight Akuma pretty decentlyā€¦

Gief, Sim, Rashid, Birdie (think he wins slightly), Cammy, Bison, Guile, Ibuki, Rog, Juri, Urien, Kolin, Menat + everyone in S3 except for Sakura. One thing S3 DLC has going for it is itā€™s almost all characters that provide good angles of attack and defense vs Akumaā€™s air game and/or outrange him neutrally on ground. Akumaā€™s toolset gives him a better matchup spread than a good amount of those characters, but a lot of characters can fight/win vs Akuma.

Thatā€™s more than half the cast that does decently vs him. Donā€™t think thatā€™s too much better or worse than who could do well vs him in IV and by Ultra he was slowing down as a tournament character as E.Ryu took over any way.

Iā€™d argue thereā€™s less characters that can fight Guile or Menat than Akuma.


If this type of garbage is coming to SFV then it better be a separare game mode like Omega was in SF4.