SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

When it comes to animation I think Karin’s forward throw and Chunli’s back throw are the most awkward, same with Akuma’s forward throw. I think these are actually really important and the only effort it takes is just timing the opponent’s flight more fluidly.

After the beta in 2016 they added a screen shake effect to Vega’s command throw upon landing, so while the animations didn’t change it still resulted in the animation looking better.

Speaking of throws, I’d like to see Cammy’s forward throw changed to a leg sweep throw like Scoprion in MK2, or El Fuerte’s SF4 ultra 2. I’m sick of her climbing on my shoulders and snapping my neck with all of her teenage girly might, usually twice in succession in the corner, sometimes thrice, other times four or more :roll_eyes:

The prolem is that a lot of other characters feels neutered, I’m pretty sure a lot of people would trade those 50-100 health points for all the top tier goodness that comes with it, I would


Keep gems out of my game, please.

The funny thing is the health isn’t even like a big thing anymore. His health is effectively as low as at least 2 other characters in the game. The only real hit value he has that’s weaker than other characters is he’s the only character with 900 stun. Meaning he gets stunned ever so slightly faster than everyone else. Cammy used to also share the 900 stun thing with him, but then they figured she wasn’t cheap enough to have 900 stun so they bumped her to 950.

It is true that everyone in top 5 has no higher than 950 health, so it still does hold true that having a bunch of health usually entails being restricted in toolset compared to those lower. Just been that way in fighting games for a long time. You don’t wanna have big health unless you have some outlier tools like Bison, Birdie or Abigail that make up for it.

They need to give his ex demon flip a bigger hurtbox especially when he hits the ground. It’s difficult to punish the move, I get hit out of my lows way too often.
Also increase the landing recovery on his air fireballs. Make his crouching mk -2 ob and buff his crouching LP range instead. Increase blockstun on st mk.

It’s strange how you want to nerf things that are not that important.
As for the EX DF, it is a lot easier to hit Akuma out of it after the input lag changes.
One thing that I would change is how the move works on it’s startup. I won so many games by hitting people on the way up. And every time I feel like I’ve cheated.

50 stun difference is a lot in this game. Lower Cammy’s stun to 925, maybe nerf her corner throw game (together with other characters like that) and she is fine. Strong, but fine.

There’s not fluidity and/or impact to a lot of moves.To make it worse there’s usually a bunch of useless animation that plays out if you whiff a button and don’t do anything afterwards. Blanka for example does a ton of stuff after everything but you never see it because nobody will just stand around and wait for the animation to play. That’s just wasted time and money. They should instead make the actual hitting portion of the move look good and feel impactful. And also get rid of moves like Sakura’s cr.LK, Cody’s st.LK, etc.

The post normal/idle animations are seen most often if you kill somebody with them. It’s like getting a bunch of extra win poses or taunts after killing the opponent.

Health just isn’t a great balancing factor in most cases. It matters, but toolset is usually way, waaaay bigger of a factor that health. It really only matters if it means the opponent needs to get one more solid conversion to kill you compared to other characters, and it’s pretty rare for even a 10% health difference to make that happen.


Yeah, I don’t know if that’s worth sacrificing the actual fighting animations though.

Personally I think the animations for S3 are pretty solid minus some of the s.LK stuff and some of Falke’s stuff. I think Falke would have ended up looking “stiff” even with more time on her because she’s not really meant to be this Kilik style throw the staff all over the place character. Story wise she lived a very secluded life and never really would have anything past a very cold personality. I think people want her to be fun and flashy because every blonde bombshell character has to be that way, but her weapon is more akin IMO to like a bayonet rifle and her story doesn’t really promote her being bubbly or very active in her motions. Like with more time on her her staff might work with her body a bit better, but she’d still be pretty stiff and militant regardless.

G, Cody, Blanka and Sagat are pretty solid and don’t really see them too much better or worse than other seasons minus a couple of Cody’s light buttons.


Is akuma even as strong as people say he is? Is anyone really even doing work with him in tournaments besides literally one of the best players in the world

Should characters be balanced based on what the top 0.25% can squeeze out of them or based on what the average player does ?

Who is this game targeting ?

Cammy has yet to win a major right? We should buff her and nerf Juri since she has won more events

I feel like this game is at a point where you leave the high/top tier alone and just bring up the bottom to tournament viable, but capcom would never do that lol

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But what is needed ?

Adding more bullshit to the game or trying to remove it ?

Ease down on overtuned or overtune the normal/undertuned ?

Can Sakura just get a faster sweep, faster tatsu startup and better oki off hp. Srk? It’s all I want Capcom.

Edit: b. Hp -4 on block too please.

CJ Truth used Cammy to beat Tokido at Redbull this weekend

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Just look at the characters that you never really see in top 16 and figure out a tool that fits their playstyle that would help them compete in the meta.

Give Ken and Ed their throw loops back